arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

[Overview] Iraq : Mediawatching
by guido, lize, annick & lien Wednesday March 26, 2003 at 07:09 PM

Overview Irak : daily updated mediawatching

[NL] Mediawatch (updated 4/4) | [FR] Mediawatch (updated 4/4) | [EN] Mediawatch (updated 4/4) | [NL] [FR] Oligopolistan | Actions

[NL] Mediawatch

Oorlog is de slechtste voorwaarde voor een kritische, onafhankelijke en waarheidsgetrouwe verslaggeving. Via mechanismen van rechtstreekse en onrechtstreekse censuur staan de mainstream media zwaar onder druk van de heersende economische en politieke elites. Terwijl de bommen vallen op Irak worden we in het Westen bestookt met propaganda.

Belgische kranten en TV-journaals

Saddam zet journalisten van Al Jazeera uit het land by Jan D.
Geen nieuws: 22 doden in een landelijk Irakees dorp by jan
Israel haalt BBC-World van de kabel by tt
Irak-Mediawatch 30: De Morgen kiest kant, oorlog blijft 'beeldproper' by jpe

9 seconden ! VRT-journalisten, dit is een oorlog, toon de slachtoffers by JP Everaerts
Irak-mediawatch 29: Slag om Bagdad begonnen ? 4 zenders, 4 x andere kijk
by jpe

'Un-embedded' journalisten in Irak mishandeld door invasietroepen. by lize & guido
RadioContact, Playboy en Che Guevara by ma'c
Bush: de woorden en de beelden by christophe callewaert
Censuur en manipulatie door media en politiek by Rob Beuker
De Morgen partner van Coca-Cola by seneca

amerikaanse oorlogspropaganda by Jaap Slui
Irak-Mediawatch 28: VRT/RTBF-journaals +Pano: Willen VS Saddam wel weg by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 27: 7de Dag + VRT-middagjournaal: oorlog valt 'stil' ? by jpe
Ongezouten informatie uit Irak by Edith
Irak-Mediawatch 26: VRT/VTM/RTBF-avondjournaals: Vietnamisatie conflict by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 25: Oorlog in mijn dorp, oorlogsmist in Belgische kranten by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 24: Indochina-débâcle in Arabisch/Turks/Koerdisch kluwen? by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 23: VRT / "Iraq for the Iraqi's" by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 22: kranten: CIA loog; makkie ?, 2.000 apen, oorlogsmoe? by jpe
Oorlog/ Voor VRT-radio al tweederangsnieuws by raf

Irak-Mediawatch 21: Soldaten en vrouwenrechten: het lijkt meestal te vechten by jpe

Irak-Mediawatch 20: Tom Naegels (DS): "ik voel me niet thuis in vredesbewing" by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 19: La Libre tegen betogingen; Standaard tegen 'gijzeling' VS by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 18: VRT: Britse PRflop: No, no Bush, good, good Saddam by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 17: Basra: La Libre en Standaard schieten cover-kemel
by jpe

Irak-Mediawatch 16: VRT: "Al Jazeera: geen opstand in Basra" by jp everaerts
Irak-Mediawatch 15: CNN, VRT, VTM, RTBF, BBC World: opstand in Basra ?
by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 14: pers over Oscar, Stalin, Apaches en Saddam by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 13: VRT versus BBC ('His masters voice')
by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 12:pers over 'Vietnamisatie' & betoging 21/3 by jpe
Geloven de journalisten en specialisten zichzelf nog?? by Han Soete
Irak-Mediawatch 10: RTBF/VRT: berichtgeving kantelt (+comeback Al Jazeera)
by jp everaerts

Anti-USA-betoging / Tendentieuze montage VTM by raf
Irak-Mediawatch 9: 8 Belgische kranten 22/3: Genuanceerd en objectief by by jp everaerts
Irak-Mediawatch 8: VRT manipuleert, VTM criminaliseert vredesbetoging by jpe
Irak-Mediawatch 7: VRT/VTM/RTBF: bewust gevaar Amerikaanse/Iraakse manipulatie by jpe

