arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

De Iraakse CP wil supervisie VN over mensenrechten
by Staf Thursday, May. 06, 2004 at 5:08 PM

Het Centrum voor Mensenrechten van de Iraakse Communistische Partij geeft in een verklaring de marteling van Iraakse gevangenen in de gevangenis van Abu Ghraib door Amerikaanse militairen scherp veroordeeld.

De verklaring, gedateerd op 2 mei 2004, stelt dat "this new scandal comes in the aftermath of vicious violations that had been highlighted by international human rights organisations, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, in addition to UN officials, which included the use of excessive force and a policy of collective punishment and siege of cities, as demonstrated in Falluja where hundreds of innocent civilians were killed".

De Iraakse communisten veroordelen ook de nietsontziende terroristische aanslagen die werden gepleegd door aanhangers van het verdreven dictatoriale regime. Dit zijn moorden en barbaarse aanvallen die hoofdzakelijk burgers viseren en niet door het Iraakse volk worden gesteund.

Het Centrum voor Mensenrechten van de Iraakse Communistische Partij zegt over de rapporten over marteling van gevangenen in de gevangenis van Abu Graib dat ze met verontwaardiging zijn ontvangen door het Iraakse volk dat "had suffered atrocities by Saddam’s dictatorship over several decades, and have been looking forward to a dignified life free of any oppression, whether by foreign occupiers, repressive rulers or extremist groups using terror as means to achieve their heinous objectives, with utter disregard for the suffering of innocent civilians who get attacked indiscriminately, including children, women and elderly, spreading fear, and violating their fundamental rights!, first and foremost the right to life."

De verklaring herhaalde de wil van de Iraakse Communistische Partij om de mensenrechten in Irak te verdedigen en vraagt de steun van de internationale mensenrechtenorganisaties. "The Party’s Centre for Human Rights "called upon the international community, represented by the UN, to stand by our people and their aspiration for ending the occupation, and condemn all forms of violence, terror and oppression which aim at denying them the right to a free and dignified life".

Ten slotte willen de Iraakse communisten dat de VN "an effective and consistent supervision of the conditions of human rights (in Iraq) during the transitional period, and to support Iraqi people’s legitimate struggle to regain fully their national sovereignty and achieve a democratic regime which respects the values of human rights, justice and law".

Iraqi Communist Party Calls for Effective UN Supervision of Human Rights during the Transitional Period.

Zie ook:

Amnesty International: Iraq: Torture not isolated - independent investigations vital

Human Rights Watch: Iraq: U.S. Prisoner Abuse Sparks Concerns Over War Crimes