arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Lutte contre l'anrisémitisme ou dictature planétaire
by Luis Gonzalez-Mestres Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 3:46 AM

Une nouvelle chasse aux sorcières planétaire déguisée en "cause noble" : le "Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2004", H.R. 4230 de Bush et consorts.

Avec le déguisement de "lutte contre l'antisémitisme", c'est le montage d'une véritable chasse aux sorcières planétaire que Bush a mis en place il y a trois semaines, lorsqu'il a signé le ''Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2004'' mettant en cause le monde entier, assimilant notamment l'antisionisme à l'antisémitisme et s'octroyant le droit d'exercer le rôle de gendarme mondial en la matière.

Après Palmer et la "défense de la démocratie", Mac Carthy et la "défense de l'Amérique"... c'est une prétendue "lutte contre l'antisémitisme" que nous sert fiston Bush.

Et cette salade nous est servie par un président devenu l'elu d'intégristes sionistes chrétiens US qui disent, notamment, que tous les Juifs doivent émigrer en Israël car autrement le Messie ne viendra pas, et qu'ils devront se convertir au christianisme sous peine de subir un nouvel Holocauste lors de la grande bataille que Dieu livrera contre le Mal sur la plaine d'Armageddon, voir par exemple : ?id_article=27359 .

Désolé si c'est un peu long, mais vu la gravité de ce texte, sa réproduction intrégrale paraît indispensable :



H. R. 4230

To authorize the establishment within the Department of State of an Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, to require inclusion in annual Department of State reports of information concerning acts of anti-Semitism around the world, and for other purposes.



APRIL 28, 2004

Mr. LANTOS (for himself, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. KIRK, andMr. LEWIS of Georgia) introduced the following bill ; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations


To authorize the establishment within the Department of State of an Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semi-tism, to require inclusion in annual Department of Statereports of information concerning acts of anti-Semitism around the world, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the ''Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2004''.


Congress makes the following findings :

(1) Acts of anti-Semitism in countries throughout the world, including in some of the world's strongest democracies, have increased significantly in frequency and scope over the last several years.

(2) During the last three months of 2003 and the first three months of 2004, there were numerous instances of anti-Semitic violence around the world, including the following incidents :

(A) In Putrajaya, Malaysia, on October 16, 2003, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia told the 57 national leaders assembled for the Organization of the Islamic Conference that Jews ''rule the world by proxy'', and called for a ''final victory'' by the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, who, he said, ''cannot be defeated by a few million Jews''.

(B) In Istanbul, Turkey, on November 15, 2003, simultaneous car bombs exploded outside two synagogues filled with worshippers, killing 24 people and wounding more than 250.

(C) In Hobart, Australia, on January 5, 21 2004, poison was used to ignite and burn anti-Semitic slogans into the lawns of the Parliament House of the state of Tasmania.

(D) In St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 15, 2004, vandals desecrated approximately 50 gravestones in a Jewish cemetery, painting the stones with swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti.

(E) In Toronto, Canada, from March 19 to March 21, 2004, vandals attacked a Jewish school, a Jewish cemetery, and area synagogues, painting swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans on the walls of a synagogue and on residential property in a nearby, predominantly Jewish, neighborhood.

(F) In Toulon, France, on March 23, 2004, a Jewish synagogue and community center were set on fire.

(3) Anti-Semitism has at times taken the form of vilification of Zionism, the Jewish national movement, and incitement against Israel.

(4) Anti-Semitism is also increasingly emanating from the Arab and Muslim world on a sustained basis, including through books distributed by government-owned publishing houses in Egypt and other Arab countries.

(5) In November 2002, state-run television in Egypt broadcast the anti-Semitic series entitled ''Horseman Without a Horse'', which is based upon the fictitious conspiracy theory known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Protocols have been used throughout the last century by despots such as Adolf Hitler to justify violence against Jews.

(6) In November 2003, Arab television featured an anti-Semitic series entitled ''Ash-Shatat'' (''The Diaspora''), which depicts Jewish people conspiring to gain control of the world.

(7) The sharp rise in anti-Semitic violence has caused international organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to elevate and bring renewed focus to this issue, including the convening by the OSCE in June 2003 of a conference in Vienna dedicated solely to the issue of anti-Semitism.

(8) On April 28-29, 2004, in Berlin, Germany, the OSCE will again convene a conference dedicated to addressing the problem of anti-Semitism, with the United States delegation to be led by former Mayor of New York City Ed Koch.

(9) The United States has vigorously supported efforts to address anti-Semitism through bilateral relationships and interaction with international organizations such as the OSCE, the European Union, and the United Nations.

(10) Congress has consistently supported efforts to address the rise in anti-Semitic violence.

