arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Bilderberg-top in Versailles.
by Guido Friday May 16, 2003 at 12:57 PM

De Bilderberggroep houdt zijn jaarlijkse bijeenkomst, dit maal in Parijs. Bilderberg bestaat uit allemaal machtige individuen.

"The world's financial and political elite are to hold a closed meeting in France on Thursday where delegates are expected to be focusing their attention on post war Iraq.

The Bilderberg meeting will be held in Versailles just before the start of the Group of Seven meeting of finance ministers in nearby Paris.

Its critics say that it is a capitalist organisation which operates entirely through self interest.

There are no members as such - instead, an invitation list is comprised each year by an unknown steering committee, but participants are mainly leading and powerful figures in the fields of business and politics.

What the group actually does is no clearer either, although it's known to be an extremely influential lobbying group with a good deal of political clout on both sides of the Atlantic.

Key members of both the British and the US governments are said to have attended gatherings."

Zoals je in bovenstaand bericht kan lezen, is dit een machtig lobby-groepje. Met koningen, bankdirecteurs, directeurs van mediabedrijven,...

Onlangs is de AIPAC samengekomen, dit is een Amerikaans-Israëlisch denktank. Er was een officiële meeting en een onofficiële. Op de onofficiële werd er gesproken over Irak.

Onlangs kwam de Trilaterale Commissie samen, dit is een machtige lobbygroep waarin ook Aziaten zitten, naast Europeanen en Noord-Amerikanen.

De groep van 7 bankdirecteurs is onlangs nog smaengekomen om te spreken over de schulden van Irak.

Op dit moment vergaderen de Bilderbergers. Gelijktijdig wordt er vergaderd over de Europese Conventie. Etienne Davignon, is een lid van de Bilderberggroep en heeft de "president" van de Europese Conventie, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, onlangs nog op bezoek gehad om hem advies te vragen voor Europa.

"19/12/2002 BRUXELLES Entretien avec le Vicomte Etienne DAVIGNON"

Kort geleden:

"23/04/2003 BRUXELLES Entretien avec le Premier Ministre belge, M. Guy VERHOFSTADT, le Ministre des Affaires étrangères, M. Louis MICHEL, le Vice-Président de la Convention, M. Jean-Luc DEHAENE et le Vicomte Etienne DAVIGNON"

Davignon zit ook in de Club van Lotharingen.

De Europese Conventie zit in haar laatste fase en is niets meer of minder een Grondwet voor een nieuw Europa mèt President.

Dan hebben we binnenkort de G-8 met de lakeien van de Bilderbergers en co.

In Thessaloniki komt er nog een Europese top.

Heb u het gevoel dat verkiezingen iets kunnen veranderen? Ik niet.

Enkele jaren geleden was de Bilderbergtop in Brussel. Tal van NGO's vonden het toen interessanter om te betogen tegen de UNICE. Volgende keer toch eerst maar eens kijken wie komt vergaderen?

Nog een beetje info in het Engels.

"VERSAILLES, Fri16May03: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Sofia of Spain, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Kenneth Clarke and Richard Perle are among the guests staying at Versailles' Trianon Park hotel for this years exclusive and secret Bilderberg meeting. The hotel, next door to the palace of Versailles and one of the most exclusive in Paris, is surrounded by a tight cordon of french riot police, the infamous CRS. Perle is a controversial figure right now - remaining a member of the US defence policy board his companies are poised to make millions of dollars out of the rebuilding of war-ravaged Iraq. As a central architect of the controversial Iraq war he is using it to add to his private fortune."

"Lamy attends Bilderberg annual meeting in Versailles
The Bilderberg group, whose members include the world's financial and political elite, opens its annual meeting on Thursday in Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles. Central to the agenda is expected to be the planning of post-war Iraq and what to do with the country's oil. France and Germany had extensive business relationships with pre-war Iraq and opposed the US invasion.

Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy will represent the European Commission in the hermetically sealed meeting."

"Wolff was one of the first members of the Bilderberg Group, an international lobby representing the interests of the power elite of Europe and North America. In 1971, he was the first German to join the board of Esso (now ExxonMobil). Wolff went on to serve on a total of 26 boards of directors, including Deutsche Bank and several other leading corporations."

World government in action

In dit artikel worden verschillende denktanks besproken.

India's new face on Capitol Hill

meer info
by Guido Friday May 16, 2003 at 01:00 PM

Le groupe secret Bilderberg en réunion à Versailles

Verzameling artikels op

Is Mia De Vits terug uitgenodigd
by Peter Friday May 16, 2003 at 01:02 PM

Is Mia De Vits uitgenodigd of moet ze Sp.A dieven terug in de regering brengen

Belgen in Bilderberg
by Guido Friday May 16, 2003 at 01:15 PM

Belguim - Etienne Davignon
Vice Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique

Meer info over Belgen in Bilderberg.

