arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Geheime kennis & geschiedenis
by Ali as die Waerheijd Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004 at 1:33 AM

Geheime genootschappen en verband met het weinig bekende verhaal over opkomst en motieven Hitler, huis van Oranje, New-Age, (rechts) groen activisme, enzovoorts.

Hierbij wat opzienbarende aantekeningen, links, enzovoorts.
Is nog in onderzoekstadium, maar deze info is dermate onthutsend, dat ik deze -o.a. vanuit veiligheidsmotieven- nu al doorstuur.
Let op de opbouw van dit stuk en hoe de intermezzo's gaan, om de draad niet kwijt te raken.

In het Engels kwam ik ook tegen:

1918 Thule-Gesellschaft

Vooral uitprinten en goed lezen; ik citeer slechts enkele tekstdelen van de NL-link:

"...opgericht op 17 Augustus 1918 door Rudolf von Sebottendorf in het hotel "De Vier Seizoenen".

>>> M:
Ik berichte onlangs over high-society hotel "The Four Seasons" op Big Island, waar Britney Spears onlangs was en ook Bill Gates vaste klant is; dit blijkt een wereldwijde hotelketen zijn en is wellicht te vergelijken met de grote broer naar analogie van Bilderberg Groep en Bilderberg Hotels:
...Managing Editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, was able to represent the Center for Masonic Education at Houston in the SBC press room, on the Convention floor, and at the hospitality suite/media center set up by the Center at the Four Seasons Hotel near the Convention hall,...
"...four magnificent Chinese scrolls representing the four seizons...
"...the Fountain of the Four Seasons, represented by four superb lions, a museum of antiquities from Herculaneum and Pompeii. ..."
[M: fountain of life? life-elixer, holy grail, holy scroll, etc.]'s_articles.htm
"...This created the four seasons. It also shows us the circular/cyclical feminine pattern of Birth, Death and Renewal, similarly represented by the waxing and waning of the Moon. ..."
{M: dergelijke zaken komen terug in Blavatsky en Gordjief]
"...The Center for Masonic Information would not have been created nor could it have been represented at Houston. As a result of John Robinson's vision; Bro. and Dr. John W. Boettjer, Managing Editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, was able to represent the Center for Masonic Education at Houston in the SBC press room, on the Convention floor, and at the hospitality suite/media center set up by the Center at the Four Seasons Hotel near the Convention hall,..."

M: Goed; stop even met dit intermezzo: er zijn vele verwijzingen naar een link tussen Scottisch Masonry en de hotelketen "four seasons"
Daarbij nog op te merken dat Houston (&Texas) door een informant is genoemd als mogelijk nieuw hoofdkwartier van OTO; Ordi Templi Orientis, oftewel The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn".


Ik ga even door naar de tekstdelen vanuit de link van het Thule Gesellschaft die banden tussen OTO, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" en Scottish Masonry, zeer waarschijnlijk maken:

Karl Haushofer (veel invloed op Hitler, reizen verre oosten, broederschap de "Groene Draak",
[M: let wel: Beatrix heeft een boot "De Groene Draak" die in de haven ligt waar ook de boot van drugsmokkelaar Bruinsma lag; opiumhandel Oranje naar China via NHM]
... expert Oosters Esoterisme. Veronderstelt dat hij tot de binnencirkel van George Gurdjieff zou behoren. Oprichter zeer geheime Orde "Vril" (o.a. Hitler) te Berlijn. Rudolf Hess is een leerling van hem, die hem in contact met Hitler bracht en bezocht Hitler tijdens schrijven Mein Kampf regelmatig.
"..Karl en zoon Albrecht Haushofer hadden voor 1940 contacten met leden van de "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn". Kort na de machtsovername in 1938 waren er in Haushofer's huis geregeld ontmoetingen tussen Nazi-kopstukken en Japanse hoogwaardigheidsbekleders. Voor de Nazi's was Japan het 'Herrenvolk' uit het Oosten.
[M: Er zijn ook banden tussen Oranje en Japan in die tijd; rond 1900 waren er enorme zakelijke banden, waarover net een Japans film(-festival) is dat Beatrix bezocht; bron Charles Destree]
"In de lente van 1941 trachtte Haushofer, Rudolf Hess er van te overtuigen, nadat dit bij Hitler mislukt was, om contacten te maken met de Duke of Hamilton (Markies van Clydestale) die op zijn beurt contacten had met de "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn"
[M: Clydestale/Hamilton is het gebied waar de Schotse stad Glasgow is, een evengrote stad als Edinburg en er bijna naastgelegen] "Op 10 mei 1941 vertrekt Rudolf Hess naar Schotland. De Britse regering had echter geen oren naar de voorstellen van Rudolf Hess om een vredespact te sluiten en zette hem gevangen.
- Haushofers vielen uit de gratie en Hess werd door Hitler voor gek verklaard.
"Albrecht Haushofer was betrokken op de mislukte putsch op Hitler op 20 juli 1941..."

M: mijn conclusie is dat OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), = The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn = de Scottisch Masonry, zeer nauw betrokken zijn geweest bij het aan de macht brengen en ideologisch stimuleren van Hitler.
Daarbij komt mogelijk dat Hitler en Rothschild familie van elkaar zijn: de grootmoeder van Hitler was huishoudster van (deels Joodse) superrijke Rothschild (en afstammeling van Ra; Roth, Nimrod van Babylon?) en Hitlers vader of moeder zou een kind zijn van hem.
Pas op een veel later moment heeft men echter geprobeerd Hitler te stoppen / te bewerken en je ziet dat er toen een duidelijke breuk ontstond.
Hitler weigerde namelijk om te beantwoorden/knielen aan het 'hogere' genootschap en wilde zelf alle macht overnemen.
Dat de Jodenvervolging de hoofdreden hiertoe was, is m.i. deels een manipulatie van dergelijke organisaties, die hun eigen (racistische) rol wilden toedekken.
(De link bevat ook diverse aanknopingspunten over het ontstaan en hoe en waarom van de motivaties van de Jodenvervolging en niet de gecensureerde en gemanipuleerde onzin die ik op school heb moeten leren; o.a. dat Hitler alleen knettergek was en ze haatte omdat ze zijn schilderskunsten afkeurden.
Maar dat is een ander verhaal, waarover ik -gezien de gevoeligheid hiervan en om verkeerdere conclusies over mijn persoon te voorkomen- duidelijk moet stellen: de manier waarop Hitler e.e.a. in praktijk bracht is wel knettergek te noemen; er is discussie over de authenticiteit van het door Rosenberg uit Rusland gesmokkelde document over een "Joods-Bolsjewieks" complot; enzovoorts, enzovoorts; zoek het zelf maar uit).

De link bevat ook nog wat mogelijke aanknopingspunten tussen deze racisten en met het groen activisme en de Realisten Nederland; een partij van Hans Knoop die Fortuyn op confrontatiekoers bracht met de dierenactivisten door succesvol voor de pelsdierenfokkers te lobbieen:
"Er ontstond eind jaren tachtig in Nederland het "PMR -Partij voor Millieu en Recht- en het "RN -Realisten Nederland"
(Op internet vind ik zo snel de link niet, maar weet dit daar zijn ouders mijn buren waren en ik dergelijke pamfletten met zijn naam gezien heb; wel wordt uit gegevens op internet al snel duidelijk dat zijn interpretatie van 'dierenactivisme' en die van RN overeenkomen)
Dit word in verband gebracht met het "Neo-Paganisme", "Groen-Rechts" en dat ecologie en conservatisme "blijken soms dichter bij mekaar te liggen dan men denkt"
Eerder stelde ik al dat Hans Knoop toevallig ook een boek schreef over wapensmokkelaar Klaas de Jonge voor Oranje naar Zuid-Afrika in de tijd van RARA, enzovoorts.

Ik vermeld even wat andere gegevens die met deze zaken in verband staan:

Teutonic Order (engels/US woordenboek): ...organized in 1191 for service in the Crusades and later active in the military conquests by Germany of Baltic and Slaviv lands".
In feite kan je de Illuminati van 1776 van Weishaupt('Spartacus') zien als de op/navolgers van de Teutons; een Arische stam/volk van naakte maandansers en rauw voedsel eters; net als de Kelten.

The Secret Doctrine
Blavatsky vols I & II
uit 1888 (heruitgave november 17, 1947 door Theosophy Co)
Blavatsky met haar Theosophical movement en boek "The Secret Doctrine" is te zien als het boek van de Illuminati. Alleen officieel deel 1 en 2 zijn uitgegeven in het boek van 1888. Andere "deel 3 " versies zijn nooit bekrachtigd en zijn vaak manipulaties. Deel 3 en 4 zijn geheim en meer praktisch; waarschijnlijk bevatten die de geheime rites en initiaties die door OTO / Golden Dawn / Scottisch Masonry en aanverwante organisaties worden toegepast.
Ik citeer even kort in het verband met dit artikel: "...great Adepts of the Aryan Race..."
Als voorloper c.q. een eerder op de markt verkrijgbaar boek wordt "Isis Unveiled" genoemd.
Verder: she learned from Monks boardering Asia and Russia" en in dat verband: Lord Maitreya: "The Cult of The Dragon"

Rudolph Steiner was secretaris van de Theosophy Company dat dit boek uitgeeft en richtte zijn eigen anthroposofical movement op.

Churchill linked Weishaupt and the Illuminati of 1776 with Karl Marx of 1848
Churchill claimed that their purpose was to bring the world a New Worl Order.

The hippie movement of America began with the hippy movement before WWII
=> high Germans/ Elsas Lotheringen.
Teutones = True-Adamites; high Germans came from Teutons.
Adamite = a person who goes naked in imitation of Adam, as did members of some early religious sects.
Teuton= member of teutons.
Teutones= Ruler, an ancient tribe variously considered as Teutonic or Celtic, that lived north of the Elbe in Jutland.
Teutonic Order (zie eerder in tekst)
Teutonic: 1)Ancient Teutons; 2) of the Germans; 3) a group of North European people inclusding the German, Scandinavian, Dutch, English, etc.

"Children of the Sun"
ISBN 0-938-250-35-3 (& -37-1)
(ook een Duitse originele versie van)
Verteld de historie en de bewegingen rond 1900 en hoe dit oversloeg aan Californie en daaruit de Hippie beweging ontstond.
Nu dan de New-Age met o.a. raw-food en naakt volle maandansen.

De boeken en beweging/ geheim genootschap van Gurdjieff zijn te zien als opvolger of mantelorganisatie van de Illuminati.
"Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" is zijn grootste boekwerk dat het meeste omvat.
"Views from a Real World: Early Talks of G.I Gurdieff" is wellicht van belang om verbanden te onderzoeken.
Deze werken worden door veel mensen uit high society gevolgd. Gurdjieff zou hoofd zijn geweest van OTO / Golden Dawn.

Na hem was Aleister Crowley het hoofd;

Israel Regardie eveneensn (of heeft daar boek over geschreven; rauwe aantekeningen)

MacGregor Mathers -meen Schots- is de oprichter van OTO / Golden Dawn;

Alice Bailey: belangrijk leider van de New Age;
Anton LaVey: auteur Satanic Bible;

Dogon Tribe described the constellation of Sirius as a double star. Also look up in The Sirius Mystery.
[M: Er zijn vele aanwijzingen van o.a. oude culture en stammen -volgens de vrijmetselaars- dat buitenaards leven van Sirius; de "Dog-star" (dog is omgekeerde woord van god) de aarde heeft bezocht ca. 4500 jaar voor Christus]
In ieder geval gelooft men in dergelijke hogere wezens;

David Sprangler -major leader of the New Age;

Nimrod & Semiramis - first recognized king & queen of Babylon. Came to be worshipped as Gods (Semiramis being the mother of Nimrod, married Nimrod, she claimed virgin birth of Nimrod, this being the first "mother Mary and baby Jesus";

Sirius or Dog Star - in Constellation Canis major (=canine) HEART OF MYSTERIES;

Robbert Anton Wilson
Cosmic Trigger (boek)
Final Secret of the Illuminati
ISBN 0-941404-46-3

Goed; vast heel wat vergeten mee te nemen, maar deze gegevens moest ik even kwijt. Excuus voor de opmaak; dit is een onderzoeksstuk doorspekt met aantekeningen.

Als slotstukje nog even een gedachte van Gurdjieff dat revolutie van binnenuit de mens moet komen. Deez gedachte vind je terug in de denkbeelden over "de evolutiesprong" van vrijmetselaars, waarbij de mensheid naar een hogere dimensie zou gaan.
Verder zijn er veel zogenaamde "white knights". Even afgezien van de behandelde racistische tendensen ivm "white", zijn er ook veel vrijmetselaars die oprecht 'het goede' voor hebben. En soms ook doen, maar soms is hun moederorganisatie bovenaan de top bezig met een geheime agenda, is geinfiltreerd, of houdt er Reaal Politiek op na.
Heeft men doelbewust WWII uitgelokt?
Het zou kunnen, opdat later de mensheid meer "zelfinzicht" zou krijgen, benodigd voor de gepropageerde evolutiesprong.
Ik houdt het eerder op een 'ongelukje', maar sluit het tegendeel niet uit.

by demanindestraat Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004 at 11:24 AM

Heh, ik versta er geen knijt van...
Is dit weer één of ander verhaal over een grote wereldwijde samenzwering? Nu, gezien Britney Spears, Adolf Hitler en de Schotse Vrijmetselaars in één adem genoemd worden,....

by MM Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004 at 8:21 PM

Nee, Britney Spears was toevallig een bezoeker van dat hotel; ze is nogal jong en lijkt niet zo supersnugger om dat te weten.

Scottisch Masonry heeft met die hotelketen te maken.