Irak-Mediawatch 6 : middagjournaal VRT: slachtoffers en schuilkelders by jan-pieter everaerts
Irak-Mediawatch 5: ochtend-VRT: Verhofstadt voor nieuwe bewapeningswedloop by jp everaerts
Oproep aan de VRT-televisie-journalisten: toon de Iraakse slachtoffers by Jan-Pieter Everaerts & Mina Addah
Irak-Mediawatch 4:avondjournaals TV1/RTBF/VTM: "eindelijk slachtoffers" by jp everaerts
Irak-Mediawacth 3 (21/3): 'kwaliteitspers' / VRT censureert Iraakse slachtoffers by jan-pieter everaerts
De oorlog in Irak en de oogschaduw van Wim Devilder by christophe callewaert
Irak-Mediawatch 2: avondjournaals VRT/VTM/RTBF - Bush lacht ermee by jan-pieter everaerts
Irak-Mediawatch 1 : veel officiële standpunten + 'duim-nieuws'
by jp everaerts
Westerse (& Belgische) media weg uit Irak, RTBF blijft sterk aanwezig in regio by jpe
W.O. II of Irak: business as usual- Jacques Pauwels doorprikt mythe goede oorlog by jp everaerts

lees meer >
[ media en oorlog ]

Buitenlandse zenders


We don't want your fucking war!': verslag vanuit Engelse straten + tv-media by Stijn Oosterlynck
RAI : toezichtscommissie ingeroepen tegen eenzijdige berichtgeving by lize

[FR] Mediawatch

La guerre, ça n'encourage pas les rapports critiques, indépendants et réalistes.Grace à des mécanismes de censure, directe où indirecte, les média mainstreams sont sous le controle des élites gouvernmentales et économiques. Pendant que les bombes tombent sur l'Iraq, l'Occident est harcelé de propagande.
Big Brother :Preuve de la montée de l'antisémitisme en France ! by Pnina

Les Irakiens sont un peuple malade nous sommes la chimiotherapie by media watch

La propagande des assassins encore une fois démasquée! by Ecoeuré
MTV Europe bannit les clips anti-guerre by Yvos

Mensonges de guerre (suite écrite le 26 mars) by do
« Pourquoi ai-je manifesté contre une guerre si juste? Snif... »
by Tiko
Mensonge de guerre by do

Appel aux journalistes de télévision RTBF: parlez-nous des victimes irakiennes by jp everaerts & mina addah

lire plus >[ propagande et guerre ]

[EN] Mediawatch


Arrogant Propaganda by PauL de Rooij(posted by Guido)
FAIR: U.S. Media Applaud Bombing of Iraqi TV by (posted by jpe)
BBC complains of Pentagon lies by Julie Hyland

who is responsible for the killings in Bagdad
by Propagande on the BBC
Civilian Casualties, Censorship and Patriotism
by Medialens

[NL] [FR] Oligopolistan

[NL] Vijf concerns domineren de muziekbiz. Zes media-groepen controleren de kranten- en televisie-industrie. En aan de top van Oligopolistan: een paar duizend beheerders die ook in staat en politiek de lakens uitdelen. Die analyse blijkt uit het nieuwe boek van Geoffrey Geuens. Een interview met de Luikse onderzoeker. Aangevuld met steekkaarten, van messenslijper Murdoch tot "steel magnolia" Charlotte Beers, Bush's eigen Leni Riefenstahl

Oligopolistan / Media en multinationals vallen samen by Raf
Oligopolistan / Murdoch, van stakingsbreker tot anti-pacifist by Raf
Oligopolistan / Geestesindustrie in oorlog tegen Irak by Raf
Oligopolistan / Muziek met een muilkorf by Raf
Oligopolistan / Boek Geuens gidst door wereldkapitaal by Raf
CNN: de oorlog als hyperrealiteit by Jan D

[FR] Cinq groupes dominent le marché de la musique. Six groupes-medias contrôlent l'industrie de la presse et de la télé. Au sommet d'Oligopolistan: quelques milliers d'administrateurs qui dirigent également états et politique. C'est l'analyse que démontre le nouveau livre de Geoffrey Geuens. Interview avec le chercheur Liégeois, accompagné d'illustrations. Du réactionnair Murdoch jusqu'à la "Leni Riefenstahl" de George W. Bush

Oligopolistan / Geoffrey Geuens: "il y a collusion entre état et capital" by Raf

[NL | FR | EN] Actions

Slow down corporate news-sites
This is a e-protest page
against the war in Iraq. It floods slowly the homepage
Show your "support" for corporate media by continuously monitoring their websites for anti-war coverage. See them get all excited as their hit counts soar. They'll be so pleased (if their servers can keep up) and so will you, knowing you are doing your patriotic share to "help" the war effort and show your loyalty by always being there for them.

