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Action during Umberto Eco-lecture: "Non à l’a-culture Berlusconi !"
by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

Yesterday, during the Umberto Eco conference in Europalia, some people put banners with the words "Non à l’a-culture Berlusconi !" and sang to show what Berlusconi is doing with the Italian Culture.

Action during Umbert...
cartel3.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

Non à l’a-culture Berlusconi !

Bruxelles, 6 novembre 2003

* Ceci est une action citoyenne
A l’occasion de l’ouverture du colloque Europalia « La contribution de la pensée Italienne à la culture européenne », avec Umberto Eco, nous, citoyennes et citoyens Belges et Italiens, protestons publiquement contre l’a-culture de l’actuel Gouvernement Italien. Nous demandons aux autorités présentes à Bruxelles ce soir de relayer cette protestation auprès de leurs interlocuteurs Italiens et Européens.

* Berlusconi n’est pas un démocrate !
La démocratie repose sur la séparation des pouvoirs : législatif, exécutif, judiciaire. On peut ajouter à cette liste de pouvoirs, l’économie et les médias. Berlusconi, lui, détient le pouvoir économique, politique et médiatique. Toutes les télévisions appartiennent soit à l’état, soit à Berlusconi : ce qui revient au même ! Avec la presse, au total, 80% des médias sont sous sa coupe. Par son influence il domine les pouvoirs législatif et judiciaire. C’est ainsi qu’il fait voter des lois confortant son immunité, qu’il protège ses intérêts privés et ceux de ses amis.

* Les conséquences de sa politique sont désastreuses !
Au sein de la dégradation économique et sociale, nous assistons à:

- la vente du patrimoine public: monuments, maisons, sites naturels
- l’élimination des voix dissidentes dans les chaînes de télévision et la censure
- des coupures dans les subsides aux universités, à la recherche
- la privatisation des services publics, la destruction du système d’enseignement

* Enfin, lors de la guerre en Irak, Berlusconi a ignoré la culture de paix développée récemment en Italie avec ces fameux drapeaux multicolores « pace ». Il a soutenu G.W. Bush contre l’avis de 80% de sa population, envoyant un contingent d’occupation. Actuellement, il fait la sourde oreille aux protestations et grèves qui secouent le pays.

* La Belgique n’est pas à l’abri de telles évolutions !
Ici, tout récemment, télévisions et journaux se sont mis à diffuser reportages et interviews sur l’Italie en résistance à Berlusconi. Il était temps ! Car le cas de l’Italie n’est pas si particulier. Il nous concerne, comme la dérive médiatique observée partout. L’information est diffusée en quantité toujours croissante, et pourtant elle est de moins en moins diversifiée et pluraliste. Dans leur course à l’audience, les télévisions se livrent au dumping qualitatif de leurs programmes. Bientôt il n’y aura plus que « Du pain et des jeux ! »

* A moins que...
A moins que de nombreux citoyens comme nous se réveillent pour dénoncer ce formatage des esprits qui répand l’individualisme, le fatalisme, la pensée unique.
Vive la diversité culturelle et les médias libres !
Vive l’Italie qui résiste aux Berlusconneries !

* Actions « Non à l’a-culture Berlusconi »

Editeur responsable : MCP – Parvis Saint-Henri, 9, 1200 Bruxelles,E.Mail :

***** ******* ****** ********

Yesterday 6th November, in Palais Des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, there was an International coloquio to present the “Italian Thought in the European Culture”, as part of Europalia 2003.

The importance of that conference was that Umberto Eco, the famous writer, was a member of that meeting to make a general view through the years.

The conference started at 19:00 in the main hall of the Palace and it finished at 21:00, after two speakers more, from Milan and Bologna University, talked.

After the coloquio, when the lights turned on again, from the two sides of the amphitheatre, about 20 persons put on the wall two big banners with the words: « Non à l’a-culture Berlusconi » and they sang a very famous song of the Italian Resistance: “Bella Ciao”.

People in the hall, and Umberto Eco too, were very surprised: some of them sang in a very emotional moment.
These persons, almost all of them Italian, decided to protest again the Berlusconi’s politics: tomorrow and on Saturday morning there will be very important strikes in Milan and Rome.

After the meeting, some members of the group were talking with Eco about his position, but the writer said nothing about the Berlusconi’s political system.

In this group there were persons from many places in Italy, some of them are professors, translators or members of political organizations, but there were people from Belgium too.

They wanted to protest to show the people what Berlusconi is doing with the, famous and important, Italian Culture and the Europalia Festival in Brussels was the best option to do it.

***** ***** ****** *****

“Bella Ciao”

Stamattina mi sono alzato
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
stamattina mi sono alzato
e ho trovato l’invasor
O partigiano portami via
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
o partigiano portami via
che mi sento di morir
E se io muoio da partigiano
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
e se io muoio da partigiano
tu mi devi seppelir
Seppelire lassù in montagna
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
seppelire lassù in montagna
sotto l’ombra di un bel fior
E le genti che passeranno
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
e le genti che passeranno
ti diranno che bel fior
E’ questo il fiore del partigiano
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
è questo il fiore del partigiano
morto per la libertà.

Banner 2
by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

Banner 2...
cartel_1.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

"Non à l’a-culture Berlusconi !". With these words they show to the belgium society in the conference that they are not with the Berlusconi\'s politic.

Banner 3
by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

Banner 3...
cartel4.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

When the conference was finished they put the banner and sang the Italian Resistance song: "Ciao Bella".

by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

conferencia.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

Umberto Eco and two professors from Milan and Bologna University talked, during two hours, about the Italian Culture and its importance during the History.

Full of people
by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

Full of people...
publico2.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

The main hall of the Centre For Fine Arts in Brussels was full of people waiting for listen a culture lesson from Umberto Eco.
At the end, some of them sang "Ciao Bella" too.

Talking with Eco
by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

Talking with Eco...
hablando_con_eco.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

When the conference finished, some persons of the group were talking with Eco, but he wanted to say nothing about Berlusconi.

Umberto Eco
by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

Umberto Eco...
eco.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

He is one of the most important writers actually and his conference was part of the Festival Europalia 2003 in Brussels.

Italian Culture
by Cristina Alvarez Friday November 07, 2003 at 12:38 PM

Italian Culture...
aceitunas1.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338

This was one of the best moments, during an International Conference about the Italian Culture, to show which is the real politics of Berlusconi.