arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Operation Blessing: Christ's warriors shall bring salvation
by jm Thursday, Nov. 03, 2005 at 12:34 AM

In India, dat oord van heidens verderf, wordt de inzet van de "Vrijheidsstrijd" van President Bush duidelijk: het gaat hier om een kruistocht voor het Christendom. In ruil voor hun bekering tot het Christendom delen Christelijke, door het Witte Huis gefinancierde NGO's voedsel, kleding en medische zorgen uit. De Amerikaanse conservatief Pat Robertson financiert met zijn "Operation Blessing" Christelijke Taliban-achtige groeperingen die op (vaak gewelddadige) bekering tot het Christendom uit zijn en strijden voor de onafhankelijkheid van "Christelijke" Indische deelstaten. Westerse politici/NGO's/activisten zijn gewaarschuwd: de wereld verbeteren kan ernstige gevolgen hebben - zonder dat u het beseft, bent u op kruis- of bekeringstocht.

"...America is funding Christian militants in India, like they had done to the Talibans. This is with the aim to create Christian nations in India by dismembering it. American President, George W. Bush got elected with the help of Christian fanatics who distributed funds from White House. Millions of dollars flow to Christian missionaries and Christian NGOs in India. The seriousness of this situation can be gauged from the fact that Christians run most of the 4,000 NGOs in India and most of them are involved in misinformation and conversion activities.
In 2000, nearly 3,000 people were converted to Christianity in exchange for clothes, food, medical care, and drilling of water wells by Operation Blessing. Bush’s White House funds all Christian missionaries in India and for Christian NGOs, like CARE, World Vision, etc., conversion is their main job.
Foreign missionaries are now increasing their efforts to convert Hindus as per the missionary organisation called Baptist World Alliance (BWA). Christian missionaries are behind the spread of terrorism in north-east India. The Southern Baptist Church in America financed and established in 1989 the Christian equivalent of the Taliban, the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) for creating an independent Christian nation of Tripura.
Pat Robertson, who calls Hindus ‘demonic’, operates the $66 million-a-year agency called ‘Operation Blessing’ in four Indian states. The medical conversion drive is a part of Operation Blessing and it recently treated more than 22,000 impoverished patients and simultaneously converted them to Christianity. They use hospitals like the Christian-run Apollo hospitals for this purpose. Christian Medical College, Vellore and Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, with over 350 institutional members like hospitals, health centres, community health programmes and two medical colleges are major centres for medical conversion.
With the support of Christian missionaries, terrorist organisations, like the NLFT and the NSCN are spreading terror in north-east India to convert the region to Christianity at gun-point. Gun-point conversions are going on in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, and Meghalaya. The NSCN has already succeeded in Nagaland in converting masses to Christianity and fighting for a greater Nagaland called Nagalim. NLFT is in the process of making a repeat of NSCN in Tripura...".

Sad sad sad
by Kris Moonen Thursday, Nov. 03, 2005 at 5:13 PM

That realy does it,
how can those NGO people honestly believe in god and bribe hungry souls with food & clothing for salvation? If I would believe in god, and have a functioning brain, I would be convinced that God would be angry if he found out in which way those people are "recruted"...

Another great story about asbestos: saw it on the telly last night. Asbestos causes cancer, has been forbidden and unused in Western World.
For some reason Canada is still a big producer of asbestos, althoug there is no local market, everything is shopped to..
Riiiight the development countries (like India, Africa...) where people are working with the stuff without any or sufficient protection! A ticket to fierce lungcancer, you might say...
Who dares to say that we are a civilised while apparantly nor the Canadian Government nor the Canadian individuals that work in those asbestosfactories seem to have any problem in condemning those people to lungcancer...
note: its not that Canada needs the jobs, since they are importing 250.000 brains every year to fill demand of the economic growth...
Individuals rise and make the click; on your job, at home, on the streets, anywhere, 'cause were all in the same boat here... (although some don't seem to realise it, not yet)

Best Regards

On obsessive-compulsive religious disorder
by jm Monday, Nov. 07, 2005 at 1:18 AM

You ask: "how can those NGO people honestly believe in god and bribe hungry souls with food & clothing for salvation?"