Verder hoe men Hitlker aan de macht bracht en later probeerde te stoppen.

Aanvullingen Hitler- Scottisch Masonry-Golden Dawn-OTO
by Mark Metzelaar Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 at 2:45 AM

Om e.e.a. nog wat te verduidelijken:

De Orde van Hitler en top-Nazi's "Vril" is opgericht met leden van "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" is gelijkwaardig aan OTO, is Scottisch Masonry (of sterk verwant daaraan).
Men had eerder een meningsverschil over dat er geen oorlog tussen Engeland en Duitsland behoorde te zijn, dat dat men het oneens was over Joodse vraagstukken.
Immers: de hele ideologie is gebaseert op het Arische/Aryan ras, eventueel met toevoeging van Kelten en andere hogere rassen, zoals de Japanners voor het Oosten.
Dat zie je ook al terug in het werk van Blavatsky.
De breuk lijkt pas midden 1941 te zijn ontstaan rond het mislukken van de bemiddeling van Rudolph Hess en de escalatie die dat gaf tussen de eerdere uitverkoren discipel Hitler en leden van The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
De Golden Dawn blijkt inderdaad tegelijktertijd te zijn opgericht, als dat Blavatsky's wer "Secret Dopctrine" uitkwam. Via de opgegeven literatuur word de connecte met de eerdere Illuminati aangetoond

Een ander punt van toelichting is een deel van de ideologie dat men tot hoger inzicht komt door training, ontbering, zware stress enzovoorts. WWII past in dat kader en kan doelbewust zijn opgezet om het daarmee beoogde inzicht 'van binnenuit' onder de mensen te krijgen, noodzakelijk voor de beoogde evolutiesprong naar een hogere mens.
Ik zeg niet dat WWII geheel om die reden zo is voorbereid, maar het is wel een mogelijkheid.

Ik noem verder wat titels voor degenen die hier verder mee willen:

"Christian Rosenkreutz" (1378-1504)
Rudolph Steiner
ISBN 1-85584-084-7
Beschrijft o.a.:
Goethe: "The Mysteries";
Goethe: "The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily";
Rosecruzer Egyptian or Hermetic symbolism from confessio;
1785 "The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians"
Hinricus Madathanus Theosophus &
"The education of Human Race" (1780);
"The Chymical Wedding" narrative -1603 Johan Valentin Andrea &
other document "Fama Fraternitatis";
Copernicus "On The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres middle 16th century;
"Knight of the Golden Stone" (Christian Rosenkreutz).

"Book four Liber Aba"
Aleister Crowley
I Mysticism;
II Magick (elem. theory);
III Magick in theorie & practice
IV Thilema -The Law
ISBN 0-87728-919-0
Dit zou het echte -meest uitvoerige- handboek van de vrijmetselaars zijn; met alle riten, symbolen, gebruiken enzovoorts.

"The Golden Dawn"
Israel Regardie
2000 -6th edition revised and enlarged, complete in one volume
"The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn"
A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magic
Four Volumes in One"
ISBN 0-87542-663-8
(deze versie is teruggebracht van 1200 naar 800 pagina's vanwege "leesbaarheid")

"The Tree of Life"
"An Illustrated Studie in Magic"
Israel Regarde
Edoted and Annotated by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero
A Twenty-first-century Edition of a Maggical Classic
2003, third printing
ISBN 1-56718-132-5

"The Sirius Mystery"
New scientific evidence of alien contact 5000 years ago
Robert Temple
ISBN 0-89281-750-X

"The Biggest Secret"
"The book that will change the world"
David Icke
Updated second edition, includes the background of the murder of Diana, Princess of Wales
1999- 7th printing nov. 2001
ISBN 0-9526147-6-6

"America's Secret Establishment"
"An introduction to the
Order of Skull & Bones"
Antony C. Sutton
"...only at Yale"
Every spring since 1832 fifteen new faces are asked to join
The Order of Skull and Bones
After Yale, many go on to the heights of power and shape our world. This is the story of how and why...
ISBN 0-9720207-0-5

by PolE Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 at 8:24 AM

Ik denk dat Ali zelf teveel van die obscure boekjes heeft gelezen. De meeste sektes denken nu eenmaal dat zij een manier hebben gevonden om de wereld of de mens te veranderen. Zij nemen hun waanbeelden meestal voor werkelijkheid. Ali wil ons waarschuwen voor het gevaar van dergelijke clubjes, maar negeert daarbij de concrete feiten uit de recente geschiedenis. (WOII een samenzwering om de mens te testen?) Zijn angst komt voort doordat hij er van uit gaat dat ze werkelijk in staat zijn de wereld te beinvloeden. Hij gelooft hen dus blijkbaar al half en half. Je bewijst hen teveel eer Ali.

obscure concrete feiten
by Charles Destrée Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 at 4:04 PM

Beste mensen,

Aan liet ik onderstaande weten: "dat in hun lijst van geheime genootschappen mij er twee lijken te ontbreken.
De Zionistische lobby, die in Washington de wereldscepter zwaait
De Bilderberg Group, die in de NATO de macht van het noorden over de uitgebuite Derde Wereld beheert. In collaboratie met de CIA, de multinationals, w.o. de families Bush en Van Oranje.

Om hun tekst te gebruiken: ik ben "een onafhankelijk onderzoeker naar politieke, economische, religieuze en maatschappelijke (machts-structuren). Onderzoeksterreinen zijn onder meer de diverse" multinational ondernemingen en hun terroristische wereldheerschappij.

Herinnerd zij, dat de allereerste multinational ter wereld een Nederlandse was, de VOC. Diens dochtermaatschappij de WIC verdiende fortuinen met de slavenhandel. De stichting van de VOC is vorig jaar op schandelijk schaamteloos uitbundige wijze gevierd.
Het Huis van Oranje deelde en deelt mee in deze koloniale uitbuiting, en vestigde zo zijn macht. Deze Oranjefascistische onderneming is bovenal een multinational bedrijf. Het verbloemt zijn handel onder de hermelijnen mantel van het Koningschap – dat slechts dient als camouflage.
In 1934 werd speciaal een SS'er uitverkoren om de toekomst van het Huis van Oranje te verzekeren.
Voor en tijdens WO II collaboreerde het Huis van Oranje met Nazi-Duitsland. O.a. in het Duits-Brits-Nederlandse Englandspiel en in de NOC."

Wie meer wil weten uit mijn grote verzameling documenten, ben ik graag van dienst.

Vriendelijke groeten,
Charles Destrée.

Hegeliarism: Skull & Bones - Harriman- Wesley Clark, Zionism, Bilderberg, etc.
by Mark Metzelaar Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004 at 4:24 AM

As comment to PolE: I didn't state that WWII -as it developed- was a well planned plan or conspiracy.

New information (I'll keep it in english this time):

Out of the former mentioned book:
"America's Secret Establishment"
"An introduction to the
Order of Skull & Bones"
Antony C. Sutton

Hegeliarian philosophy:
Republican versus Democrats, good versus evil, Christianity versus Moslems, Freedom versus dictators, Nazism versuys Communism, etc.

"A small group -a very small group- by using Hegel, can manipulate, and to some extend, control society for its own purposes"
"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
& The Dumbing Down of America"
John Taylor Gotta

Those books are about many examples and data supporting the practical implementation of Hegel by some secret societies. One example mentioned is a very detailed report how the same people (belonging to primarely Skull & Bones), financed as well Nazism as Communism.

Gilman, White and Dwight founded "Skull and Bones" with the financial support of Rockefeller.
This had a relation to the German nazi SS "Death Head Division".

Another title is "Last secrets of the Skull and Bones"
Ron Rosenbaum (Esquire, sept 1977)

[Charles: whe see the name Rosenbaum often, but there are a lot Rosenbaum's. Maybe related, maybe not. Like J. Rosenbaum (Jordi, Mishima Cyber Command), Arthur J. Rosenbaum (high in special forces, Bosnia, Kosovo) and now this Ron Rosenbaum, in somehow related affairs.
The symbolicy is the rose and has to do with rosecreutz.
Furthermore, this is a German name for primarely Jewish originating families]

And in connection to Charles remarks and earlier communications:

The book:
"America's Secret Establishment", "An introduction to the
Order of Skull & Bones" of Antony C. Sutton,

contains many pages about the Harriman family!

For example: Avryl Harriman was allowed in the same year to the Skull&Bones as Prescott Bush (grandfather president George Bush).

But other Harrimans also were part of S&B, so this probably is the same for Pamela Harriman, involved with the Sebrenica massacres, Dutch, Bosnian, and American waepontrade (Mabel Wisse Smit), George Soros, Wesley Clark, Richard Holbrook, etcetera (I'll give some links in the follow-up).

This is important, because it links the more 'pure' American freemasonry S&B (like Bush family), to the freemasons of Europe like Bilderberg, Scottisch Masonry, Rhodes School (Clinton, Clark, ...).
More info on Rhodes inner circle: Rothschild belongs to that and is considered as "The Brittish connection".
The diner-meeting before the bombardments on Serbia, consisted of Pamela Harriman, Wesley Clark, Mabel Wisse Smit, Richard Holbrooke with many telephone calls made.
That is called Real Politics: They don't fight Bush at all.
That's there story right now, but they lie.
They gave Bush power first, because that was thge deal between the different mentioned societies and because they needed a war-president to accomplish their overlapping secret agenda's. Now its another time that needs another president: Wesley Clark. But in fact still the people that play with so-called democracy remain in power and nothing changes, except for changes that already had been decided by those societies.

Charles made another remark about involvement of Zionism:
In WWII they didn't have that power as the more Aryan and racial secret societies that mostly didn't like 'Jewish' influance, race, etcetera.
For the Scottisch Masonry (=OTO= Golden Dawn + connections with Skull & Bones) I found many indications of their involvement of 'their' discipel Hitler till 1941 (study all info mentioned earlier in article & folow-ups)
Ofcourse: after the war, they tried to cover-up. See for example the site of the Scottisch Masonry, how poor they were and that they were also -next to the Jews- victims of Hitler. They don't mention that thit only happened after the middle of 1941, merely because escalation after no peace seemed to be possible between England and Germany: not that much because of the Jewish case.
Ofcourse now Jewish organisations, Zionism, etcetera, carefully monitor, watch and "Real-Politics" with these secret societies. Never again the atrocities on their people, so present day Masonry and Zionism seem to be strong related (for example Israeli's Richard Perle, Wolfowitch and others decided about America's Defense policy "Defence Advisory", attacking Iraq and Afghanistan BEFORE 9-11). I think humans are the top-predators on this earth. So if these organisations,secret societies and so on, are not carefully democratically monitored, people will abuse their uncontroled power.

Avril & pamila Harriman
by Mark Metzelaar Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004 at 4:31 AM

(correction: Avril Harriman, not Avryl)

Pamela Harriman

"...In her 76 years, Pamela Harriman, as she was known at her death, had fucked: Randolph Churchill, Edward R. Murrow, Bill Paley, Avril Harriman, Gianni Agnelli (Fiat), Elie Rothschild (Frog branch), Aly Khan and several others ..."
"As Avril Harriman grew older and feebler, she started raising money for the Democratic party. She raised millions while having spiffy parties for the rich and perfectly tailored. Someone who received money and support from Pamela was a boyish looking Governor from Arkansas. Yes, without Pamela there wouldn't have been a Bill Clinton. ..."

So The Skull & Bones of Bush financed Clinton?
Or did she leave the Skull & Bones?

More info Clark & Clinton + connection Englandspiel?
by Mark Metzelaar Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004 at 9:55 PM

More info:

From TechTV / Conspiracy Channel:

Clinton president and Wesley Clark commander 1st cavalry in Fort Hood, both Rhodes scholars (see info above; Engish connectyion, Dutch connection, European anti-waeponlobby) and from Arkinson. sent tanks etc. to Waco.
Films / movies diappeared and journalist had the caps on their camera's when the first shots were fired.
Doesn't this look similar to the Dutch cover-up of Sebrenica that also involves Clark, where a movie was 'accidently' destroyed in a military photolab?
According to many: it was the military / government that opened fire first.
This alarmed the patriot institutions that have the task in America to guard the civil rights and protect Americans against totalitarian governments.
Also a white power movement -infiltrated by government- was 'among' these patriot organszations.
Many indicatoions that they wanted to blow up government buildings, but government didn't do a thing to stop this.
Timothy McVeigh seems not to have worked on his own; indications of logistical and other support and people that pushed the buttons at him.
The Oklahoma bombing happened and the papers at this tax-building towards proof of Clinton's fraud in Whitewater, were destroyed by the bombing.
A CIA (or other secret service) covert action seems to be likely.

(some other info concern other issues, like P.R. Sallinger that worked for administrations and is considered as a very reliable source: according to many CIA channels: it was an American Naval rocket that brought down the TWA plane at Long Island, as is stated by hundreds of eye-witnesses)


Question to Carles and others:

Can you make a connection with the Golden Dawn (Scottish Masonry, Skul&Bones, etc) affairs trying to bring peace between England and Germany and:

Your research about the "Greath Brittains Game", to create a demilitarized area between England and Germany that would create the conditions to make peace possible around 1942, also known covered-up as the Englandspiel?
As introduction: Prince Bernhard betrayed the Dutch resistance after he wrote the: "stadhoudersbrief" to Hitler and/or Himmler. All the airdropped agents were tracked doen, together with the resistance networks waiting for them to help. The English new that they were caught by the Nazi's, but kept going on with the faled missions. For what purpose? Most likely is for the mentioned reasons, as is researched by Charles Destree and is erased from official history.