feat pic
by lize Thursday March 27, 2003 at 08:02 AM

feat pic...
guernica_picassovoaoo4.jpg, image/jpeg, 250x109

feat pic

Missile landed in Turkey + Turkish news
by P.I. Hublou Sunday March 30, 2003 at 05:37 AM

video: AVI at 566.0 kibibytes

March 29, 2003 TRT ()

A US-missile went 'astray' and landed 500 meters from inhabited houses in Turkish village. The villages attack the cars that appear when the Americans come to fetch the remains of the missile.

It might be - just as happened (with more harm done)in Syria and Iran - this was a warning for Turkey not to oppose US-hegemony.

Broadcasted on a slightly more Islamic-friendly channel from Turkey other immages and news came up.
This was relayed to me by people who are fluent with Turkish.

A video repport showing AU/UK troopers searching through the clothes of refugees was cut short on the French TV. The part where a male trooper searches a female refugee was cut.

Also it was relayed the US/UK troops on purpose destroyed food supply. This likely to make the refugees more dependent on them. This story came also from Turkish sources.

Scenes of invaders agressively smaching doors, dragging out the civil inhabitants and handcuffing them while forcing them to kneel down faced to a wall were only shown on the "Islamical friendly" TV channel from Turkey.

560MB compressed video -> 9" of action
(Comments are in French)


(*) TRT = Turkish television International

Correction: uploaded file size: 566 Kilobytes
by P.I. Hublou Sunday March 30, 2003 at 10:38 AM

The video file uploaded with the submission "Missile landed in Turkey + Turkish news" is significantly smaller as mentioned. The actual size is 566 kilobytes. so, hardly half a megabyte.

It was too early in the morning when the file as uploaded. Weariness doesn't have a good influence on accuracy.
Hopefully by now the US/UK soldiers are worn out...

Call for Action towards Muslims (March 28)
by P.I. Hublou Monday March 31, 2003 at 01:01 AM

(article 1)

video: AVI at 1.9 mebibytes

Attached a few video files covering the news about the war against the Iraqi people, Friday 28 March, 2003.

1./ Imaam in Bagdad during Friday prayer (kutba) urging
the Muslims to fight US/UK invasion.
1.920kb (1.92MB) 32 sec.

Read also:
Ruling of Al-Azhar Grand Imam on defending Iraq against US

2./ Imaam in Aman (Jordania)giving kutba + demonstration and state oppression
7.842kb (7,84MB) 2 min. 16 sec.

3./ Sports in (not really yet) besieged Bagdad. Support for Saddam.
2.792kb (2,79MB) 48 sec.

4./ A hospital in Um Kasser (Iraq) after the UK/US invaders attacked the city: wounded were not treated well. No support for Saddam.
5.322kb (5,32MB) 1 min. 34 sec.

5./ Demonstrations in the muslim world
2.932kb (2,93MB) 41 sec.

More video material recently uploaded:
-> Search
under my name: P.I. Hublou

A quick selection:
War is over - If ou want it -
John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Missile in Turkey

Call for Action towards Muslims (March 28)
by P.I. Hublou Monday March 31, 2003 at 01:02 AM

(article 2)

video: AVI at 7.7 mebibytes

Attached a few video files covering the news about the war against the Iraqi people, Friday 28 March, 2003.

1./ Imaam in Bagdad during Friday prayer (kutba) urging
the Muslims to fight US/UK invasion.
1.920kb (1.92MB) 32 sec.

Read also:
Ruling of Al-Azhar Grand Imam on defending Iraq against US

2./ Imaam in Aman (Jordania)giving kutba + demonstration and state oppression
7.842kb (7,84MB) 2 min. 16 sec.

3./ Sports in (not really yet) besieged Bagdad. Support for Saddam.
2.792kb (2,79MB) 48 sec.

4./ A hospital in Um Kasser (Iraq) after the UK/US invaders attacked the city: wounded were not treated well. No support for Saddam.
5.322kb (5,32MB) 1 min. 34 sec.

5./ Demonstrations in the muslim world
2.932kb (2,93MB) 41 sec.

