arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Declaration of Human Duties
by Charles Destrée Saturday, Aug. 06, 2005 at 12:40 PM

Global appreciation of reality

Dutiful Day

This 6 August 2005 is the 60th common commiserate commemoration of the beginning of the end of WW II. But at the time for almost everybody it was a feast-day and many mutual congratulations were exchanged.
What happened that day?
Today one is – quite rightly – shocked by Islamist terrorists who pose of bombs and who make thousands of more or less 'innocent' victims. But during WW II 'Christian' bombers threw millions of bombs on 'Christian' and other religious convinced more or less 'innocent' victims.
On 6 August 1945 the first atomic bomb exploded above the Japanese town of Hiroshima. At once 140.000 peo-ple died. Another 250.000 died as result of irradiation. Together that makes almost 400.000 victims; that's one fifteenth of the holocaust, for one lonely act of 'Christian' warfare.
Japanese victims only express complaints for their own suffering. Otherwise a monument still commemorates honourably the Japanese war criminals. In opposition to against the German war criminals, there has never been a Japanese Nuremberg lawsuit. Because some Japanese war criminals delivered their secrets to the Americans. How many remorse the so willingly bowing Japanese ever expressed? So it's rather natural that nobody ex-pressed remorse to the Japanese people.
But how many so willingly praying 'God bless America' more or less 'innocent' Americans ever expressed re-morse to for example the Vietnamese people? On which USA threw more bombs than in the whole WW II. And also biological weapons, which still today are the cause that deformed babies are born. For whom mainly Ger-man institutions take care…

The beginning & the End
All terrorism is the result of earlier terrorism. If it's often almost impossible to find out who began. And it seems more important to decide who will end terrorism. Who will finish this abominable absurd violence.
Much terrorism is of religious origin. To learn what is this religious origin, pupils at school should be informed about what's declared in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran. But also what's invented in Hitler's Mein Kampf and Henry Ford's The Eternal Jew. And what learn us Jacques Monod in The hazard and the necessity' and Norman G. Finkelstein in The Holocaust Industry. It gives a clear image of global human, business, economical, indus-trial and political 'behaviour'.
Etymological religion and fascism have the same root; rely, tie up, tie together – and in practice often string up.
In democracy only when one is objectively informed, one is able to vote justly and reasonable.
Actually still counts what said in the revolutionary May 1968 the French actor Jean Louis Barrault: 'Dictatorship is shut your trap, democracy is chat as you like'.
A 'deep believing' 'Christian' like George W. Bush appears to be not the man who wants to finish this terrorism. He even wants to revenge terrorism by still more terrorism. Hypocrite camouflaged as Christian 'Peace' and fight for 'Freedom'. While Christian religions should promote, for example; 'Thou shall not kill' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself'.
Islamist Kamikazes blow themselves up in their bomb posing. Bush blows himself up as the 'Christian' Salva-tionist of the Western 'liberal' world. Which in fact is occupied by the multi-Nazionist terrorism.
The exemplary Information Clearing House remembered what said the English novelist, essayist and critic (1903-1950) Eric Blair as 'Big Brother' George Orwell. He remarked:
"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear: We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men".
"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening".
Political language /…/ is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind".
"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them". According to George Orwell.
But most people thought and thinks, like the Germans: 'Wir haben es nicht gewußt', 'We have not known it. However, actually the Germans are those who with the most courage dare to confront its past.
So let's begin to end and to finish this spiral of terrorism.

Duty & Rights
In 1948 one has established the 'Declaration of the Human Rights'.
Did one forget, that mainly one has only rights, when one has accomplished his duty? By accomplishing com-mon and self-discipline? That rights, and freedom, should be only the result of earlier accomplishment of duty and discipline?
Except for the children, who didn't ask to have the right to live, but were obliged to it by their parents' decision.
Nevertheless the General Assembly adopted and proclaimed by resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights'.
The General Assembly proclaimed: "this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recogni-tion and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction."
How is the practice?
Since then Cold War had as result, for example, the American war against Vietnam. And the Jewish war against Palestine; more precise Sharon's national-Zionist – and anti-Semitic - war against Palestine. And the American war against Afghanistan and Iraq.
Since then every day in the Third World 30.000 poor people stave from hunger. Every 6 months a whole holo-caust.