More info
by Mark Metzelaar Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004 at 9:22 PM

See for further discussion /verdere discussie:

Protokolle der Weisen von Zion, Nazi-propaganda , Nazi-sympathieen, Die Lugen,
Asyrian & Aryan is hetzelfde woord!!! Ook hun eerste tempel buiten Europa, was meteen in Syrie (zie hun website). Dat word gezien als de eerste beschaving, voor Babylon. Asyrian en de constellation of Sirius, is ook bijna hetzelfde woord; Asyrian lijkt een grammaticale vorm van het woord Sirius te zijn. Zoals eerder aangegeven, gelooft men dat Aliens van de Dogstar oftewel Sirius constellation kwamen en dat het Aryan race daarvan afkomstig is,
HERKOMST AIDS / HIV, Atlanta Center for Disease Control, Oeganda, Amerikaans bedrijf, laboratorium, vaccin uit apenbloed

by Charles Destrée Monday, Jan. 26, 2004 at 10:03 PM

Excuse me, it took some time to translate.

"Films / movies disappeared and journalist had the caps on their camera's when the first shots were fired. Doesn't this look similar to the Dutch cover-up of Sebrenica that also involves Clark, where a movie was 'accidently' destroyed in a military photolab?"

And similar happened concerning the video records of the murder of Pim Fortuyn.

"Events in 1941 that can be coupled to events in 1942".
"Can you make a connection with the Golden Dawn (Scottish Masonry, Skul&Bones, etc) affairs trying to bring peace between England and Germany"
And: "Prince Bernhard betrayed the Dutch resistance after he wrote (on 24 april 1942) the: "stadhoudersbrief" to Hitler and/or Himmler. All the airdropped agents were tracked down, together with the resistance networks waiting for them to help. The English new that they were caught by the Nazi's, but kept going on with the failed missions. For what purpose? Most likely is for the mentioned reasons, as is researched by Charles Destr饠and is erased from official history."

Here I mention what I can precise (between much more). Maybe this can help to find connections with Scottish Masonry and Skull&Bones. In this frame can be noted that Himmler was member of the Oxford Group.

The Englandspiel or Great Britains-game began in March 1942. It appears to have been a German-British-Dutch collaboration, to come to a peace of compromise.
For this purpose already in the night from10 to 11 May 1941 Hitlers 'eminence grise' Rudolf Hess came with an airplane to Scotland. The deal was to come back 2 days later, with a signed agreement for this peace of compromise.

Most citations are from the book 'Double Standards. The Rudolf Hess Cover-UP'. Lynn Pichnett, Clive Prince, Stephen Prior and Robert Brydon. Little, Brown and Company, London. 2001.
Dutch translation:
HESS, Het dubbelleven van de man achter Hitler.
Door Lynn Pichnett, Clive Prince en Stephen Prior, in samenwerking met Robert Brydon. Anthos / Manteau. (Amsterdam / Antwerpen.) ISBN 90 7634 125 7. 2001. Vertaald door Amy Bais, Piet Dal en Meta Gemert.

In the evening of 10 May London endured the most heavy bombing of the whole war.
On the contrary of the German civilians, it didn't create solidarity between the civilians, but the British got enough of it. And liked to end the war.
Hitlers right hand, and in fact his guide and brake, Rudolf Hess, landed by parachute in the night of 10 on 11 May 1941 in the near neighbourhood of Duke HAMILTON'S castle Dungavel.
Note: Hess, a university formed intellectual, had since far before the war friendly relations with the Hamiltons.
Hess came with the full agreement of Hitler.
The intention was, that Hess should return to Germany the day after, with a signed peace of compromise in his pocket.

But because, for a still unknown reason, the lights of the landing strip of Dungavel were turned off, Hess couldn't land, and jumped out his airplane, that crashed.
Here comes an important event:
"After have spoken the next day (12 May) with the ministry of Foreign Affairs (Eden), Churchill sent a high placed official, Ivone Kirckpatrick ? who before the war had worked on the British Embassy in Berlin and knew Hess personally ? to Scotland to confirm the identity of the prisoner." Now "the official story leaves out certain important facts an it hides the real motives.
Churchills Kirckpatrick (not mentioned by L. de Jong in his index) is thus the first person of the SAKALUK (codename for the Foreign Office) identifies HESS. Who tells him that he has come wit propositions of peace. The conditions for those propositions are not yet known.
"NKVD-agents in Germany and the USA /?/ reported unanimous that he had flown to Great Britain with the agreement of Hitler to hand over conditions of peace." (Stalin apparently seems not alarmed by this, because he will be taken back by Hitler's attack a big month later, CD.

Following John Harris the Duke of Kent was "the weekend of 10 and 11 May 1941 in Scotland, on Balmoral."
"From this all appears that the Duke of Kent knew the motives and had the possibility to be concerned at the plan-Hess, but the question is if there is, except the witnesses of Baker, any specific proof that couples him at the events of 10 May 1941 or with the 'Hamilton peace group' in general.

Luton Hoo, a Georgian mansion, was "the property of the family of businessman Sir Harold Wernher, can very well have been the centre of the peace group. Wernher was director of the British branch of Electrolux Ltd, that was the property of Birger Dahlerus, and he was one of the organizers of the peace conference in August 1939 with G?g. He maintained ? as good friend of Queen Mary ? also near relations with as well British as European Royal families (Orange, Wilhelmina, Bernhard?), as well as with high noble families (Bentinck? CD) (his granddaughter is the actual Duchess of Westminster). Sir Harold was married with lady Anastasia Torby, cousin of the last Tsar of Russia, who had family relations with almost every Royal family in Europe. His status remains always confirmed because Princess Elisabeth and Prince Philip in November 1947 passed there their weddings night on Luton Hoo. In May 1941 the house was the headquarter of the Eastern High Staff.

The peace group counts: Beaverbrook, Halifax, Hoare (plus RAF, and Wilhelmina, Bernhard? CD)
The Duke should, following the biographer Andrey Whiting, on 23 August (the evening before the departure of the Duke of Kent/Prince George) have left from The Coppins. "so that remains a not to be trace day. But a member of one of the foreign Royal families in exile, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a German Count by birth and ever member of the NSDAP, has declared that he was the last who, on the evening before the crash, dined on Balmoral with the Duke, and in a biography about the Queen-Mother is mentioned that the Duke before his flight was near his parents at Balmoral. However it is not strange that the Duke interrupted his travel at Balmoral, one dares not admit this fact because it is considered as too sensible, probably because of the meeting with Prince Bernhard, whose presence never has been explained.

On 25 August 1924 the flying boat of the Duke of Kent picked up Rudolf Hess from Lake Loch More in Scotland. They had to go to Stockholm, but the plane crashed short after take-off.

I got in contact with the authors, and told that I could perfectly explain, why Prince Bernhard had to be there. And they admitted also perfectly my explanation. Since than we are in near contact. Two of them visited me, and the result can be seen at their Pharo website. The cited 3 pages of my info in their last book 'The War of the Windsors ? A Century of Unconstitutional Monarchy'.

I could edit a book 'The war of the Oranges ? Four Centuries of Unconstitutional Monarchy'.

But where could I find the editor?

Churchill was also implicated in this peace of compromise. The US-General Marshall ordered in November 1942 an inquiry about Churchill's attitude. He concluded that Churchill based his action on the Bismarck principle: Germany reigning on the European Continent, Great Britain in its Empire.

In this frame Churchill's earlier curious cry: 'Set Europe ablaze', instead of 'Set Germany ablaze' gets its signification.

Thus the real Hess died at 25 August 1942. His double was judged at Nuremberg to prison for lifetime. He was finally murdered by agents specially sent by the British Crown.

Maybe the names Clydesdale and Haushofer, Hess' professor in geopolitics at the Munich University can give another indication.

Best wishes, Charles Destrée

CONCLUSION 1941-1942 -present
by Mark Metzelaar Monday, Jan. 26, 2004 at 10:06 PM


After some cristallisations of this research-article & reactions -info, I come to the following conclusions (besides earlier mentioned ones):

Freemasonry is not one group; a lot of groups and a lot of different people.
Therefore it seems that Freemasonry in the first years of WWII and before, was primerely an Aryan organisation thinking about Aryans as a high race.
But also Jewish people (former helpers, 'the chosen ones' from Babylon?) took part of it.
As is sometimes or often thought (but mostly censored by the influance of certain groups):
A major 'Jewish' influance and connection with the Bolshevik movement in the Sowjet Union was the case.

In The Englandspiel, or Greath Brittaingame(?), also many groups and people were involved. One recent -non-censored- theory is that Russians had some influance within the Britisch inteligence, decisonmaking and maybe real Russian infiltration for their own purposes.
These people could do things for the purpose of Russia and partly changing Britains politics and actions.
If affiliated with Jewish groups, they also could be more concerned about the Jewish case of Hitler Germany, than the average Englishman (as we know, racial thinking and anti-semitism was quite general in those days).
'Above government' groups like freemasonry organisations as Golden Dawn (Scottisch Masonry, Skull & Bones, Hitlers Vril, etc.) had to deal with eachothers motives, motives of their populations, etc. and try to achieve Real Politics.
First they were clearly supporting Hitler that might be even their chosen discipel as he seems to be family related to Rothschild (Ra -Roth from Babylon).
During 1941 and 1942 there seemed to be a struggle in those organisations about what to do with the war.
So probably different opinions, conflicting actions and data, and no concensus.
Pearl Harbor 'happened' on December 7th 1942.
As we know, Golden Dawn was involved in the meetings between Nazi's and Japanese officials shortly before WWII.
We also know these days that the American (goverment - above government) purposedly let Pearl Harbour happen).
This was to get USA full-blown into WWII by outraging the American public. In fact America could easily have defend itself without major damage to Pearl Harbor and therefore no full-blown war neccesary.
Probably groups within the Golden Dawn, Skull & Bones, etc. let this happen. And why?
Also in England different motives played a role. Germany was that strong, that every serious English government would try to make a peace agreement or at least a back-up plan.
And that to my opinion exactly what happened; only to what extense; like the outcome of Charles research of collaboration between England, Germany, prince Bernhard and others?
After Pearl Harbor thing were changing. A giant superpower woke up. In the beginning it was not sure what America would do. Only attack the Japanese? And after that? When would USA military support England enough to win the war, or at least be sure to withstand Germany?
It took some time after Pearl Harbor to be sure about this outcome.
In that proces, Masonry, England, prince Bernhard and others, became from (sometimes potential) collaborators, anti-Nazi's.
This looks quite hypocrite, according to the manipulated history and media about their struggle and motives.
After 1942 Scottisch Masonry and others seemed to 'have broken' with the most extreme racial thinkings about the Aryan race, although that remains the high race among masonry.
Now a pact with groups acting for 'Jewish' interests was made, instead of the former pact with the Nazi's.
Maybe to make it even for what masonry was responsible, partly as blackmail? And as powerplay, as masonry always worked as Real Politics. Nowadays partly other people, groups and countries have power in the Western World.
The power-play, Real Politics nevertheless, remains the same ugly and unethical game.

See also:
that has partly info.

Right or wrong
by Charles Destrée Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004 at 10:18 AM

Nothing on earth and in (human) nature is straight on right forward action. All is moving with ups and downs, oops and wows, left right and back zigzagging.
Only one thing is always straight in mind of our 'spiritual' and/or political/economic 'leaders', our Popes, Führers, Kings, Captains of Industry. That's to make more profit! Borderless egoist greed
Who said: 'Right or wrong, my country' ?
The Germans? The Nazis? The Americans?
Multinational enterprises, American and others, have no country. Their country is the world. Wars are their Principal markets. There are no borders in their abuse of power.
Two examples.
In June 1940 the concentration camp of Auschwitz was installed. In the near neighbourhood was constructed a chemical factory where the prisoners worked till the fell dead. This factory was the property of the biggest German multinational IG-Farben and the American multinational Standard Oil (later Esso and Exxon) together.
During WW II, Jewish Captains of Industry collaborated with the Nazis. They constituted the 'Prizkoleit' list, the 'alte Herren'. See: 'Le dossier Saragosse - Martin Bormann et Gestapo Müller après 1945' By Pierre de Villemarest. 2002. ISBN 2.7025.0578.3

In the pyramid of world power, on the top is the Zionist lobby in Washington. See Norman Finkelstein: The Holocaust Industry, 2000, ISBN 2 913372 10 4 (in French).
This Zionist lobby is what I call the multinational-Zionism or multinazionism.
It were the same multinationals that financed Lenin, Hitler and Buffalo Bush. Included the House of Orange, that's principally not a Royal House, but a multinational enterprise. Like the British House of Windsor. See 'War of the Windsors – A Century of Unconstitutional Monarchy, by four British researchers. Between more there is question of the British Royal collaboration with Germany during WW II. Like did the Dutch House of Orange, Wilhelmina and Bernhard.
In 'War of the Windsors' I am cited with: "Charles Destrée's research has uncovered considerable evidence that Wilhelmina's control of the Free Dutch provides the key to one of the Second World War's most notorious intelligence deceptions: the Nazi operation known as Englandspiel ('England Game')." "Perhaps it is no coincidence that Marina I (Duchess of Kent, Princess of Greece, CD) was close to the Dutch Royal family and Kent worked closely with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands."
Bernhard, former SS-man, founded in 1954, with some of those multinationals and with CIA the secret Bilderberg Group. In which the House of Orange is playing a leading role. The deal is to defend the American (and their own) multinational interests: profit. At any price, included the suffering of millions of people.
It seems clear that Mat Herben, the traitor of Pim Fortuyn, is member as well of Freemasonry as Bilderberg Group.
It is all borderless multinational terrorism.
Best wishes,
Charles Destrée.

