arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Hollywood maakt film over Bush en 9-11
by Guido Sunday June 22, 2003 at 07:46 PM

Ik las het bericht een tijd geleden maar dacht dat het een slechte. Maar deze slechte grap is werkelijkheid. Hollywood gaat een TV-film maken over Bush en 9-11. De makers beweren dat het geen propagandafilm voor de verkiezingen is.

Het bericht verscheen voor het eerst in "Globe and Mail", dit op 28 mei, onder volgende titel White House insider cleans up Bush's image on film

Nu zijn er al meerdere artikels over verschenen, ik dacht het ook gezien te hebben op de site van DS en een berichtje op VRT-teletekst.

Een woordje uitleg over wie de film juist maakt en het script geschreven heeft.

Lionel Chetwynd is de schrijver/producer van het aangepaste verhaal over 9-11

Over Lionel:

"Mr. Chetwynd sits on the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities"

"He is founder of the Wednesday Morning Club, an organization for the movie colony's relatively small band of Republicans, and he led the White House's efforts to enlist Hollywood's support after Sept. 11."BRON

"Chetwynd is among the few outspokenly conservative producers in Hollywood, and one of the few with close ties to the White House."

"In researching "D.C. 9/11," Chetwynd had access to top White House officials, including Bush. What's more, Chetwynd ran the script past a group of conservative Washington pundits, including Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer and Morton Kondracke." bron

"Mr Chetwynd is not only a well-known conservative in Hollywood circles, with credits spanning political dramas and biblical stories. He also sits on the White House Committee on the Arts and Humanities."

"Amazingly, Mr Chetwynd denies his film is propaganda in any form. He insists that everything in the film comes from the public record - either published accounts or information gleaned from his own interviews with the President, the White House chief of staff Andy Card, Mr Rove and others. "This isn't propaganda," he told the The Washington Post last week. "It's a straightforward docudrama. I would hope what's presented is a fully coloured and nuanced picture of a human being in a difficult situation." bron

""My own view of the administration is somewhat more sympathetic than, say, Alec Baldwin's. . . . In fact, I'm technically a member of the administration [Mr. Chetwynd sits on the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities], so I let it be known that I was also interested in doing it. I threw myself on the mercies of my friend Karl Rove."bron

Chetwynd heeft hulp gekregen van Karl Rove.

Over Karl Rove:

"Mr Rove, meanwhile, has a special eye for propaganda - not only did he conceive of Mr Bush's recent post-Iraq Top Gun-style landing on an aircraft carrier, he was also the one who explained away the President's peregrinations on 11 September by claiming, less than convincingly, that Air Force One itself was under direct threat of attack."

"Mr Bush's chief political strategist" bron

"Karl Rove (with the portfolio of Propaganda and Internal Affairs)" bron

"Karl Rove, President Bush's top political adviser, ridiculed Berlin, N.H., last week. In a speech at the rightwing American Enterprise Institute, he sarcastically referred to Berlin, where George W. Bush gave a speech as a presidential candidate, as a "critical intellectual center." bron

Een kritisch artikel over Karl Rove: Exposing Karl Rove

uit dat artikel:

"He's America's Joseph Goebbels. As a 21-year old Young Republican in Texas, Karl Rove not only pimped for Richard Nixon's chief political dirty tricks strategist Donald Segretti but soon caught the eye of the incoming Republican National Committee Chairman, George H. W. Bush. Rove's dirty tricks on behalf of Nixon's 1972 campaign catapulted Rove onto the national stage. From his Eagle's Nest in the West Wing of the White House, Rove now directs a formidable political dirty tricks operation and disinformation mill."

"Undoubtedly, Rove was also behind the campaign to "get" Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politician to question what Bush may have known beforehand about 9-11."

De film zal vertoont worden deze herfst in de VS. En voor volgend jaar in september hebben de Republikeinen ook al iets gepland dat zal inspelen op de herinneringen aan 11-9-'01. De "the 2004 Republican National Convention" zal gehouden worden in New York. New York wins city bid for 2004 Republican national Convention


Hollywood producing first recreation of 9/11
'D.C. 9/11' Spins Tale of President on Tragic Day
Bush-backed feature film of 9/11 casts him as scourge of 'tinhorn terrorists'
9/11 Movie Paints Bush as Hero
9/11 movie paints Bush as hero
WAG THE DOG: Bush Starts Campaigning
A Movie About September 11th to Air This Fall On Showtime.


Rumsfeld heeft ondertussen geopperd om de nationale feestdag, 4 juli, te gebruiken op de oorlog in Irak in de kijker te brengen.

"His staffers have been phoning city officials, including some in Orange County, and strongly urging them to structure Fourth of July celebrations around the war in Iraq.bron

Cynthia McKinney staat in het artikel bovenaan vermeld als één van de slachtoffers van Rove

Over haar:

"McKinney also pointed out that people close to the Bush administration were poised to profit from America’s new war. She hinted strongly that the administration might be protecting the interests of the Carlyle Group, an investment firm where the elder George Bush is a board member. McKinney quoted a Los Angeles Times report that the Carlyle Group had earned $237 million selling shares in United Defense Industries after September 11. She also revealed for the first time that the “U.S. government is being sued ... by survivors of the U.S. embassy bombings [in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998] because ... it seems clear that the U.S. had received warnings, but did little to secure and protect the staff at our embassies.” bron

Blijkbaar is er nu een nieuwe caùmpagne gestart tegen haar:

The Screwing of Cynthia McKinney

Misschien hiervoor?

Cynthia McKinney: GREEN PARTY Candidate for President!


