arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Bombarderen van Irak begon na aanslagen 11-9
by Guido Monday July 21, 2003 at 03:29 PM

Sinds 1991 was er een no-flying zone in Irak. Wat de Amerikanen en Britten de toestemming gaf om alles uit de lucht te schieten dat Irakees was. Clinton liet in 1998 Irak nog eens bombarderen. Blijkt dat ze nu na 11-9 al begonnen zijn waren met de voorbereidingen van de oorlog.

Bombarderen van Irak...
b1-at-work.jpg4qdfyp.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x162

Gisteren las ik dit:

"U.S. Attacked Iraqi Defenses Starting in 2002"

"American air war commanders carried out a comprehensive plan to disrupt Iraq's military command and control system before the Iraq war, according to an internal briefing on the conflict by the senior allied air war commander."

"Known as Southern Focus, the plan called for attacks on the network of fiber-optic cable that Saddam Hussein's government used to transmit military communications, as well as airstrikes on key command centers, radars and other important military assets."

"The strikes, which were conducted from mid-2002 into the first few months of 2003, were justified publicly at the time as a reaction to Iraqi violations of a no-flight zone that the United States and Britain established in southern Iraq. But Lt. Gen. T. Michael Moseley, the chief allied war commander, said the attacks also laid the foundations for the military campaign against the Baghdad government."

En nu is er dit verhaal:

"After 9/11, US planes began softening Iraqi defenses"

"As early as the autumn of 2001, US military authorities took steps to increase surveillance of southern Iraq and then to systematically bomb Iraq's command posts, air defense weapons, and communication links in anticipation of possible war, according to the American general who commanded the air campaign."

"The intensified airstrikes, which got underway in earnest in the summer of 2002, were justified publicly at the time as a response to increased Iraqi targeting of US pilots patrolling a no-fly zone."

Bombarderen van Irak begon na aanslagen 11-9, II
by Guido Monday July 21, 2003 at 03:45 PM

Bij voorgaand artikel ben ik iets vergeten te vermelden. :-(

Bombarderen van Irak begon na aanslagen 11-9

In bovenstaand artikel kan je lezen dat het bombarderen van Irak al begon na de aanslagen van 11-9 en ook ervoor.

Zes dagen voor de oorlog "officieel" startte, had Irak al een eerste lading bommen van een B1 gekregen.

"" AN American B1-Bheavy bomber has destroyed two radar sites in Iraq in an escalation of air strikes in the no-fly zone. The B1-B Lancer is a supersonic strategic bomber originally designed to carry nuclear weapons."