Lot of follow-up info; getting to the max!
by Mark Metzelaar Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 at 12:49 AM

Although this info can be found on the earlier mentioned Dynalinks, for security reasons pleade also here, as my Emails have -according to a reporter- recently censored and my Email account is now "deactivated"

After irregularities on my older Yahoo email accounts about not receiving a control email back, now Yahoo inactivated my email account:
So I can't acces this account, I can't read my own emails or emails I received from other people, I can't check -because of the irregularities- if they received my prior Emails I send them, people who know this account, cant reach me for further comments, etc.
All this happened without any prior warning and without a given reason.
Therefore Yahoo can be seen as a dictatotorial (collaborating) company that resembles the bad aspects of both fasiscm as well as communism.
Freedom of press? Freedom of opinion? It all comes from America; how hypocrite!

Furthermore, I have some info about Rudolf Hess and the early financing of the Naziparty he arranged through the Dutch bank "Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart" in Rotterdam, with backup of Thyssen of Skull & Bones. This info is in the former mentioned book, backed up with copies of documents (later I'll give the exact text).

My question to Charles is about his quite logical story about Rudolf Hess and acquiring peace between Germany and Brittain.
Fisrt I have to mention that -according to a studied man- he also herad the stories of a Rudolf Hess DOUBLE. This was form sources in the Brittisch intellegence, long time ago.
But the story about a double that takes over Hess role to be in prison, doesn't seem logical at all, as well as that he kept his mouth about being a double for long time, before he died in prison (or was "murdered"?). Who the hell would like such a role? Why was that neccesary? Why taken that high risks with a double that has to testify?
Maybe Charles and/or others have more info about this issue to make clear what is the most likely about those stories.
Or maybe Hess didn't die in the mentioned plane accident?

2004-01-29 22:10:38

Why especially this account has been blocked?

I recently received the following message, that I luckely copied to another mailaccount for security!:

Subject: Mabel-gate
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 12:40:19 -0500
"Hi Mark -
I'm writing to ask if you would be kind enough to provide me with any of your thoughts'information/sources with regard to the Bosnian-Dutch connection.
I'm in the research process of writing an article on the subject. Your source is confidentially held under the First Amendment.
Appreciate it, and have a great Year 2004,
(name removed)"

For sure they don't want info about the Clark-Bosnia connection in American newspapers (as this journalist seems to be American, erfering to the 1st amendment), as those secret societies try to make him the new president!
Since then , I had the irregularities. I don't know if this reporter(?) received my answer email back, because there was an enormous delay in my (control-) emails and they could be monitored and even 'smartly censored'. And now this account has been inactivated!
Concidence exists? Well; it could be, but sorry I don't feel it now that way!

2004-01-30 23:20:32

According to the reporter (if he is; one never knows for sure in this field): he didn't receive my former Email, indicating my Emails were censored!
That would implement that they tried to block contacts between me and reporters and other important contacts.
Now the same account is "deactivated" by Yahoo. So for sure these contacts are blocked! Well; who the hell owns Yahoo? Rockeffeller or something? Or one of his friends, otherwise?

2004-01-31 00:06:28


Let's continu on this story with more info!
I understand Charles is doing the same and comming up with more info, so let's make an explose mix to detonate those societies forever; the evil ones amongst them or the ones that use deception about being good, using bad methods.


How The Bush Family Made Its Fortune From The Nazis
The Dutch Connection


In 1999, Mr. Gowen traveled to Europe, at his own expense, to meet a former member of Dutch intelligence who had detailed inside information about the Rotterdam bank. The scrupulous Gowen took a written statement and then had his source read and correct it for error. Here, in summary form, is how the Nazis hid their money in America.

After World War I, August Thyssen had been badly burned by the loss of assets under the harsh terms of the Versailles treaty. He was determined that it would never happen again. One of his sons would join the Nazis; the other would be neutral. No matter who won the next war, the Thyssen family would survive with their industrial empire intact. Fritz Thyssen joined the Nazis in 1923; his younger brother married into Hungarian nobility and changed his name to Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza. The Baron later claimed Hungarian as well as Dutch citizenship. In public, he pretended to detest his Nazi brother, but in private they met at secret board meetings in Germany to coordinate their operations. If one brother were threatened with loss of property, he would transfer his holdings to the other.

To aid his sons in their shell game, August Thyssen had established three different banks during the 1920's -- The August Thyssen Bank in Berlin, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart in Rotterdam, and the Union Banking Corporation in New York City. To protect their corporate holdings, all the brothers had to do was move the corporate paperwork from one bank to the other. This they did with some regularity. When Fritz Thyssen "sold" the Holland-American Trading Company for a tax loss, the Union Banking Corporation in New York bought the stock. Similarly, the Bush family invested the disguised Nazi profits in American steel and manufacturing corporations that became part of the secret Thyssen empire.

When the Nazis invaded Holland in May 1940, they investigated the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart in Rotterdam. Fritz Thyssen was suspected by Hitler's auditors of being a tax fraud and of illegally transferring his wealth outside the Third Reich. The Nazi auditors were right: Thyssen felt that Hitler's economic policies would dilute his wealth through ruinous war inflation. He had been smuggling his war profits out through Holland. But the Rotterdam vaults were empty of clues to where the money had gone. The Nazis did not know that all of the documents evidencing secret Thyssen ownership had been quietly shipped back to the August Thyssen Bank in Berlin, under the friendly supervision of Baron Kurt Von Schroeder. Thyssen spent the rest of the war under VIP house arrest. He had fooled Hitler, hidden his immense profits, and now it was time to fool the Americans with same shell game.

As soon as Berlin fell to the allies, it was time to ship the documents back to Rotterdam so that the "neutral" bank could claim ownership under the friendly supervision of Allen Dulles, who, as the OSS intelligence chief in 1945 Berlin, was well placed to handle any troublesome investigations. Unfortunately, the August Thyssen Bank had been bombed during the war, and the documents were buried in the underground vaults beneath the rubble. Worse, the vaults lay in the Soviet Zone of Berlin.

According to Gowen's source, Prince Bernhard commanded a unit of Dutch intelligence, which dug up the incriminating corporate papers in 1945 and brought them back to the "neutral" bank in Rotterdam. The pretext was that the Nazis had stolen the crown jewels of his wife, Princess Juliana, and the Russians gave the Dutch permission to dig up the vault and retrieve them. Operation Juliana was a Dutch fraud on the Allies who searched high and low for the missing pieces of the Thyssen fortune.

In 1945, the former Dutch manager of the Rotterdam bank resumed control only to discover that he was sitting on a huge pile of hidden Nazi assets. In 1947, the manager threatened to inform Dutch authorities, and was immediately fired by the Thyssens. The somewhat naive bank manager then fled to New York City where he intended to talk to Union Bank director Prescott Bush. As Gowen's Dutch source recalled, the manager intended "to reveal [to Prescott Bush] the truth about Baron Heinrich and the Rotterdam Bank, [in order that] some or all of the Thyssen interests in the Thyssen Group might be seized and confiscated as German enemy property. "The manager's body was found in New York two weeks later.

Similarly, in 1996 a Dutch journalist Eddy Roever went to London to interview the Baron, who was neighbors with Margaret Thatcher. Roever's body was discovered two days later. Perhaps, Gowen remarked dryly, it was only a coincidence that both healthy men had died of heart attacks immediately after trying to uncover the truth about the Thyssens.

Neither Gowen nor his Dutch source knew about the corroborating evidence in the Alien Property Custodian archives or in the OMGUS archives. Together, the two separate sets of US files overlap each other and directly corroborate Gowen's source. The first set of archives confirms absolutely that the Union Banking Corporation in New York was owned by the Rotterdam Bank. The second set (quoted by Manning) confirms that the Rotterdam Bank in turn was owned by the Thyssens.
(see site for further info)


Dynalinks archive


(sorry; I'm not going to study this info now; maybe someone else can integrate all the different good info and make some new conclusions)

Out of the former mentioned book:
"America's Secret Establishment"
"An introductions to the Order of Skull & Bones":

...The links between The Order and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant bankers. Notably the British establishement was also founded at a university - Oxford university, and especially All Souls College at Oxford.
[Charles earlier mentioned: In this frame can be noted that Himmler was member of the Oxford Group -letter Bernhard]
The Group links to Jewish equivaent through the Rothschild in Britain (Lord Rothschild was an original member of Rhodes "inner circle'). The Order in the U.S. links to the Guggenheim, Shiff and Warburg families. There were no Jews at all in The Order until very recently. In fact, The Order has, as Rosenbaum suggests, some indefinite anti-semetic tendencies

"...Who was Thysen?
In 1930-31 Emil Kirdorf approached Thyssen and subsequently sent Rudolf Hess to negotiate further funding for the Nazi Party. This time Thyssen arranged a credit of 25,000 marks at the Bank Voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. (The Dutch name for the bank named by Thyssen in the attached document), at 18 Zuidblaak in Rotterdam, Holland

Then titled under namens like "The Union Banking connection" -Thyssen affiliated with the W.A. Harriman financial interest in N.Y.

D.C. Schutte (managing partner Thyssen Bank)

Also H.J. Kouwenhoven (Nazi) is mentioned as "Nazi banker, managing partner of August Thyssen Bank and Bank voor Handel Scheepvaart N.V. (the transfer bank for Thyssen's funds)"
"Cornelius Lievense President, Union Banking Corp. and director of Holland-American Investment Corp
Johan Groninger "Director of Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart and Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Thyssens steel operations)"


O.K.: a lot of Dutch names; isn't it? So what was the Dutch connection in support of Hitler?

earlier I mentioned Averyl Harriman and Prescot Bush were taken into The Order of Skull & Bones in the same year.
This was not Averyl (or Averel) in that year, but a brother or something. Many Harrimans in Skull & Bones. Pamela Harriman not, but that doesn't mean she isn't affiliated: Skull & Bones internally is only for men. And Pamela Harriman supported Clinton; see earlier info..!

Pfff; enough for now! Best, Mark

2004-01-31 00:48:47




They have some nice webiste that gives some pretty info. You have to read between the lines sometimes about their dception, but sometimes they uncover some good info themselves:


(this link is not working on my PC right now; the virus/spyware again I encountered a few times, blocking or redirecting websites, or they themselves removed their website- Hahah!; P.S.: annhiliation instead of annihiliation, is the way the addres was spelled)

But I have a copy I made on 7/24/2003:

"The Annihiliation of Freemasonry"

They discuss how fremasonry was prosecuted by Hitler; very conficting facts with the info that the Dutch Marcel Roggemans and another english website gave. The Scootish Masonry ONLY tells the part of prosecution. Nothing about involvement of any of the 'facts' that came out of the document of Marcel Roggemans "Thule Gesellschaft" and the English website with similar info.
So they lie, while they for sure give some facts that are true.
But -for only one example- how come in 1938 Golden Dawn was involved in talkings between high Nazi's and high ranking Japanese, while according to Scottish Masonry info the Gestapo took over Grand LOdges, looted their libraries and collections and exhibited in an "Anti-Masonic Exposition" inaugurated in 1937 by Herr Dr. Joseph Goebbels in Munich.

Maybe someone else can see or find this (new) site and document, as I can't find the address?

THEN (same document)

"...In countires where democracy is a reality, even Royalty belongs to the Order.

For the rest they mention a lot of other masons, like Goethe, Mozart.
Herbert, Andre Chenier, Camille Desmoulins (and many others in French revolution)
[Mark: another time/era; is absurdly conflicting with the idea of kings being heads of freemasonry !]
Marquis de Lafayette, Louis Kossuth, Guiseppe Garibaldi, Simon Bolivar (freemason son), San martin, Mitre, Alvear, Sarmiento, Benito Juarez...
They don't mention Hitler being a freemason (at least in the beginning: Golden Dawn & Vril, etc)!!! So probably they left a lot of disputable figures out of this list...

What's Scottisch Masonry's view?
by Mark Metzelaar Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 at 1:28 AM


I found:

Origins of Freemasonry

Freemasonry: Politics and Religion
-about their view of acusations of their involvement in conspiracies

Famous Scottish Freemasons

Their view about a 1997 investigation about their ties with police and Judiciary

And then: Holocaust Memorial Day

[see also: Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust 26-28 jan 2000

Some articles about WWII, but not the mentioned one:

=> Other info than they gave earlier, now they seem to say something, but still covering up major parts of involvement Freemasonry with Hitler.

But now they give the link:

The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
major source of documents over four centuries. Includes transcipts of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials with lots of references to Freemasonry. Also contains all the Human Rights legislation since 1856. Searchable but a wee bitty idiosyncratic.

??! So Hitlers close friends of Skull & Bones university Yale & the Nurenberg War Crimes Trials??!
Never my belief -or what was left of it- in Justice came to such a low point as it has come just now.

Who's behind Yahoo!: House of Windsor
by Mark Metzelaar Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 at 2:28 AM

(but to start with first my reply to Yahoo)

"...Once an account has been de-activated, we cannot retrieve any of the information that was formerly stored in it.



You, or someone else is responsible for "deactivated" my email account

I never received a prior warning about a possible reason;
I send sometimes group emails about my travels to friends;
I send some low-scale group-emails to journalist and media about my -totally voluntary and non-paid work;
I remove anyone from the list that asks for that...

So what's the problem???

Assume this is a misunderstanding we can settle in some way?
If there is a problem; you just could/can let me know, or something.

Furthermore my work involves voluntary civil rights watch and integrity of governments, companies, etcetera.
The "deactivating" action of my account is an attack on this work, my contacts in these, and so more, wether or not someone in your organisation or by sending false complaints, did that for this exact purpose.

I'll await your comment and assume we can settle this issue in a way that I get acces again to the deactivated account?

I'll be waiting for your reply, before contacting the civil rights groups I'm working with for their help in this issue.

