arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Toeristen mogen niet protesteren in Cancun.
by Guido Monday September 08, 2003 at 07:03 PM

Toeristen in Cancun mogen niet deelnemen aan de protesten tegen het W.T.O. Doen ze dit wel dan worden ze gedeporteerd.

Dit bericht staat in de NYT van vandaag.

"Tourists are not authorized to take part in the demonstrations and could be deported," Melba Pria, a spokeswoman for the Mexican Foreign Ministry, said."

Wat nu verstaan wordt onder toerist, vermeldt men er niet bij.

Als je als "activist" in Cancun rondloopt, ben je dan opeens een toerist? Die dan naar een betoging gaat en aldoende toerist wordt die gaat betogen?

Ondertussen werden imc-activisten al opgejaagd door de politie (lees: beschermers van het imperialisme):

"3 IMC activists chased by police, convergence center under steady surveillance. Advisory to travel in groups."

Kwestie om te voorkomen wat men Italie wel voor elkaar kreeg?

[Riva del Garda] Disobbedienti blokkeren toegangswegen

Third action against WTO secretariat in Geneva in the last four days
by From activists in Geneva (posted by Guido) Monday September 08, 2003 at 07:36 PM

17h40, Geneva : A fifty-activist group from Italy, Spain, France and switzerland (peasant, public service trade unions...) is trying to enter WTO building in Geneva. This is the third action against thw WTO here in the last four days.

The first action was on friday: 6 activist from geneva manages to reach the roof of the building. There, they put up a banner where was written down in red and black "Smash capitalism, let's start with WTO".

Down the building, another group managed to lock down the doors. From this moment, no cars could get in or out.

One hour later, erverybody was safe, drinking in a bar. The police just did a few ID checks.

On saturday, after a pic nic next to the lake of Geneva, behind WTO, two hundred people marched toward the city center. There they set up a popular assembly

19h, Geneva: the fifty-activist group who was intenting getting in the building, failed, pushed back by the police. A few of them were bitten. Nobody arrested.

zie ook
by Guido Monday September 08, 2003 at 07:43 PM

betreffende WTO/Genève

foto's en info over acties in Genève
by Guido Monday September 08, 2003 at 08:36 PM

