arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Call for participants in a research project discussing queer, ant-globalisation activists
by posted by imc queer Monday June 16, 2003 at 10:56 AM


My name is Nik Cox and I am studying with the School of History, International Relations, Philosophy and Politics, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. I am undertaking a Masters degree in Politics, as part of this degree I wish to question queer anti-globalisation activists. who would be willing to fill in a questionnaire which examines their group’s organisational dynamics, motivations and political ideas. For the purposes of this study “queer” is used as an inclusive term and includes any same-sex desiring, transgender and/or intersex identity. The Human Ethics Committee of Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, has approved this research.

Some information about me: for half of my life I have been involved in activist politics. I have been involved with environmental issues, education/student/anti-government activism and anarchist/queer activism. The issues and “causes” changing as my thinking identity and events evolved. In recent years I have been more focussed on achieving higher education goals and not been so activist orientated. I still feel very passionate about queer anti-capitalist and anti-globalisation politics and theory which is what has motivated me to undertake this thesis.

I would like to invite those involved in anti-globalisation work with queer activist groups to participate in this study. Participants will be asked to fill out a questionnaire discussing their ideas about sexual identity and political activism and their group. The questionnaire will be emailed to willing respondents and can be filled in as a Word document or as a printed form. It is envisaged that the questionnaire will take about 1 hour to complete and may be completed at a time convenient to you and returned to me via post or email (a stamped addressed enveloped can be supplied on request). Responses collected will form part of my thesis. Individual respondents will be referred to using their chosen pseudonym.

The thesis will be submitted for examination in the School of History, International Relations, Philosophy, and Politics and a copy deposited in the university library. I would also hope to give presentations on the thesis at relevant conferences.

IF this sounds like you please email me on: or if you know other people who are queer, anti-globalisation activists please forward this post on to them.

Nik Cox