Thanks and all the best,

Mark Metzelaar



media relations

Steve Boom
Senior Vice President
"...Earlier, he served as Business Development Director for Yahoo! Europe, where he was responsible for pursuing strategic alliances and defining new business models for Yahoo!'s consumer business, with a particular focus on the European telecommunications and financial services markets
Boom holds Bachelors of Arts and Science degrees from Stanford University, and a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School.

Dan Rosensweig
Chief Operating Officer

For Rosen Christ sake! never had that much Rosen in this context!!!
(Rosenbaum's, Rosenbergs, Rosenthals, and so on in this article)

Rosensweig was president of Ziff-Davis Internet Publishing Group from 1996 to 1997, where he oversaw magazine titles such as Inter@ctive Week and Yahoo! Internet Life. Rosensweig was vice-president and publisher of PC Magazine from 1994 to 1996, and associate publisher from 1992 to 1994. Under his tenure, PC Magazine became the leading computer magazine in both audience reach and revenue. Rosensweig also held various other positions at Ziff-Davis in advertising sales, classified ad sales, and circulation. Rosensweig received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Hobart College, Geneva, New York.

"Political Science" so he knows all the dirty high level tricks.
And publisher in media country, how suspicious; should he be without any ties?


Toby R. Coppel
Senior Vice President
Corporate Development

"...Coppel was managing director of Windsor Digital, a diversified media investment holding company founded by Yahoo!'s current chairman and chief executive officer, Terry Semel. Before joining Windsor, Coppel was vice president at Allen & Company, a well-known investment bank in the media and entertainment industry.
He began his career with Goldman Sachs International in London as a financial analyst in the communications, media and technology group, working on corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, and providing principal investing services to some of the leading communications and media companies in Europe
...Coppel graduated from Oxford University with a Master of Arts degree in philosophy, politics and economics with first class honors, and holds an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School. ..."

My God: that also involves our financial Bilderberg prince Johan Friso that workes/worked at Goldman Sachs and his fiance Mabel Wisse Smit that had an affair with the top-drug gangster Klaaws Bruinsma and their cover-up of Sebrenica with George Soros Open Society Institute, Holbrook, Wesley Clark, Pamela Harriman and so on !!!

This is the guy out of the camp of Clark for presidency?
Windsor; does that refer to the house of Windsor??
Especially with the English financial instituations ?!
In that case the whole Yahoo management is (The Royal House of)Windsor (= the false name they gave for the German "House of Hannover"), according to this info!

Thank you very much for your deception on me and many many other civilians!

Partly connecting articles Wesley Clark, Orange, Windsor, etc.
by Mark Metzelaar Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 at 5:52 AM

Because of the just mentioned connections with the dossiers of Wesley Clark and conspirors like Holbrooke, Harriman, Windsor, Orange (Mabel Wisse Smit, prince Johan Friso and Queen Beatrix / Beatrice), Wim Kok (former 'socialist'), Frits Bolkestijn (infiltrant from Shell & Bilderberg in VVD liberal party), Joris Voorhoeve (infiltrant from Defence institute Clingendael in VVD liberal party) and others, recent articles:

TV-uitz.complotten, nieuw boek complot Fortuyn, Bush ordered 911, NATO & drugs, DE connectie Mabel, drughandel, high society

See the english parts and links in these articles, discussion and folow-ups.

Why the double of Hess, didn't tell he was?
by Charles Destrée Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 at 9:22 PM

I); English text; partly different from Dutch text given in follow-up: "II; Dutch text"

Previous question:

Several reasons can be given:

Hess' double was a convinced Nazi;

- he had to know many details from the life of the real Rudolf Hess;

- he had to study his behaviours and tics and quirks (at table the double had not the necessary manners);

- as a convinced Nazi he wanted to let succeed the enterprise of Hess, even after Hess' airplane 'accident with the Duke of Kent (if he had knowledge of that) and only at the end of the war all hope was lost;

- he gave, when he was captured in England, himself a scar, because the real Hess had been wounded during WW I, Doctor Hugh Thomas discovered that it didn't coincide with the scars of the real Hess;

- he was under the pressure of what the Germans called 'Sippenhaft'; menacing, imprisonment, torture, murder of wife and/or children or other family members and/or friends;

- when the double didn't remember he suffered so called loss of memory;

- real Hess' wife visited him only decennia later, he had physically changed, his son was a little boy when Hess left in 1941;

- when the 'Sippenhaft' finally had no more its power, Hess' double could speak.

So he had to be 'suicided',

- nobody of his family could tell something, even when they had knowledge of his role. What is not probable, because it was a State's secret, and moreover also covered by the 'Sippenhaft'.

Actually most officials, historical researchers, teachers and professors, journalists, simple civilians (can) suppose to be under the pressure and menace of what the Germans called 'Sippenhaft'.

So they exercise self-censure.

Information Clearing House remembered on 30 January these wisdoms:

"There is no absolute knowledge. And those who claim it, whether they are scientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy. All information is imperfect. We have to treat it with humility: J. Bronowski".

"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship
without sacrifice: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi".

"During war, the laws are silent: Cicero Quintus Tullius".

Charles Destrée, January 31st 2004.

Rudolf Hess en zijn dubbelganger
by Charles Destrée Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 at 9:51 PM

II; Dutch text; this is a much larger story and different from the comment before this one. Still didn't have the time to translate this in Engish, so hereby the Dutch explanation:

Rudolf Hess en zijn dubbelganger.

De opmerking wordt gemaakt: "Het komt op mij en anderen wat merkwaardig over dat er een dubbelganger Hess zou zijn gelanceerd, na de oorlog. Wat is het nut daarvan? Waarom zou iemand in die schuldrol willen stappen? En vervolgens 30 jaar zijn mond houden? Waarom na 30 jaar alsnog 'vermoord'?
Het komt allemaal nogal ongeloofwaardig over en doet afbreuk aan de rest van jouw logische en inhoudelijk verhaal."

Het is allemaal eenvoudig te verklaren.

Aan de hand van vaststaande historische feiten.

Rudolf Hess had natuurlijk al veel eerder zijn dubbelganger. Vanaf het moment dat hij een hoofdrol speelde in de Duitse politiek.

Dat begon in feite al met het redigeren van Mein Kampf, samen met Hitler, van 1922 tot 1924.

Bekender is dat ook Churchill en Montgomery hun dubbelgangers hadden.

Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen, en uit misleiding, om te doen schijnen dat zij ergens anders waren dan in werkelijkheid. Bijvoorbeeld als Hess voor de oorlog naar Engeland ging.

Er bestaat een Canadees-Amerikaanse tv-film: Hitler de geboorte van het kwaad, van Christian Dugay. Met Robert Calyle (!) als Adolf Hitler. Anderen spelen voor Ernst Hanfstaengel en diens vrouw Helena die Hitler steunden, Ernst Rצhm die een te grote concurrent werd, en de generaal/president Von Hindenburg. In die film wordt voorgesteld dat Hess een onderdanige rol van secretaris van Hitler speelt, die op de schrijfmachine tikt wat Hitler
dicteert. Terwijl in feite de universitair gevormde geopoliticus Hess het merendeel van Mein Kampf schijnt te hebben vormgegeven en ontworpen.

In een website - - wordt het nagenoeg 'onleesbaar' genoemd.

"The book is convoluted, repetitious and hard to read, but even cursory browsing clearly outlines certain of Hitler's ideas that culminated in horrors of WWII."

I remark: But at the time one did not yet know that. Didn't still in September 1938 Chamberlain and Daladier shake hands with Hitler, and conclude 'peace for our time'?

Hess werd na de machtsovername door Hitler in Duitsland ook de baas van de nazi 'Ausland Organisation'. Die bemoeide zich onder meer met het in de pas laten lopen van de Duitsers in het buitenland. En de in het boek Skull &
Bones genoemde lening die "de Rotterdamse bank voor handel en scheepvaart regelde voor de Nazi-partij in de vroege jaren, via Thyssen", kan daar ook onder zijn gevallen. De Nederlandse regering verleende ook al het Trefedina-krediet. En Deterding van de 'Koninklijke'/Shell had ook een gulle hand en geest.

In zijn studententijd reisde de Engelsgezinde Rudolf Hess veel naar Engeland, onder meer naar de Hertog van Hamilton, waar hij in mei 1941 voor de Engelsgezinde Hitler mee moest spreken om een compromisvrede te sluiten.

Als gezegd, Hess had zijn dubbelganger. Het was niet na de oorlog, maar al kort na zijn aankomst in Engeland, dat deze dubbelganger op de proppen kwam.
Hij werd met veel vertoon door de pers (picnic-partijtjes en zo) aan den volke vertoond. Terwijl de echte Hess achterbaks werd gehouden, en later in Schotland werd verborgen.

Op 25 augustus kwam hij om in een vliegboot-'ongeluk', tezamen met de hertog van Kent, de broer van de Britse koning, toen zij op weg waren naar Stockholm. Ook weer met het oog op die compromisvrede. Waar ook ons aller prins Bernhard en dus Wilhelmina mee te maken hadden. Zie het boek 'War of the Windsors'.

Mark schreef:
"Het komt allemaal nogal ongeloofwaardig over en doet afbreuk aan de rest van jouw logische en inhoudelijk verhaal."

Het is goed om achterdochtig te zijn, dat ben ikzelf ook. Maar ik klets niet zomaar een eind weg.

Alles wat ik beweer kan ik zeer gedegen bewijzen.

"Waarom na 30 jaar alsnog 'vermoord'?"

Omdat deze dubbelganger, als zodanig onthuld in 1979 door de Britse militaire arts Hugh Thomas, in Neurenberg met levenslang werd gestraft.
En de mond was gesnoerd volgens de door de Britten toegepaste Duitse methode van 'Sippenhaft' (wraak op familieleden) tot zwijgen werd gedwongen.

Alfred Rosenberg herkende hem niet als Hess. Hier iets over Rosenberg, en Bernhard, uit mijn 'boek':

Bernhard gaat in 1929 en de volgende jaren ook naar Nederland en brengt bezoeken bij familieleden en vrienden.[1] [2]

In 1930-31 is hij in Munchen ingeschreven in de universiteit, en geeft zich bij voorkeur voor Amerikaan uit. Alfred Rosenberg, 'de filosoof van het nazisme' heeft dan zijn boek 'De mythe van de XXe eeuw' uitgeven.

In 1931 gaat Bernhard, evenals zijn broer Aschwin, in Berlijn studeren, waar zij samen wonen bij een familie Nordhaus, waarvan het hoofd naar 'Indie' vertrekt. Deze Indische belangstelling heeft wellicht meegeteld in Bernhards opvoeding. Die telt onder zijn vrienden ook de broers Langenheim. Hun vader is nazi-propagandist in Marokko.

De fuiven die Bernhard en Aschwin samen geven doen "het oude huis op zijn grondvesten trillen". Aschwin wordt overtuigd nationaal-socialist, en zal dat blijven "tot de conflicten waartoe het huwelijk van zijn broer (in januari '37) aanleiding gaf. Bernhard wist niet recht wat hij van de nazi's denken moest." "In studentenkringen had de NSDAP een opvallend sterke aanhang" waardoor "wie heen sympathie jegens de partij toonde, geen kans had om vooruit te komen. [3]

Toen Hess tenslotte toch leek te willen spreken, werden twee agenten door de Britse Kroon speciaal naar de gevangenis van Spandau gestuurd om hem te 'zelfmoorden'.

Methode en nauwkeurigheid zijn de vereisten bij (amateur)wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

En dan ook nog de kennis, het inzicht en de verbeeldingskracht om de ontdekte officieel verdonkeremaande feiten te onthullen en in hun juiste
verband te kunnen plaatsen.

Nog een Schots en scheef detail:

Henri 'Henk' Deterding heeft al op 5 januari 1926 in de Morning Post een felle brief gepubliceerd tegen de Sovjet-dieven, die in concurrentie met hem en zijn 'Koninklijke olie' de olie uit de Kaukasus op de markt brengen.
Begin 1930 was Deterding (die dit ontkende) betrokken bij een poging tot ontwrichting van Georgie met vals geld, de Chervonetz-vervalsing. Hij ondernam dit met de Wit-Russische Georgische leider Karumidze, de Duitse generaal Hoffmann (die kort voor de poging stierf), Georg Bell, en de Beierse zakenman Willi Schmidt. Wel gaf Deterding toe dat hij Hoffman, die hij bewondert, in Engeland had ontvangen.

Bell, een mysterieuze Duitser van Schotse afkomst, werd als agent van Deterding voorgesteld. Hij had in Parijs een aantal bijeenkomsten van 'Oekraןne-Patriotten' bijgewoond, als vertegenwoordiger van zowel Hitler als Deterding.

Omdat Bell ook Alfred Rosenberg kende, de behartiger van de buitenlandse zaken van de nazi's, en een grote vriend van Rצhm is, was hij een uitstekend contact voor Deterding met de nazi's.

Google zoeken naar Bell; Scotland geeft: The Bell's are one of thirteen ancient riding clans on the Scottish Border, known collectively as "the Devil's Dozen".

Wat steekt daar allemaal achter? Wat is de context? Wie profiteert van de misdaad?

Macht en geld, de grenzeloze hebzucht van een handvol egoistische smeerlappen.

Waaronder een nazaat van Hendrik de Rijke en Willem de Rijke, Beatrix de Rijke.

In mijn 'boek' noteerde ik, rond 1933:

De Duitse industrie is zich onderwijl aan het reorganiseren. In de Auto Union verenigen zich de merken DKW, Adler, Wanderer en Horsch.
Daarnaast is Mercedes Benz een machtige concurrent. Evenals BMW, de Bayerische Motore Werke, en Opel, een afdeling van de Amerikaanse General Motors, zullen zij
het Duitse leger van materieel van hoge kwaliteit kunnen voorzien.