During the 107th Congress, both the Senate and the House of Representatives passed resolutions expressing strong concern about the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence in Europe and calling on the Department of State to thoroughly document the phenomenon.


It is the sense of Congress that-

(1) the United States should continue to vigorously support efforts to combat anti-Semitism worldwide through bilateral relationships and interaction with international organizations such as the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) ;

(2) the United States delegation to the OSCE conference in Berlin should advocate for the appointment of a High Commissioner on anti-Semitism ;

(3) the President should direct the United States Ambassador to the United Nations to introduce in the most appropriate forum in the United Nations a measure condemning anti-Semitism ;

(4) the Secretary of State should establish a permanent office in the Department of State to monitor and combat anti-Semitism ; and

(5) the Department of State should thoroughly document acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur around the world.


The State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 is amended by adding after section 58 (22 U.S.C. 2730) the following new section :



''(1) ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE.-The Secretary is authorized and encouraged to establish within the Department of State an Office to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism (in this section referred to as the 'Office') .

''(2) HEAD OF OFFICE.-If the Secretary establishes the Office pursuant to paragraph (1), the head of the Office shall be the Director for Monitoring and Combatting anti-Semitism. The Secretary shall appoint the Director of the Office.

''(b) PURPOSE OF OFFICE.-Upon establishment, the Office shall assume the primary responsibility for-

''(1) monitoring and combatting acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries ;

''(2) coordinating and assisting in the preparation of that portion of the report required by sections 116(d)(7) and 502B(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151n(d)(7) and 2304(b)) relating to a summary of acts of anti-Semi-tism and anti-Semitic incitement around the world for inclusion in the annual country reports on human rights practices ; and

''(3) coordinating and assisting in the preparation of that portion of the report required by section 102(b)(1)(C) of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6412(b)(1)(C)) relating to an assessment and description of the nature and extent of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries for inclusion in the annual international religious freedom report.

''(c) CONSULTATIONS .-The Director of the Office shall consult with domestic and international nongovernmental organizations and multilateral organizations and institutions as the Director considers appropriate to fulfill the purposes of this section.

''(d) PUBLIC HEARINGS AND EVIDENCE .-The Director of the Office may hold public hearings take testimony, and receive evidence as the Director considers appropriate.''.


(a) INCLUSION IN COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES .-The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.) is amended-

(1) in section 116(d)(7) (22 U.S.C. 2151n(d)(7)), by striking the semicolon and inserting ''and a summary of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries, including descriptions of-

''(A) acts of physical violence against, or harassment of, Jewish people, and acts of violence against, or vandalism of, Jewish community institutions, including schools, synagogues, and cemeteries that occurred in foreign countries during the preceding year ;

''(B) instances of propaganda in government and non-government media and other sources in foreign countries that attempt to justify or promote racial hatred or incite acts of violence against Jewish people ;

''(C) the actions, if any, taken by the governments of such countries to respond to such violence and attacks or to eliminate such propaganda or incitement ;

''(D) the actions taken by such governments to enact and enforce laws relating to the protection of the right to religious freedom of Jewish people ; and

''(E) the efforts of such governments to promote anti-bias and tolerance education ;'' ; and

(2) in the fourth sentence of section 502B(b) (22 U.S.C. 2304(b)), by inserting before the period the following : ''and a summary of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries, including the descriptions of such acts required under section 116(d)(7)''.

(b) INCLUSION IN INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT.-Section 102(b)(1) of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6412(b)(1)) is amended-

(1) by redesignating subparagraphs (C), (D), (E), and (F) as subparagraphs (D), (E), (F), and (G), respectively ; and

(2) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the following new subparagraph : 2 ''(C) ACTS OF ANTI-SEMITISM.-An assessment and description of the nature and extent of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries, including descriptions of-

''(i) acts of physical violence against, or harassment of, Jewish people, and acts of violence against, or vandalism of, Jewish community institutions, including schools, synagogues, and cemeteries that occurred in foreign countries during the preceding year ;

''(ii) instances of propaganda in gov- ernment and non-government media and other sources in foreign countries that attempt to justify or promote racial hatred or incite acts of violence against Jewish people ;

''(iii) the actions, if any, taken by the governments of such countries to respond to such violence and attacks or to eliminate such propaganda or incitement ;

''(iv) the actions taken by such governments to enact and enforce laws relating to the protection of the right to religious freedom of Jewish people ; and

''(v) the efforts of such governments to promote anti-bias and tolerance education.''.

