arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Peasant Activist Murdered in Honduras
by V. Cervantes Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 11:31 PM

A regional secretary of the National Center for Rural Workers of Honduras (CNTC) was murdered on May 24, 2005. This is a short article accompanied by the original letter from the CNTC in spanish and its english translation.

On March 24, 2005, Edilson Roberto Lemus Calderon was murdered in the city of El Progreso in Yoro, Honduras. Lemus Calderon was the Regional General Secretary of the National Center of Rural Workers (CNTC) in Yoro. He was riding a bus at 11:30 am in El Progreso when a man stopped the bus, boarded it and fired 4 shots into the activist’s head. The assassin then left the bus and escaped in a waiting car.

The CNTC is demanding a full investigation into this murder which bears all the marks of a paid assassination. The CNTC is one of the largest landless and poor peasant organizations in Honduras and is involved in numerous land disputes with wealthy landowners and the government in Honduras. It is affiliated with the Coordinating Council of Campesino Organizations in Honduras (COCOCH), the Popular Block (Bloque Popular), and the Coordinator of Popular Resistance. It is well known for its opposition to the free trade agreements and its support for the indigenous people’s and campesino movements in Latin America.

The murder of companero Lemus is one of many murders of campesino and indigenous activists in Honduras. In the past 2 years the CNTC has lost 5 local or regional activists to assassinations.

Messages of support for the CNTC can be sent to:

Please send a copy to us at

Victoria Cervantes
La Voz de los de Abajo
Chicago, IL

Below is the original message received from the CNTC folllowed by its translation into spanish.

Estimad@s Compañer@s:
Reciban un fraternal saludo de parte de la Junta Directiva Nacional de la Central Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC).
Por este medio les comunico, que el día de ayer (24 de Mayo, 2005) fue asesinado el Secretario General de la Regional de El Progreso, Yoro, compañero EDILSON ROBERTO LEMUS CALDERÓN a las 11:30 am, en el interior de un bus Urbano, Número 70 de El Progreso, donde el criminal le hizo parada a dicho bus y sin mediar palabras le disparo 4 veces en la cabeza al compañero huyendo donde lo esperaba un vehículo desconocido el que se dio a la fuga una vez logrando el objetivo.
La CNTC esta exigiendo que se investigue este asesinato por criminales asueldo y que se haga prevalecer la justicia a favor de los Pobres.
El compañero será sepultado hoy en la Aldea de Urraco Pueblo, dejando a su familia de pan en mano.
La CNTC esta de luto.
Sin Otro Particular.
Secretario de Finanzas, JDN – CNTC
Dear Companeros,

Receive this fraternal salute from the Nacional Board of Directors of the Nacional Center of Rural Workers (CNTC).

With this we are advising you that yesterday, May 24, 2005) at 11:30 am, the General Secretary of the El Progreso, Yoro region, companero EDILSON ROBERTO LEMUS CALDERON, was on the Number 70 Urbano bus in El Progreso, when a criminal stopped the bus and without a word, fired 4 shots into the companero’s head, then fled to where an unknown vehicle was waiting and escaped.

The CNTC is demanding that this assassination by paid criminals be investigated and that justice for the Poor prevail. The companero will be buried in the town of Uraaco Pueblo, and leaves his family with no breadwinner.

The CNTC is in mourning.

For the National Board of Directors
Ivan Romero Jimenez, Secretary of Finances
Board of Directors – Central Nacional de los Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC)

(Translation by La Voz de los de Abajo, Chicago)