arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Mistoestanden in Irak.
by Guido Friday May 16, 2003 at 04:33 PM

"In one case we are talking about electric shocks being used against a man and in others people are being beaten for the whole night and are still being kicked and their teeth broken, I think you would call that torture."

Amerikaanse en Britse soldaten zouden Irakese krijgsgevangen gemarteld hebben.

Onder andere burgers die gevangen genomen waren.

Een ondervrager van Amnesty International zegt dat hij tenminste 20 ex-gevangenen ondervroeg dat ze geslagen werden tijdens hun gevangenschap.

"Researcher Said Boumedouha said at least one man said he had received electro-shock torture."

"Mr Boumedouha estimated up to half of the 20 people he interviewed were civilians and the rest military."

"He said: "In one case we are talking about electric shocks being used against a man and in others people are being beaten for the whole night and are still being kicked and their teeth broken, I think you would call that torture."