arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Bush, war, crimes : images, messages
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

Some placards, banners suggestions for the forthcoming protests again Bush and his war of terror.

Bush, war, crimes : ...
iraq-tsunami.gif, image/gif, 400x180

- The "Stop Bush Now" banner is available in JPG 3248x1490 here: Iraq Tsunami

- More images, fact sheets: War on Terrorism: Depicting a source of the highest threats to the world

- 20 Feb. 2005, Bush is not welcome in Brussels: Brussells Tribunal

- 21, 22 Feb. 2005, Bush is not welcome in Brussels: Boycott Bush

- Bush not welcome: Indymedia que fait Indymedia?, wat doet Indymedia?, [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] ...

- 19, 20 Mar. 2005: ENOUGH! No more lies, no more war crimes!

No Complicity in War Crimes 1
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

No Complicity in War...
nowarcomplicity11.png, image/png, 400x150

Template to build stickers, posters, ...
Transparent for clear background
(suggestion: the flag of your country, the logo of your company, the UN logo, one of the devastated scenery in Iraq, ...)

No Complicity in War Crimes 2
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

No Complicity in War...
nowarcomplicity21.png, image/png, 400x150

Transparent for dark background

No Complicity in War Crimes 3
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

No Complicity in War...
nowarcomplicity31.png, image/png, 400x150

Transparent for other background

No European Complicity in War Crimes
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

No European Complici...
noeucomplicity.png, image/png, 400x267

Here is an example usage of the above templates.

by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

Bush LIES...
nowar9b.png, image/png, 400x250

Bush lies! ...and it's not about preserving the privacy of his sexual games.
This banner is also available in higher size on the "War on Terrorism..." page (link above or below)

WE, THE PEOPLE, want justice...
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

WE, THE PEOPLE, want...
nowar28b.jpg, image/jpeg, 750x600

How could we condemn 9/11 and just faint to ignore the war of aggression on Iraq ?
More on this web page:

Bush and Abu Ghraib
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

Bush and Abu Ghraib...
nowar32b.png, image/png, 700x700

Bush said the USA is committed to the elimination of torture...

Jesus made Bush do it
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

Jesus made Bush do i...
bush-vs-jesus.png, image/png, 630x860

Suggestion: Make this one a Christmas postcard and mail it to the emperor.

Enough! No more war
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:24 PM

Enough! No more war...
nowar33.png, image/png, 340x500

Build to annouce the anti-war protests around the world, you can also substitute your slogan on the bottom of the image.

More: Bush Wanted !
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:49 PM

More: Bush Wanted !...
nowar27b.jpg, image/jpeg, 1024x768

Bush: wanted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

More: Wanted for terrorism
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 at 10:56 PM

More: Wanted for ter...
nowar30.png, image/png, 370x250

Stickers: "WARNING: theses men are using terror methods..."

Belgium Complicity
by Image by François B. (posted by AmigaPhil) Wednesday, Mar. 02, 2005 at 8:14 AM

Belgium Complicity...
belgiumcomplicity.jpg, image/jpeg, 160x240

Après avoir refusé (du moins devant les média, cf. eg. Elio Di Rupo interviewé lors de la manifestation du 15 mars 2003) puis autorisé le transport de matériel militaire US à destination de l'Irak via le port d'Anvers, prétextant un accord secret datant de 1971 entre la Belgique et les Etats-Unis;
Après avoir enterré en urgence la loi dite 'de compétence universelle' pour ne pas froisser notre puissant ami ("La délocalisation de l'OTAN serait une catastrophe économique pour Mons et pour le pays") en examinant les charges de crimes de guerre à son encontre (l'opinion publique, endormie par un pipeau diplomatique sur un air de "C'est un abus, une instrumentalisation de la loi", ne remarquera pas le pied-de-nez aux Conventions de Genève signées et ratifiées par la Belgique);
La Fabrique Nationale (FN) belge signe un contrat avec l'armée US pour la vente de fusils-mitrailleurs. ("Mais la fabrication et la vente d'armes n'est paaaas immorale" - Louis Michel, à propos de la vente d'armes au Népal);
Le tapis rouge est déroulé pour Bush à Bruxelles: "Il faut tirer un trait sur nos divergences du passé". Oublions donc aussi les massacres en Afghanistan et les 100.000+ victimes de la domestication à l'américaine de l'Irak. (Et puis Bush est quand même plus riche que Millosevic...)

La Belgique est un petit pays couard et soumis qui a bien compris les leçons du modèle ultra-libéral que l'Oncle Sam répand: L'Argent n'a pas d'odeur, l'Homme est une commodité.
Dans le Nouvel Ordre Mondial, le Profit vient avant l'Homme.

How many civilians have they killed ?
by AmigaPhil Sunday, May. 22, 2005 at 5:52 AM

Hussein, Bush, Blair... Who killed more civilians ?

Dare to compare ?

Geneva Conventions ?
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Jun. 30, 2005 at 5:27 AM

Geneva Conventions ?...
nowar11b.jpglis7tf.jpg, image/jpeg, 730x435

"It's something that the United States does not do" - Donald Rumsfeld

(Link to this page : Bush, War, Crimes : Images, Messages.)

Bush LIES (higher resolution)
by AmigaPhil Thursday, Jun. 30, 2005 at 4:50 PM

Bush LIES (higher re...
bushlies.png, image/png, 800x500

The "NO WAR on USA" site is now closed. So here is a higher version of the above "Bush LIES" poster.

Save the world - IMPEACH BUSH NOW !

No United Nations complicity with US war crimes
by AmigaPhil Friday, Jul. 01, 2005 at 12:35 AM

No United Nations co...
un-crimes.png, image/png, 400x267

No complicity with Bush' war crimes (UN version)

Looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction ?
by AmigaPhil Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 12:07 AM

Looking for Weapons ...
weapons_of_mass_destruction.jpg, image/jpeg, 1024x768


The USA produce, stockpile, and USE weapons of mass destruction.