Bilderberg from 1982 onwards (Belgium)

by han Friday May 16, 2003 at 01:18 PM

Bilderberg from 1982 onwards (Belgium) 82 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
____(function is at last attendance; x st - 10 years to Dec 98) (st) AT (st) DE FR GR FI CH CN US UK PT BE
Janssen, Daniel E; Chairman, Solvay SA; ex Chair Fed. Belg Entrprs. st x x
Lambert, Baron Léon, Chair, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA st
Davignon, Viscount Etienne, Chair, Societe Generale de Belgique; ex-Vice Chair. of the European Commission x st st st st st st st st st ch ch
Cadieux, Jean-Louis, Deputy DG for Foreign Affairs, European Community (IN) x
Claes, Willy, Secretary General NATO, ex Foreign Minister (IN) x x
Donnea, Francois. Former Minister of Defense; Mayor of Brussels; MP x
Goossens, John J. - President and CEO, Belgacom; ex-Alcatel Bell; x x x
Huyghebaert, Jan. Chairman, Almanij-Kredietbank Groep. x x x x x x
Keersmaeker, Paul de, former Minister of European Affairs x
Lamfalussy, Alexandre (Baron), GM, Bank for International Settlements (IN) x x
Leysen, André, Chairman, Gevaert NV; Vice Chair, UNICE x
Lippens, Maurice; Chairman, FORTIS Bank x
Martens, Wilfried, Minister of State, Former Prime Minister x x
Maystadt, Philippe, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Foreign Trade x
Miert, Karel van, Member of the European Commission (IN) x
Philippe, H.R.H. Prince x x x
Schoutheete de Tervarent, Ph de; Former Permanant Rep. of Belgium to the EU x x
Spitaels, Guy, Chairman, Socialist Party, Minister of State x
Vits, Mia de - General Secretary, ABVV-FGTB x

Codes: x-attending, ch-Chairman, sg-Secretary General, tr-Treasurer, ad-Advisory Group, st-Steering Committee, rp-rapporteur; brackets ( ) generally mean officer not attending, but for 1989 (st) means not clear due to absence of information;
AT-Austria, BE-Belgium, BG-Bulgaria, CH-Switzerland, CN-Canada, CZ-Czech Republic, DE-Germany, DK-Denmark, ES-Spain, FI-Finland, FR-France, GR-Greece, HU-Hungary, IC-Iceland, IN-International, IR-Ireland, IT-Italy, LU-Luxembourg, NL-Netherlands, NO-Norway, NZ-New Zealand, PL-Poland, PT-Portugal, RU-Russia, SV-Sweden, TR-Turkey, UK-United Kingdom, UR-Ukraine, US-USA, YU-Yugoslavia

82(st): Steering Committee list;
88 list: original List of Participants;
89(st): partial Steering Committee list;
91, 92 and 93 lists: taken from Spotlight;
92 Steering Committee list, extracted from Armen Victorian piece in Nexus Magazine;
94 list: original, plus Tony Gosling ( and Spotlight;
95 list: Tony Gosling (Alberta Reporter) and elements from Spotlight;
96 list: Spotlight and Tony Gosling;
97 list: Tony Gosling, Lobster Magazine and Spotlight;
97 Steering Committee list: original from Bilderberg Meetings
98 list: original Participant List, and Parascope;
99 list: Portuguese News Weekly, Tony Gosling, Big Issue/Schnews - Bilderberg Minutes, and Spotlight;
2000 list: kindly provided by the Bilderberg Meetings;
Ex-Steering Committee members over the last 10 years (x st) - letter to Patricia McKenna MEP from Bilderberg Meetings, 3.12.98

(Thanks to Tony Gosling, Patricia McKenna, Armen Victorian, Jim Bogusz, Lobster, Nexus, Klaus Kopf, Jim Tucker,Spotlight , News Weekly, Big Issue/Schnews, Parascope and Bilderberg meetings)

onthullend 2
by Guido Friday May 16, 2003 at 01:28 PM

Voor alle mensen die het discussiëren wat beu zijn. :-)

Zoek de Belgen die voorkomen op bovenstaande lijst en in de RVB en het ere-comité van de Club van lotharingen zitten

zwarte mis?
by Kortjakje Friday May 16, 2003 at 04:22 PM

En wat is nu eigenlijk mis met die bijeenkomst? Leg dat eens even haarfijn uit.

by christophe Friday May 16, 2003 at 04:24 PM

Net zo weinig als er mis is met de Amerikaanse rechtbanken en met de SP.a en Agalev waar sommige antiglobalisten gaan voor stemmen. Was dat duidelijk?

by Guido Friday May 16, 2003 at 04:46 PM

Als jij me kan tonen waar ik heb geschreven dat er iets mis met deze bijeenkomst, dan wil ik wel eens op je vraag antwoorden.

