arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Protocol of the meeting of the global movement against the war on Iraq
by (posted by guido) Thursday May 15, 2003 at 05:57 PM

Protocol of the meeting of the global movement against the war on Iraq Berlin, April 25, 2003 Participating countries: [Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lebanon, Netherlands, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA] Recorded by: Jan Sievers (attac Berlin, Germany), Inken Wiese (Jusos in der SPD, Germany)

General remarks
The assembled organisations and individuals expressed their strong will and motivation to push for a continuation of the movement. The movement should widen its scope from the war on Iraq only and turn to struggle against occupation of Iraq or other countries and potential wars of aggression in the future. It was widely agreed that the next meeting of the movement shall take place in Evian in the frame-work of the protests against the G8-meeting at the 31st of May. There will be a meeting of the national delegations of the peace movements held in the morning as well as a public event in the afternoon. As many issues could not be decided at the meeting in Berlin, the movement shall strive to take necessary decisions in Evian. Until then, however, the participating organisations are asked to form intermediate virtual structures to elaborate on the suggestions made during the Berlin meeting which are summarized in this protocol. Finally, the wish was expressed that invitations to call for participation in the Evian meeting should be send out soon and as widely as possible to have a representative forum of anti-war and peace organisations present in Evian. Rooms and translation facilities should thus be taken care of in time.

During today’s meeting, many proposals were made that shall be summarized in the following. With the exception of the up-coming meeting in Evian, no decision regarding any future activities was taken. Discussions that should lead to such decisions shall be held in Evian. There were, however, a number of proposals that can be grouped thematically and that overall received support. These issues will be taken up again in Evian, but will hopefully been developed further in virtual working groups or via the general mailing list until then.

There was an agreement that in Evian itself the movement should focus on an assembly of the peace and anti-war movement. An additional proposal was made to come up with a public rally demanding an end to US-occupation in Iraq. Such rally should naturally include speakers from the Middle East. A representative of the Italian peace movement expressed the demand that the guiding principle and ideal of the Evian meeting should be the unity of the movement which should thus strive for consensual decisions.

“Solidarity Campaigns”
Suggestions for solidarity campaigns in relation to both the progressive forces in the Middle East and to the political left within the US were made by several people. Events planned with, in and/or for the Middle East are to strengthen like-minded political forces and coalition partners in that region as well as deepen the knowledge of the Western peace movement of organisations and anti-war movements in the Middle East and their concerns. The campaigns for, in and /or with the political left of the US should support their struggle and help to fight the conservative neo-liberal forces in the US from within and from without. Such solidarity campaigns could consist of delegations to the Middle East, independent humanitarian assistance and conferences including representatives from both the Middle East and other regions. These ideas, however, will be further developed in the appropriate working groups.

“Peace Conference at the ESF 2003”
At the ESF in Paris, November 2003, a peace conference shall be held. Details of that idea shall be exchanged in Evian. This conference could also pick up some of the demands made by organisations suggesting solidarity campaigns.

“Global Action Day”
In order to preserve and presumably revive the power of the anti-war movement felt on February 15, 2003, the need for a further global action day was expressed. The Greek proposal for this global action day is September 27, the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada. No decision regarding a precise date was taken. Several upcoming events, however, could also serve as prominent dates for such a global action day, e.g. Cancun (September 10-14), September 11, ESF (November 12-15), etc.

“War Tribunal“
Several suggestions for a war tribunal on human rights violations committed by US-coalition forces during the war on Iraq as well as on the accusation of an illegal war of aggression were made. Turkish representatives asked for such a tribunal to be held in Turkey as a country neighbouring Iraq and other potential future targets of US aggression. They proposed a secretariat to be set up, three preparatory meetings of an international committee to be held until November, and an expert delegation gathering evidence to be sent to Iraq. Another option would be to have national war tribunals that will be culminating into an international one in due course.

Several speakers during the first and the second session of the meeting stressed the connection between war and the neo-liberal concepts. It was demanded that the “social question” needed to be more adequately dealt with. As such, the movement should tackle the link between the dismantlement of social security systems on the one hand and armament measures on the other. This “social question” as well as the globalisation-critical debate were also seen as an element of networking between the anti-war movement and other befriended movements as well as between movements from different global regions.

Several other campaign proposals
The following (less groupable) suggestions were made:
· To struggle for the inclusion of an article into the European constitution condemning and outlawing war as a means for conflict resolution.
· Campaigns against the US-use of European military facilities, harbours, air bases etc.
· A day of boycott of US-products on May 26.
· Support for the “week of disappearances” (May 17-31) to commemorate the people who disappeared during the war in Iraq as well as in neighbouring countries.
· Focus on alternative media and strengthen an independent press.

These proposals as well as all other suggestions shall be discussed and structured in the weeks coming up until Evian. In Evian, it shall be decided on the establishment of according working groups and on future activities.

See you all in Evian! The Power of Solidarity!