arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Screw Olympics 2004
by frostykanga Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004 at 7:37 PM

The Antiolympic games in Greece have already started on the roads of Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities around Greece demanding the games die in the place they were born.

Screw Olympics 2004...
athens2005.jpg, image/jpeg, 264x499

Everyday it is becoming obvious that the olympic games are not just a sports event lasting a few days, but a permanent process, signifying a new era of repression and social control.

In the name of accomplishing the Grand Idea, the "ideals" of profit are praised by the bosses: the companies, contractors and state officials who handle the huge 2004 budgets. In this giant commercial enterprise, the proletarians are labeled as the "volunteers" to pay its cost by being robbed through the taxes, the expensiveness and wage freeze, but also to pay its price: speeding up the rhythms of work, in extremely dangerous conditions, with their own blood in working "accidents". The human sacrifices of local and immigrant workers in the altar of profit and of the bonuses given for the fast termination of the Works, have taken nightmarish dimensions in the olympic construction sites where hundreds of workers die and get seriously injured. A new model of absolute exploitation and expendable humans is consolidated in the olympic works, to characterize from now on the conditions of labor in every other site of wage slavery.

And a 'small' detail :
6 years for the constructions of Athens for the Olympics - 18 dead workers
30 years of battle against authorities from "17 November" - 28 dead politicians, cops, diplomats...

and "17 november" was charged for terrorist actions.

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