In de USA laat Wall Street zich niet onbetuigd. Het zijn dezelfde financierders van Lenin, die ook Hitler en Roosevelt steunen. Dat zijn hoofdzakelijk:de Rockefellers, de Warburgs, en de voornaamste olie-maatschappijen, de internationale Morgan, Guaranty Trust, en Chase Banken. Actief zijn daarbij de heren Walter Teagle, Putze Hanfstaengl, Own Young, Gerard Swope, Hjalmar Schacht, Bernard Baruch, etc. Ook worden genoemd: Dillon, Read; Harris, Forbes en National City Company.
Verder: Ford Motor, Standard van New Jersey enzovoort, de door Rockefeller gecontroleerde Vacuum Oil Company, Texaco en General Electric, de International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT).

Daarbij kan dus nog worden gevoegd Deterding met de 'Royal

Aan Duitse kant staan Krupp, IG-Farben en Vereinigte Stahlwerke. Ook de AEG-fabrieken in Duitsland zijn betrokken. Deze zullen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog weten "door een nog onbekende manoeuvre, bombardering door
de Geallieerden te vermijden."[4]

Die "onbekende manoeuvre" is natuurlijk de multinational maffia, w.o. het multinazionisme het Oranjefascisme en de Bilderberg Group.

Charles Destrée, 30 januari 2004.

[1] L. de Jong, Deel I, p. 521-522. Cursiveringen en vetmarkeringen door mij, CD.

[2] Men houde daarbij in gedachten, wat Machiavelli heeft geschreven. Die verklaart in 1513 in zijn boek 'De Prins', hoofdstuk XV, dat kwaad doen, zelfs met spijt, moet voor alles worden gedaan om te vermijden te worden geelimineerd in een kwade wereld. "Het is daarom dus nodig voor een
prins, als hij zich wil handhaven, om te leren om niet goed te kunnen zijn, en ervan gebruik te maken of niet gebruik te maken volgens de noodzaak."
Cursivering door mij, CD.

[3] Ibidem L. de Jong, Deel I, p. 521-522. Cursiveringen en vetmarkeringen door mij, CD.

[4] Uittreksel uit o.a. de web-site;

P.S.: door document transversie zijn sommige markeringen weggevallen.

Kerry member Skull & Bones
by Mark Metzelaar Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 1:25 AM

Since yesterdays news that Kerry won in something like 7 states and Wesley Clark only in Oklahoma: Now it seems like Wesley Clark has to withdraw, but he doesn't, so what are they up to?

Kerry on the otherhand, seems to be member of Skull & Bones; Yale university, Bush family and others.
So that doesn't make things better, when Kerry wins above Clark!
And how about Dean; could he be the only democratic one next to his Nazi-collegues?

Skull & Bones: The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President Bush

Kerry admits on camera being member of Skull & Bones

Kerry and Skull and Bones
by neo_cortex Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 10:26 AM

lot's of info about Skull and Bones can be found on the following URL:

The meaning of the page is to collect articles, audi and videofiles in wich Skull and Bones is mentioned.

Snake/Dragon-White Indians-Houston-Masonry- Hitler/Rothschield
by Mark Metzelaar Monday, Feb. 09, 2004 at 4:06 AM

Some other titles I forgot to mention earlier:

The New World Order
by A. Ralph Epperson
Publius Press ISBN 0-9614135-1-4

The Two Babylons (1st ed. 1916 -1943 -1959)
The Papal Worship
Proved to be
The Worship of Nimrod
and his wife
Rev. Alexander Hislop

The Cosmic Conspiracy
by Stan Deyo
ISBN 0-908477-00-7
(also includes building prints, patenties & other info about flying saucers & cover-ups)

6000 Years of Seafaring
Orville L. Hope
(1983, revised 1984, 2nd rev ed 1988)
The Irish Incas
Welsh Speaking White Indians
King Solomon's Ophir in New Mexico
Raleigh's Ranoke Colony Was Not Lost
West Virginia's St. Brendan's Promised Land
ISBN 0-318-20082-1


The Two Babylons:

"Red Dragon" = "Serpent of Fire" ("Fiery Serpent").
...Fireworship in connection with the symbol of the serpent.
... "The dragon of the Greeks" says Pausanias "was only a large snake" (Pausianas, lib II, Corinthiaca, cap 28, p.175) and the context shows that this is the very case here; for what in the third verse is called a "dragon", in the 14th is simply discribed as a "serpent".
Exactly so does it appaer to have been the first form of idolatry that, under the patronage of NIMROD, appeared in the ancient world.
...Along with the sun, as the greath fire-god, and, in due time, identified with him, was the serpent worshipped, see figure (figure of coin with the enlightened serpent near an altar that creates fires).
... as the sun was the greath enlightener of the physical worl, so for the serpent was the greath enlightener of the spiritual, by giving mankind the "knowledge of good and evil"
(Golden fruit = Orange, not apple!; cult of Orange; elsewher in this book)
... most spiritual of all the reptiles, and of Fiery nature, inasmuch as it exhibits an incredible celerity, moving by its spirit, without either hads or feet...
Moreover it is long-lived, and has the quality of renewing its youth (new skin)
... as THOTH has laid down in the sacred books, upon which accounts this animal is introduced in the sacred rites and Mysteries (Sanchuniathon, lib, i, pp 46-49)
...Now, THOTH, it will be remembered, was the counselor of Thmaus, that is NIMROD

+ the greath fiery serpent is represented with all; the emblems of Royalty

dictionary Thoth: the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, learning and magic, the scribe of the gods: represented as having a human body and the head of either a dog or an ibis.
Thoth =Hermes=Mercury (different era's)

Emerald tablet "the seven laws of Hermes"
24000-36000 scrolls of Hermes

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn = Lucifers order of bringer of light (enlightement, fire-worship, etc)

"The power, the popularity, and skill of NIMROD, as well as the seductive nature of the system itself, enabled him to spread the delusive doctrine far and wide, and he was represented under the well-known name of Paheton (Phaeton is called an Ethiopian -i.e. a Cushite; appendix o; Phaeton, or Lucifer = Janus = Matuta = Janus Matutinus -beast from sea) as on the point of "setting the whole world on fire" or (without the poetical metaphor) of involving all mankind in the guilt of fire-worship.
The extraordinary prevalence of the worship of the fire-god in the early ages of the world, is proved by legends found over all the earth, and by facts in almost every clime.

Nimrod of Babylon introduced the snake and later that became a dragon, but in fact was not a real dragon!
Nimrod made all kinds of stories as a king, to manipulate his people and enslave them in a spiritual way by letting them believe in fire-worship (for Nimrod ofcourse) and about the eidea of making a fire-god angry that went up to setting the whole earth to fire. These doomsday scenario's in different beleives and cultures, have their origin in Nimrod.
But these stories were NOT THE ORIGINAL. His teacher was Thoth as he was a messenger of (a) God.
And Thoth only spoke about the snake and not the dragon. Thoth didn't use this for power-politics, as Nimrod changed this story (and afterwards many rulers did the same for their power-politics)

So even parts of the Masonry is wrong when they adore flying dragons, like queen Beatrix/Beatrice boat "The Green Dragon": it was a snake, you stupid!
So the end of earth? It were not the visionaries that created this, it were the rulers, the kings and queens that took over the religions for their power-purposes, that changed the stories.
Only because those people are still in power (Rothchild = etymological child /decendant of Roth = Ra = Nimrod), the can create these doomsday scenarios by their own self fulfilling prophecies. And therefore its very dangerous to have the world power in the hands of sectarian cult people allover the West (America, Europe, Israel, etc).


6000 Years of Seafaring

"...On his third voyage in 1498, Columbus saw almost white Indians (Venuzuela, Carribien)"
"In Peru about 1535, Fransisco Pizzaro remarked of the Inca Atahualpa and his family, "They were even wither than the people of Spain"

"White gods" -> white king -> Toltecs

"Wodan of the Chiapanese (Chiapas, Mexico) = Odin of Scandinavia = Adon of Babylon"

"Wodan as the founder of their race"

back to the other book "The Two Babylons":

..."and The Greath Spirit Teotl ordered Wodan to go and people the country of Anahuac"

meaning: something like land of snakes, high snakes.


Anahuac, HOUSTON, Texas City, La Marque are all next together in the Trinity Bay, province of Chambers in Texas!
NE of Chambers: Nederland (is Dutch for Netherlands!), Beamont, Orange (it was an orange not an apple => house of Orange of the Netherlands..?). Port Neche.
W of chambers: Rosenberg (for Rosen Christ sake, not again! Rosenberg, Rosenbaums, Rosensweig, all over this and earlier article).

But where did I start this article with...
One of my first conclusions was about the connection with Hotel the Four Seizons in relation of the power of Hitler and that The Four Seizons in Houston seems to be the new headquarters of Scottish Masonry.
How accidental, Houston, just a few miles from Anahuac..."and the greath spirit Teotl orderd Wodan to go and people the country of Anahuac"
It isn't only that Scottisch Masonry (oil meetings were mostly held in Scotland) changed their headquarters to Houston because of the oil!


Folow-up on Rothschild-Hitler:
Out of the former given book of David Icke:

"Walter Langer wrote in his book "The Mind of Hitler":

Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It was generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler (Schiklgruber) was Johann Georg Hiedler. There are some people who seriously doubt that Johan Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois - an Austrian document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Schiklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived.
At this time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent home... where Alois was born"

Open letter Prince Bernhard
by Charles Destrée Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 6:44 PM

The Prince and the unfairy tales

On 7 February 2004 His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands published an Open Letter in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (The popular Newspaper).
I wrote by e-mail an Open Letter in answer, to around 100 addresses. Included the most important Dutch media.
Also yet a bit personally; as former Resistance member under the Prince's Command in Chief in his Interior Armed Forces. And as war volunteer in the King's weapon-dress in the Prince's Stoottroepen (Shock Troops).
Between more I wrote: "But Bernhard watches naturally well to not react on my open letters, wherein he is put on shame. Because he restricts it to doltish affairs.
Where it concerns the Orange-fascist dirty tricks our Prince keeps quiet.
Let's consider this as an open letter to Prince Bernhard.
And let's once look, if he dares to react on it!
Now everybody is witness of it.
The rest will still follow, by life and welfare.
Well, here it than is. And I mentioned numerous lies in Bernhard Open Letter.
Everybody knows that he was a Nazi, an SS-man, and that Queen Wilhelmina at that time, 1934, coupled him to her daughter Juliana. To be the House of Orange's breeder.