(c) EFFECTIVE DATE OF INCLUSIONS.-The amendments made by subsections (a) and (b) shall apply beginning with the first report under sections 116(d) and 502B(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151n(d) and 2304(b)) and section 102(b) of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6312(b)) submitted more than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act.
Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
le 7/11/2004 à 15h28

by Von Nostrand Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 10:48 AM

L'objectivité la plus élémentaire aurait du pousser l'auteur de ce post, plutôt que rentrer dans un très conformiste anti-bushisme plein de beaufitude, à signaler tout de même que ce dont il parle est une proposition préparée et présentée au Congrès US par le Démocrate Tom Lantos qui est tout sauf un partisan de W. Bush et qui n'est pas un chrétien fondamentaliste.

Mais bon, cela ne cadre surement pas avec le manichéisme ambiant comme d'ailleurs toute réflexion sur la virulente montée d'antisémitisme depuis quelques années dans tout le monde musulman, d'Egypte (avec le phénoménal succès télévisuel d'une réadaptation du Protocole des Sages de Sion) à la Malaysie (et l'antisémitisme déclaré du Chef de l'Etat) en passant bien entendu par toutes les mouvances intégristes comme le Hamas ou le Hezbollah qui ont inclus un antisémitisme violent dans leur charte. Je conseille d'ailleurs à ce sujet l'article 22 de la charte du Hamas dont voici un petit extrait:

" Ils ont amassé des fortunes colossales consacrées à réaliser leur rêve. Avec leur argent, ils ont mis la main sur les médias du monde entier : presse, maisons d'édition, stations de radio etc….Avec leur argent, ils ont soulevé des révolutions dans plusieurs parties du monde afin de servir leurs intérêts et réaliser leur objectif. Ils sont derrière la Révolution Française, la Révolution Communiste et toutes les révolutions dont nous avons entendu parler. Avec leur argent, ils ont mis sur pied des sociétés secrètes comme les francs-maçons, les clubs Rotary, les Lions et autres dans différentes parties du monde, afin de saboter les sociétés et servir les intérêts sionistes. Avec leur argent, ils sont parvenus à contrôler les pays impérialistes et à les pousser à coloniser nombreux pays pour exploiter leurs ressources et y propager la corruption."

Pas mal, non????

Sans compter, que même ici en Europe Occidentale, les synagogues recommencent à brûler à peine 60 ans après le chef d'oeuvre de la haine mis presque exécuté jusqu'au bout par nos bons amis allemands.

by d. Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 4:11 PM

waarom duitsers? nog nooit gehoord van de fransen, de hollanders, de oostenrijkers en de italianen, de russen pogromden er ook al eens rustig op los en de polen kenden er ook wat van. Nee, de jodenvervolging is voor mij niet de kern van de tweede wereldoorlog, het s de strijd tegen het communisme die aan de basis ligt van de tweede wereldoorlog. de jodenvervolging is een neveneffect.

Oui allemands !
by Von Nostrand Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 5:12 PM

Waarom de duitsers ??????

Tout simplement par que l’extermination des juifs durant la seconde guerre mondiale fut pensée, organisée et exécutée par des allemands et ceci ne fut possible que par le soutien massif et indéfectible de la grande majorité de la nation allemande envers ses dirigeants. Que les polonais, les ukrainiens, les français, les autrichiens, et d’autres aient activement collaboré à ces crimes, je ne le remets aucunement en question. Ce fut sans doute d’ailleurs une grande première dans la coopération européenne, quelle grande réussite d’ailleurs ce zèle dont ont fait preuve certains exécutants issus de nations pourtant ennemies pour aider les allemands dans leur immonde projet. Comme quoi, il y avait moyen de s’entendre entre européens.

de jodenvervolging is een neveneffect

Un détail de l’histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale dit-on en français fasciste. Nier que l’obsession antisémite n’est pas au centre de toute la pensée hitlérienne, c’est ne rien connaître à l’Histoire. Que la conquête d’un espace vital à l’est et la destruction du régime soviétique fut une autre obsession est évident mais ces deux obsessions se mélangent facilement dans la pensée binaire des nazis en lutte perpétuelle contre le judéo-bolchévisme et le judéo-imperialisme. Il n’empêche que l’Histoire montre également que c’est la collaboration active de l’URSS jusqu’en juin 41 qui a permit de mettre la Pologne à genoux et d’en faire le terrain plus tard des pires atrocités exterminationnistes. La deuxième guerre mondiale, guerre idéologique par essence, ne fut pas une guerre comme une autre. Ce qui la distingue de tous les autres conflits, c’est bien évidemment le fait qu’elle a permit aux allemands de mettre sur pied le plus grand crime raciste de tous les temps, à savoir l’extermination industrielle des juifs et des tziganes sur l’ensemble du territoire européen. Durant le conflit, le plus courageux des pilotes de la Royal Air Force, le plus grand des Résistants français ou le plus téméraire des soldats de l’Armée Rouge se battant aux portes de Stalingrad, avaient plus de chances de survie qu’un petit enfant juif, où qu’il se trouve en Europe.