arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Wereldtribunaal: Media Medeplichtig aan Misdrijven tegen de Menselijkheid
by Inge Van de Merlen Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2005 at 7:16 PM

In het kader van het World Tribunal on Irak zal van 10 tot 13 februari 2005 een sessie plaatsvinden in Rome. Onderwerp van deze sessie draait rond de medeplichtigheid van de (mainstream) media bij de agressieve oorlogsvoering van de regering van de Verenigde Staten en hun coalitiepartners tegen de bevolking van Irak.

Fatima, gewond tijdens aanval van VS-soldaten op haar huis

Eén van de getuigen die op dit tribunaal zullen aantreden is Dahr Jamail, de onafhankelijke journalist uit Alaska. Bijna dagelijks brengt hij vanuit Bagdad verslag uit, niet als ‘embedded journalist’ om van de agressors hun 'moedige operaties' te berichten, maar vanuit het midden van de Irakese samenleving, wiens meest elementaire rechten dagelijks geschonden worden.

Dahr acht het uiterst nuttig om één van zijn Irakese vrienden/medewerkers eveneens te laten getuigen op het WTI in Rome. Er zijn echter niet voldoende financiële middelen om de onkosten voor de reis en het verblijf van deze waardevolle getuige te dekken. Daarom doet hij een oproep aan iedereen die bekommerd is om de rechten van de slachtoffers van deze illegale oorlog, en die over de nodige financiële middelen beschikt om een bedrag naar keuze hieraan te spenderen.

Lees hier Dahr zijn persoonlijke oproep tot steun:

*Dear readers,*

*I have been invited and will be attending the upcoming **Rome** session
of the World Tribunal on **Iraq**: Media Wrongs Against Truth and
Humanity-Exposing the Politics of Disinformation. I will be making an in
depth presentation there.*

*Here is a short announcement on it from the events section on my site,
which includes a link so you can learn more about the tribunal:*

*Date:* February 10th-13th, 2005
*Location:* Rome, Italy
*Details*: Dahr Jamail will be presenting at the next session of the
World Tribunal on Iraq: Media Wrongs Against Truth and Humanity -
Exposing the Politics of Disinformation. For more information visit

*In order for the tribunal to be able to afford to bring more Iraqi
witnesses, I volunteered to cover my own expenses there. *

*Thus, I am appealing for donations to support this important endeavor.*

*In addition, I am hoping to collect enough donations to cover the
expenses, including the flight, for one of the Iraqi witnesses who has
been invited to present at this very important tribunal.*

*Your support would be very much appreciated, and would be used to help
bring more attention to the lack of adequate media coverage from
occupied **Iraq**. *

*You can click here if you wish to donate to this cause:*


*When you donate, so as to enable me to keep these funds separate from
those donated to support my reporting, please include a short note that
it is for tribunal expenses.*

*Thank you very much for your ongoing readership and support. I couldn’t
do this work without it.*

*Best regards,*

*Dahr Jamail*


* *

Voor meer informatie sta ik telefonisch of per e-mail ter beschikking:

015 / 71 11 75

0477 / 63 41 25

Thank you Inge
by Dirk Adriaensens Thursday, Feb. 03, 2005 at 6:27 PM

As part of the organising committee af the BRussells Tribunal and the World Tribunal on Iraq, I'd like to thank you for this valuable contribution. Indeed, this particular session is very important. It will be the first time that the mainstream media will stand trial, because they actively contributed to the war in Iraq, to repeat the lies and to prevent the truth from being published. They are complicit in creating the conditions for an invasion and for the continuing occupation. We're glad that there are journalists like Dahr Jamail who keep on exposing the terrible truth about this occupation.

Quote of the week. About the media:

"Here's the strange thing: In a world (.....) where we happen to be ruled by the greatest geopolitical dreamers and gamblers in our history, our demobilized media treats the world, if at all, as a set of hopeless fragments and just doesn't consider puzzling them together part of the job description. If you want to grasp our world as it is, you might actually have to click off that TV, use your local paper to wrap the fish, and head for the Internet."

source: Tom Engelhardt: "A Demobilized Press in a Global Free-Fire Zone"