The Princely fairy tales, and the Orange-fascist facts
In a message to the group pf-research (busy to discover the backgrounds of the murder op 6 May 2002 on Pim Fortuyn, who ha a chance to become Prime Minister) the journalist Henk Ruyssenaars sent the daring
"HR-Thesis: Journalists and other figures with butter on her head, are exàctly as head-in-the-sand-politics – easily recognisable by their mouth full of sand."
Wherewith can be added: And yet also in their eyes, however already protected with the by a conviction fitting blinkers.
The Volkskrant naturally has also journalists.
Following Pieter Broertjes and Remco Meijer, reporters of The Volkskrant Bernhard feels "himself target of 'many, often vile an unfounded attacks in publications and in the media'."
"He reacts once 'to do right to the reputation of my parents' and 'from proper sense of honour'.
The letter is unprecedented hard against a number of publicists, between whom Tomas Ross, Hans Galesloot and J.G. Kikkert. It hinders the Prince above all that the good name of his mother is soiled. Also are 'the borders of decency' following his views 'far exceeded' with accusations that he himself on two moments has played a dubi-ous role during the Second World War."
Only two times? Because, indeed, thereabout can be written a whole book. A thick one even. Wim Klinkenberg did it already. But a much thicker book could follow on it. When the Netherlands was a democracy. And not an Orange-fascist mandarin-monarchy.
"Prince Bernhard says to have felt years long helpless, because as Member of the Royal House he had to tear. 'I got little by little a complex of it.' To make a clean sweep' (in Dutch 'clean ship') during his evening of life, The Prince has let make by Hans van der Voet, former head-director of the States Information Service, last year a large research on the behind-laying sources in revenged publications like Because of the Throne. Those are wa-fer-thin, concludes Van der Voet in a report that sustains the letter of the Prince. One can read it on the website of the Volkskrant."
It is however the conclusion of Van der Voet that's 'wafer-thin'. And between those "behind-laying sources" by hazard I am counting myself. But I didn't se or hear anything from Hans van der Voet, Pieter Broertjes and/or Remco Meijer. While since long-time they already could have known it. Because I inform regularly all important Dutch media, also De Volkskrant, and also university top-figures, about my findings in my historical research about the Orange-fascist – via between more the betraying German-British-Dutch Englandspiel. But they react on this with not an only single word. Wèll I was menaced with a "deliberate " about the "measures" one should entries against me. But wherefore apparently one didn't (yet) have the pluck.
"Brief and report handle between more about the marriage of Prince Bernhard's parents, about a suggested rela-tion of his mother Armgard with family-friend Pantchoulidzew, about the supposed betrayal of the battle on Arnhem (1944) and about the suggestion that Bernhard in 1942 in a further unknown 'stadtholder's-letterf' should have offered his services as stadtholder of the Netherlands to the Nazi-regime. 'I offer a million to the one who shows me that letter', the Prince said in a short oral comment on the letter, earlier this week in the Soestdijk palace."
That concerned 'stadtholder's-letter' falls in the beginning period of the Englandspiel. I short I'll come once gain with the laundry list of the Orange-fascist political murder on all those who would publish their revelations on the Englandspiel. That's till today absolutely taboo. The recent false representation on it by the promoted 'doctor in History' Jo Wolters was therefore greeted by Prince Bernhard wit congratulations telegram. My open letter to the author and the high Professors De Jong and Blom remained naturally without an answer. I told in it between more, that it was please note this Jo Wolters who, as the great specialist of the than RIOD, told me that he had discovered that Queen Wilhelmina also was behind it. Something that seemed to me, after only four years of research - and as a 'normal' Orange-custom – sounded in the ears as unbelievable. Now, after 14 years of re-search, I know that he was more than right. But 'doctor' Jo Wolters hides it, and is congratulated by Prince Bernhard.
"I say normally: no, not true." /…/ Concerning the Greet Hofmans-affair: "The secret report lays in the Royal House-archive, where it remains closed hundred years. (Oops…) Bernhard, in the discussion: 'What concerns me the report becomes public tomorrow. But following agreement with Beel at the time that's not possible. (Oops…) I naturally haven much spoken with him about it. ''Your role couldn't better'', Beel has said.' In the report-Van der Voet is confirmed that Bernhard at the time had let leak the escalating situation on the Court to the (foreign) press 'To shake awake everybody, especially the government'.
"Following the Prince his mother, whom he loved much, didn't live loosely. His father died when Bernhard was 12. That Colonel Pantchoulidzew in all literature dives up as 'life-companion' is unjust, says the Prince."
What now? Bernhard is born in 1911. His father died in 1934. In Holland one learns though at school 34 – 11 = 23. False! That's 12. Following Bernhard's apparently German calculation. No wonder that the Germans have lost the war. In a Felderhof-like interview Bernhard tells also yet lying, that he ridiculed his brother (Aschwin) for his pro-Nazi-standpoint. Felderhof naturally didn't ask: ''But yourself also was an SS-man?"
- 'That comes now just because I never has been admitted to contradict something. My other has been described as a Tolle Lola. But when the Colonel had been her life-companion, than surely I should have spoken about it with him and her. I can declare with the hand on my heart that he her even never has kissed on the cheek.'
Bernhard himself can have kissed Pantchoulidzew wèll on the cheek. When he put on his disposition his Swiss bank account to transfer the Lockheed hush money on it.
"Prince Bernhard doesn't think that with his letter he helps all in his eyes untrue stories out of the world. 'That should be delicious, but I don't expect it. I found it my duty to say finally something and with that I'm very happy. That I call up maybe again new reactions, honestly doesn't interest me a ball.' [end quote Volkskrant ]"
No. Because what interests Bernhard? Money! As the 'Royal commercial traveller', and the father of Beatrix the Taciturn, or Beatrix the Rich – in imitation of her already even greedy and' rücksichtslose' ancestors.
But no Dutch hound that's biting to it, nobody who will be the wiser.
The Newsletter announces on 7 February
- "Premier Balkenende has given Prince Bernhard the space to put one time his story in front of all messages that circulate about him. "When he on this age feels the necessity to have said one time how following him it all is, he must get for that the occasions ", declares the spokesman of the premier. /…/ About the contents of the open letter the premier has no opinion."
- "PvdA can live with letter Bernhard". So said PvdA-Parliament Member Kalsbeek. "I have not so much prob-lems with it." They take the view that the research of Van der Voet has been serious. "That's a man of irre-proachable behaviour. On forehand I haven no reason to doubt about the results."
But Van der Voet is, seen the facts, indeed an unreliable individual.
- D66 acclaims the open letter of Prince Bernhard. "The Prince doesn't need to wear his heart upon his sleeve ", thinks D66-fraction-president Dittrich. He says that the step of the Prince fixes within "modern kingdom". Mem-bers of the Royal House should following him get more elbowroom to react on messages in the media.
As much elbow room as with the scooping full troughs of money to their immense, also secret, fortune.
"Dittrich well adds to it that the Royal House must not react on everything to not become a playing ball of the press. /…/ Dittrichs party–member and vice-premier De Graaf showed in the TROS-radio program 'Kamerbreed' also comprehension for the heartfelt cry of the Prince. "There is nothing on against. He has got the last time rather what 'faction' over him." Faction is a mixture of van fiction and facts.
But where is than precisely the fiction, and where lay the facts? II am willingly, however not with much real pleasure, ready to prove that on the hand of indisputable and generally uncontested historical facts.
- "GroenLinks reacts retaining and thinks that the politic now is not on its move. Fraction-leader Halsema puts up with the letter of Bernhard, she lets know via a spokesman. "It is his own choice."
- Koekkoek: "The open brief of Prince Bernhard is "not intelligent, but well understandable", said Alis Koek-koek, professor Constitutional Law at the University of Tilburg, Saturday. /.../ The ministerial responsibility plays only when the public interest is at issue, for example when the prestige of the monarchy is damaged.'' Koekkoek doesn't think that this last is the case."
Oh no. But than also totally and absolutely not. One has to be Professor of Constitutional Law in Tilburg and CDA-senator Alis Koekkoek, to come to such a conclusion.
"Koekkoek takes the action of the Prince not intelligent because on this manner us created again rumour about thorny subjects. "This doesn't benefit the rest around these questions ", expects the professor, because the authors who Bernhard accuse will go to defend themselves.
Koekkoek thinks it comprehensive that the Prince seen his age "following his feeling will make a clean sweep", but it should have been better to let make "extending historical research" to the by Bernhard named affairs. Therewith should following the professor a recognised, respected historical must tackle himself the
material on base of controllable sources. The study of former RVD-chief Van der Voet doesn't meet the need of those claims.
Members of the Royal House can following Koekkoek normally step to the judge to fight against lies in the media. He points on late Prince Claus who with success cracked the gossip press."
Here Koekkoek so is venturing on very dangerous territory. And so that he shall no be thanked. However the today's (Orange-) fascist tendency id no more to use Gestapo-methods in the style of 'Hold your mouth' – but following the de method 'Chatter always'. Like the French comic Coluche characterised the difference between dictatorship and democracy. Speaking about 'clean sweep'. After the 'liberation' the chief of the The Hague's 'Sonderkommando Frank'' had been tracked, and he had declared that he would come to Holland to make a 'clean sweep'. About dirty affairs wherein between more were implicated the businessman Zwolsman and Bern-hard's friend doctor Hoelen (of the Ursula-clinic where also Queen Juliana in the Greet Hofmans-affair should have been 'treated'. The author Galesloot wrote: that Bernhard committed 'character-murder'). That making of a 'clean sweep' by Frank was written forbidden by the just from collaboration acquitted Master of law 'Harry' van Doorn. Who later became president of the radiobroadcast of the KRO, and minister under Den Uyl. Because he had as Public Prosecutor in a by 'Justice' organised fake-lawsuit against Anton van der Waals let condemn him to death. As the awful only betrayer in the Englandspiel – what in lawsuit was forbidden to be mentioned, no more than even only the names of Prince Bernhard and his Orangefascist chief Queen Wilhelmina. So that Or-ange appeared spic-and-span from the though well indeed by her committed collaboration. Where about I also told something to (the most famous Dutch thriller author) Tomas Ross, and wherefore he thanked me friendly in his book 'Because of the Throne.
- "Author Ross: my sources are good "I have proofs and sources for my accusations ", reacts author Tomas Ross Saturday on the accusations of Prince Bernhard. The writer calls the open letter of the Prince, wherein he be-tween more Ross accuses of informing of untruthfulness about him and his mother, 'mustard after the meal' (to late to be of any cause). When the Prince has objections against publications, he earlier had could undertake action and get out for the judge, said Ross Saturday in the Radio-1-journaal. Ross said that the State's Informa-tion Service in the past has reacted on his book 'Because of the Throne', but recently nothing more has let hear of it."
And so we can continue during several thousands of pages.
Shall now De Volkskrant, Van der Voet, Pieter Broertjes and Remco Meijer, Hans Galesloot and J.G. Kikkert, come attack me and ask to tell yet anything more?
Like indeed did some British researchers?

That I signed: Charles Destrée, 7 February 2004.
As PS I added:
Elsewhere I mentioned yet this [in (my) 'English']:
I never succeeded to make contact with a German historian or researcher.
That's a pity. Because my story can serve the German people.
I prove how the German Nazi-terrorism was closely linked with the Allied Multi-Nazionism – that's Multina-tional-Zionism plus Christianism or Christism (instead of Christianity, analogous with Islamism beside Islam).
So both were guilty of all dramatic suffering.
Five examples will be sufficient to prove these links:

- The Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, 'the richest woman of the world' ('Royal Dutch'/Shell with Hitler's friend Sir Deterding as president), chooses SS-man Prince Bernhard as reproducer for the House of Orange.
- The International Olympic Committee had the responsibility to ask Leni Riefenstahl to make the film about the Nazi-propaganda Olympic Games in 1936. Which was awarded in Hollywood in 1938 (and even after WW II).
- In 1938 Great Britain and France collaborated with Hitler in the Pact of Munich.
- In June 1940 the American multinational Standard Oil and the biggest German multinational founded together a chemical factory near Auschwitz, where of the SS hired prisoners worked till the fell dead.
- In the Englandspiel it were Germany, Great Britain (the German originated House of Windsor) and Holland (the German originated House of Orange) that collaborated with the invincible considered Germany.
These five examples can be completed with several thousands pages of other proofs.
In a following e-mail I wrote:

Prince Bernhard and the conscience – and the media

In the group pf-onderzoek was continued to discuss about the open letter of Prince Bernhard.
The (real) journalist Henk Ruyssenaars had "seen on the national Hans Laroes-remedy, at 8 o'clock, the detailed 'Oratio pro domo' of the RVD-Journal." And Ruyssenaars remarked between more:
"Because it is absolutely to mad for words that Dutch colleagues dare not to tell that they don't agree with you, or under proper name dare to deliver comment." And:
"When you are afraid, you must not be honest neither want to be journalist:
Even Soestdijk washes whiter with OMO, and the RVD"
I added:
Yesterday watching NOVA via de dish antenna-TV BVN, I imagined myself during the time of the German occupation. The Sunday-afternoon cabaret of Paul de Ruyter.
There was a whole group Orange-fascists. I in the middle of it and so didn't know who participated. Because they damn to will put regularly the names of the collaborators on the screan. I only recognised Maartje van Wegen.
Maartje talks touched of the "frankness", and says the Prince "disattached".
That's very just, but than in the sense of disattached of all honesty and feeling for responsibility.
It shouldn't be a dishonour to make a 'clean sweep', to recognise that he has made many faults. But it should be indeed terrible.
Remarke is between more:
"It is a absurd discussion." "It is good that he has done it." "When they feel oppressed in that glass house, the must ahev the spave to defend themselves."
Seek at Forbes for the fortune of Beatrix doesn't give any result (after Bernhard has made them walk in step).
Bernhard again comes up with his clean conscience. "I haven't lost one hour of sleep." He applies the method Coué: "I àm not a bad human, I hàve a proper conscience ".
Bernhard even comes up with a communist to prove how true he speaks. The socialism is worth nothing, because Tito already said that it was "bullshit". Thus.
Here I will publicly recognise, that I have myself not such a immaculate conscience. Sometimes I've made wrong things. That you shouldn't have thought, isn't it.
But I have also sometimes I did nòt do wrong things. Like betraying of my Resistance comrades. Because I never was arrested, and tortured. Because than I should maybe could have done it.
Therabout I have had, such a thirty years after the war, a long time many sleepless nights.
The concluding sentence of the NOVA-cabaret was: "I imagine that he's going again to make a nice walk."
With pleasure I invite (and provoke) very 'historian', media man and journalist to let me once prove something.
To not serve the Orangefascist, but the Public Interest.

Charles Destrée, 8 February 2004.
Nobody came.
NOVA answers on 9 February:
"Cordially thanks for your mail. Seen the growing number e-mails that reaches our redaction we are sadly not in state to send everybody a personal answer.
What we do well with your mail?
- All mails are red;
- Questions that concern the broadcasts, for example about turned music or about a book review etc., are an-swered as soon as possible;
- Reactions and remarks or critics, tips and recommendations are accepted in thanks".
Signed: "NPS – Program information. Peter Vreeken".
Who is Peter Vreeken.
On 16 September I mailed to a number of addresses the message:
"NOVA and its Peter Vreeken are liars. Already on 19 March 2001 he answered me on my email 'Competition envy, and tolerance': 'I asked you to be removet (sic) from your file. Nothing more and noth6ing less." (NPS Program information – Peter Vreeken – publiek@nps.nl
One has to remark an evolution since September 2003!
Disappeared has the mention: "- reactions and remarks or critics are discussed during evaluations."
On 16 September I sent the message: "As answer already directly comes a restriction:
"Cordially thanks for your contribution. We'll read your message and generally place we it than within several hours.
For the rest Hans Laroes, the editor in chief of the NOS Journal, answers regularly questions from the guest book. His contributions you can find on the part Responsibility."
Try once to establish a contact with Hans Laroes. Result zero.

Marks of Honour
Numerous streets, squares, avenues and Buildings are named Prince Bernhard.
On the same Saturday 7 February my former Resistance comrade Cor Schouten was buried. He was a very brave and active Resistance-member. He had tried to let bear a street the name of Jaap Zeeman. Who was his and my Resistance chief in the 6th Section Regional Task Troops, Region 11. The answer was, that in the municipality of Alkmaar already one street bore the name of a Resistance man. That was enough.
Myself I tried to let give in the community of Broek op Langedijk the name of the Resistance-member Jaap Balder. Who was mainly implicated in an Escape line for Air force personal, betrayed, and shot.
Just before the 'liberation' all members of Resistance got an armband with the mention 'orange' on it. If you were Orangist, or communist, anarchist or republican. Your opinion was not asked. Later the Resistance-members were occupied with several tasks. First in arresting-groups of former collaborators. Sometimes in tasks of guard-ing different objects. In the neighbourhood of the community of Anna Paulowna the Allied troops had reserved a terrain, where all the rolling material of the German army was gathered. To pass their time, Canadians and Brit-ish hold stock-car racings with all what could be driven. While in Holland there was an important need of that material. Our chief Jaap Zeeman had to travel on his bicycle. So we took a DKW-car from the stock, drove it to our garage, and revised it. After that we transmitted it to Jaap, who travelled with it. Till he was arrested, and accused of theft of State's property. It hurted him almost deadly. Like we all, we didn't get any mark of recogni-tion.

