arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Overview War crimes complaint Franks
by christophe Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 1:11 AM

Overview War crimes complaint Franks



Ce matin, Jan Fermon a déposé plainte au nom de 19 irakiens contre le général Tommy Franks qui a dirigé les opérations en Irak. Lire plus:
Les crimes de guerre de l'armée américaine en Irak resteront-ils impunis? by fico
Le général américain Tommy Franks accusé de crimes de guerre devant un tribunal bruxellois by Peter Franssen

Immédiatement après que la nouvelle a été transmise, un haut fonctionnaire américain demeuré anonyme a menacé: «La Belgique va en subir les conséquences diplomatiques.» Lire plus:
Plainte contre le général Tommy Franks: Washington fulmine contre l’avocat Jan Fermon by Peter Franssens
Procès contre le général Franks à Bruxelles
by StopUSA


Woensdagmorgen heeft de advocaat Jan Fermon generaal Tommy Franks, de bevelhebber van de Amerikaanse troepen in Irak, en andere Amerikaanse officier, Brian McCoy voor de rechter gedaagd. Lees verder:
Politieke beroering rond aanklacht tegen Tommy Franks by christophe callewaert

Opmerkelijke gast op de persconferentie rond de aanklacht tegen generaal Franks was Dyab Abou Jahjah. Hij stelde als mede-initiatiefnemer van Stopusa een internationale oproep op. De eerste grote namen die de oproep ondertekenden zijn Gretta Duisenberg, oud-VS-minister Ramsey Clark en oud-president van Algerije Ahmed Ben Bella. Lees verder:
Dyab Abou Jahjah: "Het Iraaks verzet zal de enige ware rechtbank zijn" by christophe callewaert


Verschillende media waren er vanochtend snel bij om de klacht tegen generaal Franks weinig kans toe te dichten. De Morgen zette het zelfs in grote letters boven het betreffende artikel. Maar is dat wel zo? Lees verder.
Maakt de aanklacht tegen generaal Franks enige kans? by christophe callewaert

Proces tegen Generaal Franks in Brussel by StopUSA

BBC bevestigt aanklacht generaal Franks by Peter Franssen

Photoreport Brussels | Court case against General Franks in Brussels by Salim Hellalet


Court case against General Franks in Brussels by STOPUSA


Texte complet de la plainte contre Franks


[Facts file complaint Franks] Pictures #1 : Ambulance under American fire

[Facts file complaint Franks] Pictures #2 : plaintives
[Facts file complaint Franks] Pictures # 3 : destruction of civilian infrastructure
[Facts file complaint Franks] Pictures # 4 : Protection and organisation of Looting
[Facts file complaint Franks] Pictures # 5 : the use of cluster bombs

[Facts file complaint Franks] The use of cluster bombs
[Facts file complaint Franks] Destruction to infrastructure that's vital for public health
[Facts file complaint Franks] Protection and organisation of Looting
[Facts file complaint Franks] Civilian casualties

[Facts file complaint Franks] video of the testimonies by Geert Van Moorter, Fred & fico


[video] The reality of iraqi children's by Geert van Moorter & fico May 03, 2003
[video] An Iraqi ambulance under fire by Geert Van Moorter & fico 2003-05-03
[video] Geert Van Moorter : "ze schieten op de ziekenwagens" filmed by Geert Van Moorter & edited by fico April 17
[video] American soldiers shoot a civilian bus in Iraq by Geert Van Moorter & fico 2003-05-03
[video] Plundering hospital filmed by Geert Van Moorter, edited by Chloé & fico April 24
[video] American's are like a baby by Geert Van Moorter, chloé & fico 2003-04-29
[video] The feeling of an iraqi doctor by Geert Van Moorter & fico 2003-05-03
[video] Belgian doctors in Bagdad filmed by Geert Van Moorter & Harry Dewitte Edited by Chloé & Fico April 18
[video] We will build it again...and again...and again filmed by Geert Van Moorter, edited by fico & Chloé April 24
[video] La voix des enfants de Charleroi à Bagdad by Huito & Fico 2003-04-30