I believe this has to do with the nature of Christianity. Christianity claims to be 'the only true' religion, and the only way to 'true salvation'.

The following is from a site seeking to educate people about Christian conversion.

"...The root cause of Christian aggression in India is caused by the fact that Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the only son of god. He is supposed to have been sent to earth to wash away the sins of the people, and so redeem them. Of course, this happens only to those who accept him as the only son of god. All the others do not get the benefit who do not have this shared belief will be burnt in hell for all eternity.

Christianity says that it has a unique path to salvation, and all the other paths are false. While there is supposed to be some modification in these views, the acceptance is that all the other paths may at most be second best. Therefore, it is better if people accept Christianity and not take a chance.

Christians believe that they have been commanded by Christ to go and “save” (convert) the people of this world. This is also supposed to give them special merit when it comes to the day of final judgment.

While there are many Christians who today do not believe in this exclusivity, there are a still large number of misguided Christians who still believe that in the exclusivity of Christianity and the concept of saving souls.

It is this misguided belief that causes and breeds a hatred and intolerance for other religions. and from this hatred, these Christian Fundamentalists begin their aggression to convert. And often they will go to any means to convert even if it means violence...".

Taken from:

What I find alarming is that the contemporary average view of Hinduism - a religion that any rational human being must denounce for its inhuman, elitist caste system, religious superstition and fanatic attachment to tradition - barely differs from the critiques of Christian missionaries (and administrators) from the colonial age. As soon as these Hindu idolaters give up their religion and embrace the message of Christ or of Western economic and social progress, their salvation will be just a matter of time, the story goes.

But what if the (Western) obsession with (social) economics is the secular version of the Christian obsession with salvation through Christ (or the Islamic obsession with salvation through Muhammed's revelation for that matter)? What if liberalism and democracy (grass-roots or top-down) are not really icons of liberation from religious oppression, but are the signs of the transformation of religion and its chains into non-religious domains?

Max Weber has already shown how Protestantism engendered a particular work ethic that was very conducive to the development of capitalism. What if Western-style democracy has nothing in common with its Greek originator, and its obsessive-compulsive focus on political, economic and social progress is but a secular version of the Christian/Protestant "good life"?

One of Marx most lucid insights was that: "Protestantism abolished priesthood only by making every one into a priest." What if western peoples have become secular priests convinced of the universal truth of their new-found salvation doctrine(s) and determined to fulfill their mission to save other erring peoples?

What if?

If so, who would be our secular popes, saints and devils?

In the words of a British "Christian" missionary, David Livingstone, who is portrayed as the most dedicated missionary with a passionate vision for the "Dark Continent" (Africa) summed at a lecture at Oxford University in 1864:

"Sending the Gospel to the heathens of Africa must include more than implied in the usual practice of a missionary, namely, a man going about with a Bible under his arms. The promotion of commerce ought to be specially attended to as this, more than anything else, makes the heathen tribes depend on commercial intercourse among civilized nations...I go back to Africa to, open a new path to commerce.  Do you carry on the work I have started?"

A question of huge importance, whose work are we carrying on?


by Kris Monday, Nov. 07, 2005 at 9:39 PM

download PDF (50.7 kibibytes)

You said :

[[One of Marx most lucid insights was that: "Protestantism abolished priesthood only by making every one into a priest." What if western peoples have become secular priests convinced of the universal truth of their new-found salvation doctrine(s) and determined to fulfill their mission to save other erring peoples?

What if? ]]

If so, we can assume that Millenium Development Goals are the final secular crusade to convert all the heiden souls to the new religion : Unlimited Economic Development... (or at least 50% of those poor bastards...


check this out (in dutch):

quite good, too bad it comes from a 70 year old. On the other hand, if all 3rd age people come to learn that we need to seriously change things in our economic thinking...
Than long live the evolution of our "demographic pyramid" turning upside down

As you can see, there is always hope...