The House of Orange and the conscience – and the media
The German occupation of the Netherlands began on 10 May 1940. It finished for the southern part in September 1944, and for the whole Netherlands on 8 May 1945.
During that occupation the House of Orange entertained its publicity. Airplanes dropped photos of the Royal family. The possession and transmission of these photos was forbidden by the Germans and severely punished. Our family was 'normally' Royalist, but no fans. When my father, doctor, was arrested for the first time – on order of the Germans by the collaborating municipal police of Alkmaar – he just had received from a patient a photo of Queen Wilhelmina. In his cellar he ate it.
Meanwhile the House of Orange was collaborating with the German occupier. But that nobody knew. And it was naturally unbelievable. And it remained hidden. Official historians and history writing don't mention it. And still today nobody wants to know it…

Resistance History
Who was in Resistance knew naturally that it was a perilous enterprise. And it had a very low useful yield. Be-cause much time had to be spent to let appear to the people in the neighbourhood, that one was busy with some-thing else, had a normal activity.
Only about quarter of the time was at disposal of the Resistance-work, and often during the night.
Sometimes mysterious events happened, which never were resolved.
Like the attack on our family-home, that was executed on 25 April 1945. About 30 policeman of the Sicherheits-dienst of Alkmaar invaded our home. Also the house of neighbours almost in front of our home was visited. Fortunately we had a very serious warning-organisation, so that at our home no man was arrested. After 4 hours of searching the Germans leaved, taking with them six men from the neighbours.
Till 5 May we, the escaped men, staid hidden elsewhere.
But at the time the situation was so fast evolving, that nothing bad happened to the prisoners. While several days before in the province of Friesland in similar circumstances six men had been shot.
Hereunder are told two stories, which found its solution more than half a century later.
At the end of 1944 a Resistance member, Gerrit Jongbloed, decided to lend his car for the good sake. Spare parts were very difficult to find. To repair it, it was necessary to bring the car to a safe place, far from curious people. At the time after 8 o'clock in the evening for everybody it was forbidden to be outside of his home. Nevertheless in a night the car was carried by several burly men in a barge, and covered with a tarpaulin. One man started to push the barge with his punting-pole to its place of destination, a small shed. But on the way, turning into a ditch, suddenly he saw another barge from the other side turning into the same ditch, and that approached. Were it Germans? What to do? He couldn't return, that should have raised suspicion. Thus he continued to push, and passed the other barge, without saying or hearing a word. Finally he arrived at destinations, the car was dis-charged, and carried in the shed. In the next days a mechanic worked on it, and I was charged to be on guard.
This is one part of the story.
On a meeting of veterans, the owner of the car (who never more had found a track of his car after the 'liberation') told this story, and I said him that I had have been on the guard.
A third veteran, Bart Benedick, hearing this story, manifested his astonishment. He told, that in a night he had to transport weapons to their destination, a windmill, on the way to Alkmaar. The weapons were carried in a barge, and he got on way, pushing with his punting-pole. When he turned into a ditch, he saw arrive from the other side another barge, with something voluminous covered by a tarpaulin. Were it Germans? What to do? He couldn't return, that should have raised suspicion. Thus he continued, and passed the other barge, without saying or hear-ing a word.
Only that day of the meeting for both barge-pushers the mystery was resolved, half a century later.
To finish the destination of the weapons: they were born over a street, put in another barge just to pass a canal and arrive near the mill. There the weapons were hidden. This all had to be done in absolute silence. But near the mill was a windscreen with glass. And Jaap Zeeman, who was there to help to bear the weapons, was night-blind. With his arms full of weapons he walked into the glass of the windscreen what made a very loud noise. But fortunately no neighbour showed curious.
The second history is that about what is known as the 'Battle near Rustenburg'. A weapon dropping in the night of 10 to 11 October 1944 on the BBO-dropping field Lobster near Obdam in North-Holland was cancelled. When the receiving-team returned home, near a bridge near Rustenburg they were taken under fire by collabora-tors of the 'Land guard'. The transport team that ignored this situation on the same place was laid in ambush. Two men escaped, but the KP-man Gerard Veldman was killed and others, between whom Frans van der Zijden heavily wounded.
The next day the farm Houtlust, which served as weapon store and escape base, was visited by at least hundred Germans of the commando Feldgendarmerie from Alkmaar under Knipschilt, later strengthened with Sicher-heitspolizei herewith Lages and Viebahn, and policemen of the Orpo (Ordnungspolizei). The SD shot the owner of Houtlust, Piet de Boer, his father Dirk, and the BS-Resistance-members Johan de Jong, Floor Niele, Piet Wagenaar and Jan Walter. Under the eyes of his wife, who hold her little son in her arms.
Everybody thought, that one of the wounded of the preceding night, Frans van der Zijden, had betrayed the ad-dress of the farm, after have been tortured by the Germans. But half a century later the mystery is resolved. A at the time not suspected but implicated Resistance-member had a motorcycle. Another Resistance member used this motorcycle. But the owner had promised the engine to his he son. And this was afraid that it was used with not enough care, especially that night wherein the 'Battle of Rustenburg' should take place. So he talked about this with his school-friend. Whose father was collaborating in the 'Landguard'. And thus this father knew about what had to be happening that night, and warned the Sicherheitsdienst. The son told this to a friend half a century later, when he was near to die.

This were not fairy tales, but hard reality.

If the lies go very fast
The truth will never be the last.
(And if life today goes very fast
The death will never be the last.)

Best wishes,
Charles Destrée, 10 February 2004.

by Charles Destrée Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 8:59 PM

Excuse me, in my preceding message were some mistakes in spite of all efforts of correction.
Read for "ahev the spave" please "have the space".
Further: "Like we all,(not 'we' but) he didn't get any mark of recognition."
Thanks. Charles Destrée.

About 'selfinsight' and 'evolution jump'
by Charles Destrée Saturday, Mar. 13, 2004 at 8:03 PM

About 'selfinsight' and 'evolution jump',I am a bit sceptic. The 'evolution jump' has mostly changed in 'emulation junk'.
Concerning what has happenenen in Madrid - what icy had been organised by a crazy team - I like to give the following consideration. Thanks for your attention.

11 September 2002 & 11 March 2004
Buffalo Bush & Aware Aznar
Al Qaeda & ETA

About 200 dead and 1400 wounded are the result of the 11 March attacks in Spain's capital Madrid.
It was the fascist Aznar, who himself survived a bomb attack, who asked Bush to put ETA on the list of the 'Evil'. So ETA and al Qaeda were associated.
It was Aznar who, against the Spanish public opinion, sustained Bush in his attack on Iraq.
One knows that Buffalo Bush and his gang organised the 11 September attacks.
Why shouldn't they have organised the 11 March attacks?
"US intelligence officials also say it is not al-Qaeda's habit to claim responsibility so early.
But there are some aspects of the attacks that the Americans believe are hallmarks of al-Qaeda, like the choosing of multiple targets."[1]

Prelude 2003

"19 October: President George W. Bush traveled to Asia and gave a speech in Manila comparing Iraq to the Philippines, a former U.S. colony that was "liberated" from Spain in 1898 and occupied for 48 years. Bush said that the Philippines, which he called "the oldest democracy in Asia," should be seen as the model for a new democratic Iraq, and then quickly left the country because of security concerns.»[New York Times]
29 November: Seven Spanish intelligence agents were killed near Baghdad.»[Reuters]
5 December: Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, currently serving as president of the European Union, declared that Europeans have a duty to support the American war in Iraq, even if it means "a change in international law, which previously held that the sovereignty of a single state was inviolable." Berlusconi also denied that he is short; "I'm as tall as Aznar," he said, referring to Prime Minister José María Aznar of Spain. "I'm the average Italian," he continued. "Right?"»[New York Times]
25 December: Spain foiled a Basque terrorist plot to blow up a train in Madrid's busiest station on Christmas Eve.»[New York Times]" [2]

Who profits of the crime?

The profit goes to the 'Christist' fundamentalist integrist Authoritarian prophets Bush and Aznar.
And the Islamist fundamentalist integrist al-Qaeda Authorities, already earlier associated with the Bush family.
Everybody under control of the world's terrorising Multinational Zionism, the Multi-Nazionism.[3]
"The BBC's security correspondent, Frank Gardner, says the nightmare scenario for Spain would be a collaboration between Islamic and Basque groups.
He says recent events in Iraq have shown how different groups can work together in a common cause."[4]
Because when the people are in fear, it will not offer Resistance. If they do, they are liquidated.
The big majority of people will give their faithful fatal fate in hands of 'Duces', 'Führers', 'Kings' or 'Presidents'
Authorities - who always are authoritarian.
To make more and more 'profit'. At any price.

Resistance and Risks

The German people at the time didn't recognise the deadly reality of Hitler's Nazi terrorism. Like today the American and world's people don't recognise the deadly reality of Buffalo Bush's Multi-Nazionist terrorism.
Naturally, there were at the time deadly risks in Resisting against Hitler's terrorism, like today there are deadly risks in Resisting against Bush's terrorism. And most people think it's too risky to Resist.
But millions of these cautious people lost their lives. German and American people lost their sons, fathers, mothers and children – because they didn't resist! Because - only in the Battle of Stalingrad - by hundred thousands German and Soviet sons and fathers combated and massacred each other. Only for the profit of the Multi-Nazionist terrorism…
Please, wake up, before it's too late. And Resist!

Charles Destrée, 13 March 2004.

PS. This I sent on 12 March to BBC, world press. They answered me: "We apologise, but we cannot respond to inquiries that are not from journalists".
The actually following events are proving I was right in my analysis.

[1] -
[2]- 12 March 2004:
[3] - Read the great booklet: 'The Holocaust Industry – Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. 2000. Author: the Jewish American Norman G. Finkelstein, professor at City University of New York.
[4] - 12 March 2004:

Beginning of our civilisation & knowledge
by Mark Metzelaar Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004 at 5:40 AM

Zecheria Sitchin;
scolar Semetic languages & old testament.
Did study to the "cylinder seals"
Sumerian Cuneiform text
1) Divine Encounters
2) Stairway to Heaven
3) The Wars of Gods + Man

epic of Gil Gemesh (name phoneticly written)
Mother Anunaki (see phonetic simularity with ANAHUAC!)

Iraq largest collection of cylinder seals; detailed discription of the planets and other info, they couldn'tt know without contacts of other higher civilisation.
This higher civilisation and other lifeform is the ANUNAKI.
12 planets or Niburu => Anunaki

They are the ones that (genetic) manipulated apes into humans, resembling themselves.
They now how to manipulate biochemistry and to live much longer than humans

Tony Bushby, publisher Australia
Wrote book:
The Bible Fraud
published in Hong Kong and banned in some countries
Got letters of recommendation from government leaders out of his former work and could research archives of Vatican and others.
Books / codices predating New Testament
Book of Elxai (!!!)
Most copies destroyed (king James wrote New Testament, editor Francis Bacon, probably behind Shakespeare)
1131 Last night templar leader; Jacques de Molay

Bloodlines of Jezus and brother Judas Khristus examined and detailed in book untill now.
Jezus is the good bloodline, Judas the evil one.
King James changed and mixed the original stories of the two brothers with the mstory of the 12 discipels.
Jezus was NOT killed, it was a normal sentence to release people after hanging on the cross and three days prison, if they didn't die.
Father of Jezus is Tiberus Ceasar of Rome.
Mother from an Arabic line (not Jewisch)

Island in front of Canada, has probably the Holy Grail, stored in a very strange castle with hughe rocks and strange doors.

More stories, but they are too extreme; will do some research of some buildings that haven't been build by earthly forces.

And also somewhere in the desert from Israel to Babylon, you can dig up glass; that not is made by humans.
This was the destruction of Babylon: The Evil Wind.
The Anunaki did that, after they decided the evil had to be destroyed.

Tijd voor een reality-check
by pritt Monday, Jun. 21, 2004 at 1:09 PM

je vraagt je af waarom mensen altijd opnieuw dezelfde straffe verhalen & samenzweringstheoriëen opnieuw bovenhalen. zowat alles wat in de oorspronkelijke post beweerd werd, is lang geleden al weerlegd geweest door echte historische of wordt zonder enig deftig bewijs al feit & waarheid gepresenteerd. misschien voor alle duidelijkheid nog even samenvatten: de OTO is geen nazi-organisatie maar gewoon een clubje goedbedoelende spirituele alternativo's, britney spears is geen lid van de geheime wereldregering & occulte organisaties zijn doorgaans eerder in de persoonlijke ontwikkeling van hun leden dan in het stichten van een fascistisch wereldrijk geïnteresseerd.

goed lezen
by Mark Friday, Nov. 19, 2004 at 4:08 AM

Goed lezen:

Over Britney heb ik al duidelijk gesteld dat die hier weinig mee van doen heeft.
Toevallig was ze in het Four Seisons hotel op Big Island Hawaii en ontmoette ik in een bar een personeelslid die mij allerlei ins en outs vertelde.

Toevallig sloot dat bij de andere informatie van de Four Seasons Hotels aan; is gewoon een leuke actuele annecdote!