Zelfs op BBC
by postman Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 10:21 AM

Zelfs op BBC was de klacht een belangrijk item:

En op CNN
by postman Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 10:23 AM

Ook op CNN

klein overzicht klacht in buitenlandse pers
by Guido Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 1:46 PM

"A left-wing candidate in Belgium's parliamentary elections lodged a war
crimes complaint yesterday against General Tommy R. Franks"

Dit en nog veel meer op:

uit DS
by Koekske Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 5:12 PM

",,We verwachten van de Belgische regering dat ze de nodige maatregelen neemt om de klacht te verwerpen'', aldus Philip Reeker, een woordvoerder van het VS-ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Reeker noemde de klacht ,,grotesk''. ,,De beschuldigingen verdienen slechts minachting en behoeven geen commentaar'', luidde het nog."

NATO out of Brussels, why not?
by Ben Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 9:05 PM

Big brother already threatened Belgium as if it were a naughty little brother.
Which is typical for the US style: if you do this then I will do that...
Remember that Belgium is larger than Israel, and that 'small' countries can have big influence, a bit like a small nucleous in a big cell.
But even, what if Bush really withdraws 'HIS' NATO out of Brussels? Isn't that even better? It gives us more independency and freedom to act for the future.
And facilities come free to host the European Armed Forces Head Quarter for a secure European future.
In the same stroke also the foreign nuclear heads of Kleinen Brogel can be whiped out of the country...

by protesta Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 9:14 PM

You're right, ben, let's throw out these americans bombs and militairs to put in place a big european army. So we will be able to rule the entire world as we want, with a lot of massive destruction weapons, a military service for all young from 15 till 30... Why only americans can use terror in the third world and not us, europeans ? Our traditional democratic values are really better than them, we exported it in the past in Indochine, in Rwanda, Algeria, Maroc, etc...

nog reacties
by postman Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 10:21 AM

(De Standaard OnLine, 16 mei 2003, van ons aller geliefde Mia Doornaert)

De Belgische regering probeert de zaak te minimaliseren, maar de relaties zijn erg gehavend. ,,Is België nog een bondgenoot van de VS ?'', vroeg gisteren de titel van een scherp commentaar in de Europese Wall Street Journal. En volgens welingelichte bronnen drukt dat de stemming in Washington goed uit. ,,De Belgische regering moet erover waken dat ze stappen doet om misbruik van haar juridisch systeem voor politieke doeleinden te voorkomen'', zei Philip Reeker, de adjunct-woordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

Een Navo-ambtenaar bevestigde dat de Amerikaanse ambassadeur gewaarschuwd heeft dat ,,België erom bezorgd moet zijn dat het een adequaat gastland blijft voor internationale organisaties''.

Premier Guy Verhofstadt noemt de klacht in een gesprek met Het Nieuwsblad een ,,misbruik voor politieke doeleinden'' van de zogenaamde genocidewet. Maar de regering is niet bereid tot de snelle actie die de wet toelaat, en die de VS verwachtten na mondelinge geruststellingen van de premier.

Schitterend hoe én de Amerikanen én de regering met hun rug tegen de muur gezet worden

Verzet kan soms mooi zijn, niet?

Amnesty: Coalitietroepen folterden Iraakse soldaten en burgers
by Geert Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 3:45 PM

Op de website van Belga staat nu ook een bericht dat er volgens Amnesty International de coalitietroepen zich schuldig gemaakt hebben aan het folteren van Iraakse soldaten en burgers.

ook op deze site
by Guido Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 3:47 PM

ook al op deze site:

Mistoestanden in Irak.

Alleen cleane organisaties welkom in België
by Ben Tuesday, May. 20, 2003 at 3:00 PM

"Een Navo-ambtenaar bevestigde dat de Amerikaanse ambassadeur gewaarschuwd heeft dat 'België erom bezorgd moet zijn dat het een adequaat gastland blijft voor internationale organisaties'".