More video material recently uploaded:
-> Search
under my name: P.I. Hublou

A quick selection:
War is over - If ou want it -
John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Missile in Turkey

Call for Action towards Muslims (March 28)
by P.I. Hublou Monday March 31, 2003 at 01:02 AM

(article 3)

video: AVI at 2.7 mebibytes

Attached a few video files covering the news about the war against the Iraqi people, Friday 28 March, 2003.

1./ Imaam in Bagdad during Friday prayer (kutba) urging
the Muslims to fight US/UK invasion.
1.920kb (1.92MB) 32 sec.

Read also:
Ruling of Al-Azhar Grand Imam on defending Iraq against US

2./ Imaam in Aman (Jordania)giving kutba + demonstration and state oppression
7.842kb (7,84MB) 2 min. 16 sec.

3./ Sports in (not really yet) besieged Bagdad. Support for Saddam.
2.792kb (2,79MB) 48 sec.

4./ A hospital in Um Kasser (Iraq) after the UK/US invaders attacked the city: wounded were not treated well. No support for Saddam.
5.322kb (5,32MB) 1 min. 34 sec.

5./ Demonstrations in the muslim world
2.932kb (2,93MB) 41 sec.

More video material recently uploaded:
-> Search
under my name: P.I. Hublou

A quick selection:
War is over - If ou want it -
John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Missile in Turkey

Call for Action towards Muslims (March 28)
by P.I. Hublou Monday March 31, 2003 at 01:02 AM

(article 4)

video: AVI at 5.2 mebibytes

Attached a few video files covering the news about the war against the Iraqi people, Friday 28 March, 2003.

1./ Imaam in Bagdad during Friday prayer (kutba) urging
the Muslims to fight US/UK invasion.
1.920kb (1.92MB) 32 sec.

Read also:
Ruling of Al-Azhar Grand Imam on defending Iraq against US

2./ Imaam in Aman (Jordania)giving kutba + demonstration and state oppression
7.842kb (7,84MB) 2 min. 16 sec.

3./ Sports in (not really yet) besieged Bagdad. Support for Saddam.
2.792kb (2,79MB) 48 sec.

4./ A hospital in Um Kasser (Iraq) after the UK/US invaders attacked the city: wounded were not treated well. No support for Saddam.
5.322kb (5,32MB) 1 min. 34 sec.

5./ Demonstrations in the muslim world
2.932kb (2,93MB) 41 sec.

More video material recently uploaded:
-> Search
under my name: P.I. Hublou

A quick selection:
War is over - If ou want it -
John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Missile in Turkey

Call for Action towards Muslims (March 28)
by P.I. Hublou Monday March 31, 2003 at 01:02 AM

(article 5)

video: AVI at 2.9 mebibytes

Attached a few video files covering the news about the war against the Iraqi people, Friday 28 March, 2003.

1./ Imaam in Bagdad during Friday prayer (kutba) urging
the Muslims to fight US/UK invasion.
1.920kb (1.92MB) 32 sec.

Read also:
Ruling of Al-Azhar Grand Imam on defending Iraq against US

2./ Imaam in Aman (Jordania)giving kutba + demonstration and state oppression
7.842kb (7,84MB) 2 min. 16 sec.

3./ Sports in (not really yet) besieged Bagdad. Support for Saddam.
2.792kb (2,79MB) 48 sec.

4./ A hospital in Um Kasser (Iraq) after the UK/US invaders attacked the city: wounded were not treated well. No support for Saddam.
5.322kb (5,32MB) 1 min. 34 sec.

5./ Demonstrations in the muslim world
2.932kb (2,93MB) 41 sec.

More video material recently uploaded:
-> Search
under my name: P.I. Hublou

A quick selection:
War is over - If ou want it -
John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Missile in Turkey

Al Jazeerah in English (URL)
by P.I. Hublou Wednesday April 02, 2003 at 12:01 PM

Al Jazeerah in English:

Interview with Al-Jazeera journalist (French)

BBC interview with Internat. Crisis Group
by P.I. Hublou Thursday April 03, 2003 at 12:08 PM

video: AVI at 8.8 mebibytes

April 2, 2003. BBC television broadcast.
Interview with Mouin Rabbani, International Crisis Group.

'Public and even opposition support shifting to active solidarity'.

9MB compressed video 2 min. 32 sec.