arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

historical facts about FORD
by Rita Friday October 03, 2003 at 07:59 PM

facts about the FORD company

- Henry Ford built his first car in 1892 in Detroit. He had the reputation being a 'social pioneer'. He introduced the 8 hours day and the patricipation in the profit. This was no obstacle for him to produce on mass vehicles for the army, when the first worldwar began.
- In 1920 Henry Ford still had to share the market with 80 other entrepreneurs. On the end of World War 2, the motor-car manufacturers only where with a ten. And on the end of the 20th century 3 winners stood on the platform : General Motors, Ford and Chrysler : During the War: Some Jewish groups and lawyers say the U.S. companies' German subsidiaries used slave labor to build trucks during the war and that the U.S. companies profited. General Motors “categorically denies” that it aided the Nazis in World War II. A company statement argues that the “facilities in Germany were expropriated by the Third Reich,” and that the American company had no control over them.
- recently Ford is accused for 'kill by negligence' because of the bad quality of their products.( Firestone-incident): In May 2000, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration issued a letter to Ford and Firestone requesting information about the high incidence of tire failure on Ford Explorer vehicles : In 2000 this had for consequence an impressive wave of accidents.(Experts believe there may be as many as 250 deaths and more than 3000 catastrophic injuries associated with the defective tires. )Documents indicate that company officials had data that Firestone tires installed on Explorer sport-utility vehicles had little or no margin for safety in top-speed driving at the tire pressures Ford recommended.
- American oil- and motor-car companies (Exxon, Ford, Texaco and General Motors) are financing scientific research to question the effect of global warming and they pay advertisement to prove that measures against global warming does damage the american economy.
- Alcoa workers in Mexico- called “associates” by the company- are paid 50 cents an hour to assemble wire harnessing for the Big Three auto companies. Many of the workers are forced to live in one-room, dirt floor, cardboard huts, without running water.

on Henry Ford
by Guido Friday October 03, 2003 at 08:14 PM

How Henry Ford hoped to mass-produce hatred of Jews

"A compelling part of Baldwin's story is Ford's status as a "role model" for Hitler. Twelve years before he took office, Hitler hung a portrait of Ford in his office in Munich. A copy of The International Jew, in German, greeted visitors."

"When Hitler exited prison, the first birthday present he received was Ford's autobiography in German. The only American mentioned in Mein Kampf is Ford. Hitler described him, Baldwin recalls, as the only American "who truly understands what we are trying to accomplish here in Germany." In a 1923 interview, Hitler dubbed Ford "the leader of the growing fascist movement in America."

Henry Ford and Nazism
There is some evidence that Henry Ford gave Adolf Hitler financial backing when Hitler was first starting out in politics. This can in part be traced to statements from Kurt Ludecke, Germany's representative to the U.S. in the 1920s, and Winifred Wagner, daughter-in-law of Richard Wagner, who said they requested funds from Ford to aid the National Socialist movement in Germany. However, a 1933 Congressional investigation into the matter was unable to substantiate one way or the other that funding was actually sent.

Henry Ford, center, is awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle by Nazi diplomats.