Ik heb hier info gegeven, mensen doen ermee wat ze willen.

Hier is info voor u:

Turkse economie-minister aanzeig op Bilderbergmeeting
by Guido Saturday May 17, 2003 at 11:42 AM


"Turkey’s Islamist circles have accused the Bilderberg group of being a “Zionist organization” trying to manipulate world affairs, and other international figures have also criticized it for being “sinister” and “conspiratorial.” This year, despite Islamist opposition, Treasury Minister Ali Babcan is said to be among the attendees, together with a handful of state bureaucrats. While the Bilderberg has no members as such and no list of participants is given to the press, other attendees are said to be German Foreign Minister Otto Schilly, European Convention Chairman and former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing and US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, a traditional friend of Turkey whose criticisms of Ankara caused a row earlier this month."

more info
by Guido Sunday May 18, 2003 at 01:53 AM

"Istanbul, TURKEY, May 17, 2003 - The State Minister for Finance Ali Babacan's participation in the 49th Bilderberg meetings at the 'Trianon' Hotel in Versailles, France this weekend, has caused controversy.

Stating the participants of the meeting are not allowed to issue statements and to write articles about the subjects being discussed, an analysts pointed out that Minister Babacan needed to inform the public about the meetings."

In the meeting, plans for a new Middle-East map in the post-Iraq war period were reportedly discussed. This, the first serious encounter between the new Justice and Development Party (AKP) government and the 'Lords of the New World Order', which have been following Turkey closely for years, is truly significant, says researcher Aytunc Altindal."

more info
by Guido Sunday May 18, 2003 at 04:24 AM

"VERSAILLES, France—The rift between American and European Bilderberg participants is widening over both the U.S. invasion of Iraq and blind, blank-check support of Israeli aggression against Palestinians."

"French President Jaques Chirac, as head of the host state, delivered a welcoming speech during Bilderberg’s first full working day on Thursday, May 15. Chirac tried to calm tensions by recalling that, despite dissension over the invasion of Iraq, Americans and Western Europeans are traditional allies. "

more info
by Guido Sunday May 18, 2003 at 04:37 AM

op deze link, Googlenews, kan je de artikels vinden vanwaar bovenstaand korte stukjes komen.

more info
by Guido Thursday May 22, 2003 at 01:10 PM

"All these crucial developments were discussed behind closed doors. The Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles was closed to the public and all non-Bilderberg guests had to check out. Part-time employees were sent home. The ones who remained were told that they would be fired if caught revealing anything about the meeting. They couldn't speak to any Bilderberger unless spoken to. They couldn't look anybody in the eye. Armed guards completely isolated and cordoned off the hotel. Some members of the American corporate press were there - but the public will never know about it: Bilderberg news is not fit to print - or broadcast. No journalists from any media controlled by Bilderberg multinational tycoons such as Rupert Murdoch were or will be allowed to report it. Even if they somehow managed to crash the party. There's no business like (private) elite business."

Turkey , France, Bilderberg
by Guido Thursday May 29, 2003 at 11:03 AM

"Ankara, TURKEY, May 23, 2003 - State Minister for the Treasury Ali Babacan made his first public comments about his experiences at last week's Bilderberg conference, which was closed to the media in line with the annual meeting's heavy air of secrecy.

Speaking to Channel 7 television, Babacan said he had talked about the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government's vision for Turkey at the meeting, during which the world's political and economic future was discussed. He stated that for the first time, a "Turkey" panel discussion was held, lasting for over two hours and attended by more than 120 people from 20 different countries. Babacan added that Turkey needed to talk about itself on every platform.

Meanwhile, participating in the same meeting, True Path Party (DYP) Deputy Chairman Mehmet Ali Bayar said that Babacan had represented Turkey in the best possible way and noted:"

"To American eyes, the Evian summit is being framed as an implicit rejection of American hard-power leadership. “Chirac will use the G-8 as a personal platform to grandstand and cater to the Third World,’’ predicts one US official.
American anger at France was reignited last weekend by remarks that de Villepin made at Versailles to a foreign policy gabfest known as the Bilderberg meeting. Though the gathering was supposedly off the record, European and American sources have volunteered accounts of comments that infuriated Americans there.
It was only because Chirac and Pope John Paul II opposed the American war in Iraq that the world was able to avoid a Christian-Muslim “clash of civilizations,’’ de Villepin reportedly said in response to a question",%20getting%20worse,%20David%20Ignatius.htm