Over de Carlyle Group:

Het netwerk van The Carlyle Group
Carlyle Group + Saudi Binladin Group
Bush, Bin Laden, Bechtel and Baghdad
Lawmaker draws ire after suggesting administration knew early of Sept. 11
carlyle en belgique

In mei verscheen er een boek over de Carlyle Group.

Over dit boek: How the access capitalists at the Carlyle Group became real businessmen.

En Michael Moore gaat hier een film over maken, notabene gesponsord door Disney:
Disney sponsort Moore voor nieuwe film.

In dat artikel verwijs ik naar een artikel dat in de Wall Street Journal stond, het is dit:
The Washington Post over Bush/Ben Laden

by Guido Sunday June 22, 2003 at 07:52 PM

"In dat artikel verwijs ik naar een artikel dat in de Wall Street Journal stond, het is dit:
The Washington Post over Bush/Ben Laden"

The Washington Post moet Wall Street Journal zijn. :-(

je vleit jezelf, guido
by vlooi in de pels Monday June 23, 2003 at 12:59 PM

alsof we nu gaan denken dat de rest wel waar is zeker?

waarvoor houden jullie dwaze maxisten ons wel?

by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 02:42 PM

Ik ben geen marxist. Dwaas, moet je zelf maar beoordelen.

Lees ondertussen ook de gelinkte artikels. :-)

Captured al-Qa'eda man was FBI spy
by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 03:17 PM

"The American al-Qa'eda operative unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge was first detained in March, and has been used by the FBI for months as a double agent, it was reported yesterday."

The Triple Life of a Qaeda Man
Inside the secret operation to turn a truck-driving bin Laden follower into an agent for the U.S.,9171,1101030630-460158,00.html

whoa guido
by vlooi in de pels Monday June 23, 2003 at 03:33 PM

nou guido, wat die disney kwakkel betreft, die zijn AL LANG
teruggekrabbled van hun "project" met michael moore.

dat stalin een massamoordenaar was wist je hopelijk ook al,
maar ik vemeld het toch nog maar voor de zekerheid.

by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 04:15 PM

1. Bron verhaal Disney?

2. Aan stalin heb ik geen boodschap, zie:

by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 04:38 PM

"Why Is Disney Bankrolling Michael Moore’s Next Film?"
Monday, June 09, 2003

Tot nu toe gaat het "project" nog steeds door. Ik kijk alvast uit naar uw bronnen.

by tis nochtans op dezelfde site Monday June 23, 2003 at 05:07 PM

      According to his executive secretary, Mindy, Michael Eisner and Disney HAD BEEN CONSIDERING backing the Moore project, but had since taken a pass.  This also included any type of bridge financing rumored to be in the works involving one of its companies, Miramax. Mindy, on several occasions, was ADAMANT in stating that there was NO WAY Disney or any portion of their company was going to involve itself.  We accepted that as fact.  Why would Disney lie to us? To do so AND ultimately reveal that they ARE involved would be entertaintmnt suicide on a scale not unlike that of a certain female comic who still refuses to apologize to President Bush.

by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 05:18 PM

geef dat dan de volgende keer direct. :-)

Ook nog:

"They had refused over and over to issue a statement because they ''never respond to *Internet rumors.'' So, there you have it, folks. It seems the Mouse is not only involved with Michael Moore in an indirect manner on a very taboo project, but they lied to us."

link voor artikels
by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 05:21 PM

Link voor de artikels vermeld in de comments:

nou ja
by ikke Monday June 23, 2003 at 05:37 PM

nu kan jij beweren dat er een "geheime deal" met disney is,
terwijl ik mijn ogen rol en het bekende gebaar maak met mijn wijsvinger naar mijn hoofd en zijn we beiden content.

by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 05:37 PM

Maar dit ene artikel is de visie van één iemand over de samenwerking tussen Moore en Disney.
Lees er de comments maar op na:

Over de schrijver van het artikel:

"John Alvarez of Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood (PABAAH)"

En ik heb nu ook dit gevonden:

"Paying for Mikey
Author: Lee
You know those reports that Disney was financing Moore's nexy crockumentary? Well it looks like they're true."

"So it looks like the deal is on. Eisner doesn't want to admit to it because of all the bad PR it's going to get in conservative circles, which will translate into lost revenue for Disney at a time when they're bleeding money. But they also desire the filthy lucre that Moore's film can bring in, even with a relatively low investment of a few million bucks. So they finance it, keep it on the down low, until it's released, and Moore goes on to make millions of dollars for them."

Op de site van Michael Moore nog geen nieuws hierover.

geheime deal?
by Guido Monday June 23, 2003 at 05:45 PM

Ik heb dat nooit beweerd dat dat geheim was.

Ik las het eerst hier:

dan hier:

Dat de deal niet zo doorgaan staat hier en daar op het net, allemaal geinspireerd op een artikeltje van

"John Alvarez of Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood (PABAAH)"

a friend of Rove
by Guido Thursday June 26, 2003 at 02:32 PM

"When The Washington Post published a list of the people whom Karl Rove, President George W Bush's closest advisor, regularly consults for advice outside the administration, foreign policy veterans were shocked when Michael Ledeen popped up as the only full-time international affairs analyst."

"Michael A Ledeen, resident scholar in the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he works closely with the better-known former chairman of the Defense Policy Board, Richard Perle, has been a fixture of Washington's neo-conservative community for more than 20 years. But he is now out front, in a public campaign for the United States to confront Iran, warning that Tehran will cause Washington problems in both Iraq and Afghanistan and that "the mullahs are determined to obliterate Israel".