arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

D' Hoppe: Protestactie tegen de ontruiming
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Zodra het nieuws van de ontruiming bekend was schoten de mensen van foert/fourte in actie. Ze organiseerden snel een protestdemo tegen de ontruiming.

D' Hoppe: Protestact...
protest_ontruiming_01.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Zo'n 150 mensen daagden gisteren avond op voor de actie aan het gemeentehuis van Flobecq en voor het huis van Rudy Demotte.
De Patdagachkes zetten meteen de toon, het werd een krachtig maar ludiek protest. De 160 politiemensen die opgetrommeld waren vanuit Doornik kregen we niet eens te zien.

Samba, jongleren, en krijtboodschappen die duidelijk maken dat Patdagach NIET verslagen is.

Het lijkt erop dat de actiegroep versterkt uit de ontruiming gekomen is. De positieve energie die vrijkwam zal aangewend worden voor de verdere acties die vandaag en voor de rest van de week gepland zijn.

Foto 2
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 2...
protest_ontruiming_02.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 3
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 3...
protest_ontruiming_03.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 4
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 4...
protest_ontruiming_04.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 5
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 5...
protest_ontruiming_05.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 6
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 6...
protest_ontruiming_06.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 7
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 7...
protest_ontruiming_07.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 8
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 8...
protest_ontruiming_08.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 9
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 9...
protest_ontruiming_09.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x401

Foto 10
by Libby Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 09:29 AM

Foto 10...
protest_ontruiming_10.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x597

Carmen n'est pas contente
by Carnen Van Yperzele Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 10:02 AM

Je trouve que ce que vous avez fait ne se justifie pas. J'étais ce matin face à la maison dégueulassée de Rudy Demotte. Pourquoi n'avez vous pas fait vos saloperies sur la maison de Fort ?, lui au moins il est riche et il est le mec contre lequel vous devriez vous orienter. D'un autrte côté, je comprends pas que des gens fassent la loi à la place des responsables.

carmen, 17 ans, militante écolo.

parce que
by abc Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 10:30 AM

ces gens fassent la loi parce que la loi n'est qu'un jeu d'argent,vous avez vu ce que la loi a fait contre les gens qui ont occupé le forêt. ce loi n'est plus la justice.

Always nice
by F. aka SlowMo Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 11:33 AM

Mr. Demotte is directly responsable because he does not execute court orders. If you want to discuss unlawfulness, that should be mentioned.

When injustice is law, resistance is our duty!

Excuse me but, you're wrong about Demotte
by Andy Van Never Wednesday July 02, 2003 at 07:08 PM

Demotte respects laws. He is wel known as a legalist. What you forget is that fisrt of all he doesn't exerce the function of mayor. It is legally forbidden for a minister to exerce this function while he stays in the government. You'll tell me he could morally influence the decision making in its village. True. But, in this case, what concerns the sand extraction, minister Foret (a right wing minister), in charge of that file, has to take formally position again the exploitation, but he doesn't since more than 4 years!!!!! Fort, the boss of the firm, keeps thus the right continuing. About the garbage storage, Demotte has absolutly nothing to says, because he faces the same situation: the liberal minister of environnment refuses to consider formally the stones that are driven to La Houppe as illegal.
Anyway, it is true and unfair that your action targets Demotte's house and person and not Fort.


Demotte is responsible
by Libby Thursday July 03, 2003 at 12:03 AM

Demotte may not be the mayor in function, he still is responsible. He is still a member of the town council and even a very crucial one, since his presence is necessary to keep the majority of the votes. The town council has enough formal decisions by higher authorities (Région Wallone and Députation Permanente du Hainaut) to stop Fort,or at least strictly limit him in his actions but they don't act upon it, they need the money raised by taxing his illegal operations.

It is not Fort who decided to put the compesnation money that should be destined to the wellbeing of the community into the destruction of the hollow road in such a way that it will be to the benifit of Mr. Forts hobby.

It isn't Fort that decided to apply a law against environmental activists that could have been used against Fort ages ago.

We got evicted from the woods by Forts allies.

No Libby, you are Wrong!!!!
by Andy Van Never Thursday July 03, 2003 at 06:20 PM

Demotte is not responsible anyway for the decisions taken by the municipality. It is LEGALLY forbidden for him to take any decision. Yes he is member of the city council but all decisions concerning D'Hoppe are taken at unanimity.
Wat concerns the hollow road, it is untrue to say that this has been conceived for FORT's horse leisure. In the newspaper "le courrier de l'escaut" Fort (in understanding with FOERTE )even told that he was opposate to that project. It is paradoxal to tell that this road is made for his hobbies... The compensation money is inested in that road after having discussed it with the population of D'Hoppe in public gatherings some years ago. I attempted to one of them.
This decision has been taken with all members of council. Democraty is democraty. What those activists do is really against the will of a very very large proportion of the population...