Voor zover we weten had de oorlog van de VS tegen Irak niets met NATO te maken. Sterker nog, de NATO leden waren het sterk oneens over de inzet van NATO middelen voor deze illegale aggresie oorlog...

België is en blijft bezorgd dat het een adequaat gastland blijft voor rechtvaardige organisaties die de universele rechten van de mens met woord én daad respecteren. Op termijn is het dat wat loont. Zij die dat anders zien horen hier eigenlijk niet thuis, evenmin als in elk ander land dat het charter ondersteunt.

Voor zover we weten steunt NATO het charter ook, onder andere om die reden wou NATO niet het recht in eigen hand nemen tegen UNO zoals enkele lidstaten wel hebben gedaan. We weten nu wie ze zijn, en zullen dat niet vergeten...

by ben Friday, May. 23, 2003 at 5:01 PM

This website is highly biased. For example, the allegations on using cluster bombs: the vast majority of it is about the horrors of those weapons; only the last page was dedicated to actual estimates of what damage those bombs actually did - and half of that page was still continuing the woes of how terrible a weapon cluster bombs are. A lot of hype, not a lot of direct information.

And on civilian casualites: quite a few of the civilian deaths happened when Iraqi troops deliberately used civilians as shields. That article really tended to gloss over this little tidbit, essentially saying that troops should have been clairvoyant and seen which civilian viehicles (for example) held Iraqi troops and which didn't. This is an attempt by some European politicians to hamstring the U.S.'s ability to make war. Heaven forbid we have a U.N. operation where the U.S. doesn't have a disproportionate military responsiblity.

goed bezig ben
by raoul Friday, May. 23, 2003 at 6:00 PM

"And on civilian casualites: quite a few of the civilian deaths happened when Iraqi troops deliberately used civilians as shields. "

OOoh, well in that case!! then it's all ok! you seem to missing the point about this murderous invasion army slaughtering whomever/whenever/wherever they deem necessary.

And ignore whatever international agreements made since world war 1 and 2 to keep ludicracy like from happening again. use WMD's to brutalise the cradle of civilization with the pretext of secure your oil. oh no I meant to find their WMD, wich ones!? What will happen when none will be found? Or what will happen when they will find them, why weren't they used? oh, the humanity? evil!

i bet you those thousands of dead iraqies (we will never now how many were murdered since the invasion army already said themselves they aren't going to count) are really gratefull.

shooting ambulances!! yeah right, neat! nice!

Lack of maturity to run the World
by Ben Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 5:03 PM

The problem with the US is that it is ran by a mini-minority of elected (by a minority of voters), who happen to control the economical and energetic resources of the country, and who believe they can just the same run an entire world like that. If people are sitting in the way, because they are living on the soils where resources are hidden, and they don't speak your language, just kill them. If politicians of other countries who also speek your language make you understand that every educated citizen objects to your primitive old century behaviour of pre-meditated war acts, just find some excuse to make them shut up. Bomb all those who do not agree with your hidden 'ubermensch' proclamation. Because you know best, because you are the most evolved of humantiy, since you have the largest numbers of guns.

But the world is not an oil company or an arms factory. And if it was it would not have existed much longer than 10 years or so.

The problem with policemen is that they were allowed to borrow the power from the people, but not necessarily do share their common sense or human maturity. The problem with nations proclaiming themselves policemen of the world is exactly the same, as history has proven repeatedly, but on a larger scale, if there is no mature international institute to guide them.
But if there is such an institute (UN) and yet they put themselves on top of that and of the other nations, instead of help strengthening it, then this is called an ordinary coup d'état, be it almost on world scale.

Come down from your self built pedestal, before you will tumble down and drop to pieces. Swallow your false pride, your false fears, that you continue projecting on your environment through media and by all means, and join the human race. You are welcome, if you please leave your dangerous weapons behind. They don't suit you, and are not as convincing as might seem, after all.