arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Stop arrest and Deportation of the Nepalese Revolutionary Leaders and the Nepalese Masses!
by NPPF Monday, Mar. 22, 2004 at 10:32 PM

Stop arrest and Deportation of the Nepalese Revolutionary Leaders and the Nepalese Masses! Release Nepalese Prominent Leader Comrade Gaurav Immediately!!

Stop arrest and Deportation of the Nepalese Revolutionary Leaders and the Nepalese Masses!
Release Nepalese Prominent Leader Comrade Gaurav Immediately!!

The World has witnessed that the Nepalese people, under the correct leadership of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), have been fighting against the medieval and autocratic feudal monarchy, to establish complete democracy in Nepal and make the Nepalese people a sovereign citizen by overthrowing the semi-colonial semi feudal status of the Nepalese production relation.
The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has been openly urging feudal state to come the common and highly democratic exercise of the election of Constituent Assembly for immediate solutions of current concerns – the problems of nationality, democracy and livelihood by giving equal right to all classes, nationalities, regions and the genders in the political, economic, social, judicial and cultural arena.
The Indian expansionist state has always been taking advantage of the turmoil in Nepal and intervened in the internal matter of the country. In such interventions, the Indian regime has always been taking side of the anti-people element, the monarchy and imperialist puppets. In this period of great transformation of the Nepalese society, the Indian state has been trying to protract the most fascist monarchy by arresting and deporting the revolutionary Nepalese leaders and the masses.
The act of the Indian regime is against the will if the people, the will of the transformation of the Nepalese society, the will of the progress and prosperity. The arrest and deportation of the Maoist leaders is a step towards that conspiracy.
In this context, we strongly request the democratic, peace and just-loving people of the world condemn the most despicable acts of the recent deportation of two top Nepalese Leaders Com. Matrika Prasad Yadav and Professor Suresh Alemagar as well as other revolutionary activists by Indian authority.
We strongly appeal all international democratic forces in order to raise voice for free of Nepalese prominent leader Comrade Gaurav who is still in Indian prison who has been imprisoned for the use of false passport and has spent more time than he is to be charged for.
On April 2nd, at 13:00, let’s join together in protest rally in front of Brussels based Indian Embassy to oppose their undemocratic and most loathsome treatment for Nepalese people and Nepal and to urge the Indian government not to serve the barbaric medieval feudal monarch against revolutionary movement of the Nepalese people.
Let us make solidarity to the popular democratic movement of Nepal and build up people's resistance against the US imperialist and Indian Expansionist offensive against the Nepalese fate and democratic rights.

Stop Deportation of the Nepalese revolutionary leaders and the masses!
Release prominent leader Comrade Gaurav immediately!
Stop unholy relation with feudal against Nepalese masses!
Build Solidarity to the Democracy and republican set up in Nepal!
Pressurize the despotic king for election of constituent assembly!

Venu :
Embassy of India
217, Chaussee de Vleurgat,
1050 Brussels
Time : 13:30
Date: 02 April 2004

Nepalese People’s Progressive Forum, Belgium