Dutiful Day
Frank Sinatra (also tied with the mafia) sang: 'Oh, what a beautiful beautiful mornin’, oh what a beautiful day'.
"There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow - The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye - And it looks like it’s climbing clear up to the sky". There's no relation to the atomic bomb.
"I got a beautiful feelin’ everything’s goin’ my way" The American way - of life, big business and warfare…
Officially we live in a world of freedom of expression. In fact only few websites permit to express one's opinion.
Like Indymedia or Wikipedia.
Indymedia is the Independent Media Center; "a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people who con-tinue to work for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity." The Independent Media Center (, was established by various independent and alternative media organizations and activists in 1999 for the purpose of providing grassroots coverage of the World Trade Organization (WTO) protests in Seattle.
For of Wikipedia the English version started in 2001, and on 6 August 2005 is announced that they are working on 670.284 articles.
Let's determine that for Human society Love, Carefulness and devotion to Duty should be the base. And that for this - how awful these words may sound in modern 'free' ears - discipline and self-discipline are absolute neces-sary conditions. Without everybody's participation in these conditions, nothing will be possible to guarantee our own security and the future of our children.
Meanwhile Bush's USA refuses to respect the Kyoto agreement. While the battle against pollutions is of highest urgency for the health of the whole world.
Let's make a DDD-Day. The Day of 'Desire to Do his Duty', or of 'Devotion to Duty & Discipline'.
Let's organise the 'Universal Declaration of Human Duties'.
A beautiful world by a dutiful world
Amen. And then: congratulations!
Best wishes,
Charles Destrée, 6 August 2005.

Critical remarks on the article of Mr Destree
by Astrid Essed Tuesday, Aug. 09, 2005 at 5:33 AM

Although I agree with most of his points of view I criticize the fact, that Mr Destree is implicitly suggesting, that shown lack of remorse against the Japanese victims is ''natural'' because of the presence of monuments commemorating war-criminals

Dear Editor,

Although I greatly agree with the above-named points of view of Mr Destree, yet I aould like to make one critical remark:
For clearity I citate his following remark:

"Japanese victims only express complaints for their own suffering. Otherwise a monument still commemorates honourably the Japanese war criminals. In opposition to against the German war criminals, there has never been a Japanese Nuremberg lawsuit. Because some Japanese war criminals delivered their secrets to the Americans. How many remorse the so willingly bowing Japanese ever expressed? So it's rather natural that nobody ex-pressed remorse to the Japanese people.''

I was shocked by this remark of Mr Destree who, despite of his obvious indignation about the horrifying Hiroshima and Nagasaki war crime, impliciltly gives his consent to the showed lack of remorse to the Japanese people concerning this war-crime.
Of course I agree with him, that the presence of a monument, commemorating the Janapanese war-criminals, is wrong, but in the first place I want to remind him of the fact, that also Western countries like Great-Britian and the USA have their monuments, commemorating their war-criminals [like in the WOII, pilots who bombed German and Japanese citiesm yet apart from Hiroshima and Nagasaki]

It would be fundamental wrong from the other party (Germany and Japan) to show no remorse to the civilian/victims (yet apart from the crime without example, the holocaust of the Jewish and Roma people) they´ve made in WOII, because of the presence of Western monuments commemorating their war/criminals

Seen from the view of human rights, the standard which Mr Destree applies in his article in a very admirable and ethical way, the remorse with any war/victim is apart from the attitude of groups of the ´´other party´´

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are the worse military war/crimes, ever committed to a civilian polulation and not only remorse have to be showed against the Japanese people, also those crimes had to be judged, just as the nazi/crimes has been judged.

Regrettably this didn´t happen because of the victors right, just like the later American war/crimes in for example Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

But the fact stays fundamentally, that lack of shown remorse by the other party may never be a motive for not showing remorse for committed war/crimes like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Warcrimes are warcrimes, despite of the committed party or the party against which they are committed and must be always followed by an utter remorse and the judgment of those responsible for them

Astrid Essed

Hereby I link the underlying article of Mr Destree

Décleration des devoirs universels
by Dominique Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005 at 9:21 PM

Le plus intéressant de cet article est son titre. Quand au reste, c'est du réchauffé. Il y a longtemps que l'on sait que les USA savaient par les russes avec lesquels le Japon négociait que ce dernier pays avait la ferme intention de capitulé, et que par conséquent les bombes atomiques sur le Japon n'ont pas servi à raccourcir la guerre.

De plus, nous savons aussi depuis plus réçamment suite à la levéee du secret sur certaines archives par les ricains, les russes et les japonais, que les USA avaient peur de se retrouver avec en Japon coupé en 2 comme l'Allemagne. Les bombes ont été lachées le jour suivant l'entrée en guerre des soviets contre le Japon, lequel était déjà à genoux.

Enfin, toujours selon ces mêmes archives, les USA avaient décidé de lancer ces bombes avant même de demander au Japon de capituler. Cette demand3e apparaît dés lors comme un sordide canulard des politiciens US pour justifier le meurte de populations civiles. Le Japon était en négociation avec les russes qui déclarèrent la guerre au Japon. Le jour suivant, les bombes tombaient.


A part cela, le fond du problême est bel et bien de passer d'une déclarations des droits de l'homme (machiste et égïste) à une déclaration des devoirs de l'être humain.

Ce serait en effet mieux que les riches aient le devoir moral et légal d'aider les pauvres plutôt que le droit de leur vendre des armes!!!