arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Christine Ockrent star d'indymedia ?
by Bendy GLU Sunday April 27, 2003 at 02:49 PM

Le site d' illustre un article bien pensant avec la photo de la "journaliste" christine Ockrent

Entre un média activiste et un journaliste du PPA (parti de la presse et de l'argent), n'y aurait-il parfois qu'un cheveu (ou quelques années)? On le croirait en découvrant faisant la promotion de Reporters Sans Frontière (Organe de surveillance bien connu du gouvernement vénézuelien liberticide de la presse et de défense des médias commerciaux). Et reproduisant la photo qui a fait s'esclaffer ou pleurer tous ceux qui sont obligés d'emprunter le RER à Paris (campagne offerte par France Rail) : Christine Ockrent, l'agent commercial de France Europe Express et faire-valoir de Guy Verhofstadt, une balle dans le front (le médecin de PLPL est formel, aucun organe vital n'a été touché).

On se demande qui fait quoi au desk d' : Ne haïssez pas les médias, devenez les médias ? C'est fait !!!

Apprendre à lire
by pour comprendre Sunday April 27, 2003 at 02:53 PM

Oui OK, question photo c'est bien Ockrent..; Mais peut-être qu'il faut aller plus loin que la photo non ??

discuss the feature
by Guido Sunday April 27, 2003 at 02:53 PM

En bas de l'article, il y a un lien "discuss this feature"

Ton remarque est aussi la en Anglais:

"Corporate journalists (english)
Bendy Glu 5:22am Fri Apr 25 '03

I am very surprised by this picture by reporters witout borders illustrating this article. Actually everyone in France had a lot of fun about the campagne of RWB. The woman is called Christine Ockrent and she is one of the worst corporate jurnalist in France : even my mother which is not a media activist at all said it was ridiculous to imagine Christine Ockrent being killed for doing her job when you know what kind of job she does ! And just have a look at RWB website ( and you will see that a few days before the coup in Venezuela RWB was condamning President Chavez as an ennemy of free (corporate) press. The Chairman of RWB has explained his philosophy very rudely : "We need the consensual support of the profession while a critical issue about jurnalism is polemical. How could we imagine to organize a debate about corporate media and then ask Havas or Hachette (matra-lagardère) a sponsorhip ?"

PLPL ( a French fanzine has published the picture by ISF with this comment : "The surgent of PLPL has issued that no important organ has been damaged"..."

by Yvos Sunday April 27, 2003 at 04:38 PM

Je parie que Indymedia oeuvre aussi pour le Vlaams Blok ...

Ah je vous jure, çà frole l'hystérie ici ...

Ridicule ?
by Louis Sunday April 27, 2003 at 05:33 PM

Merci Yvos pour cette intervention salutaire pour le bien-être planétaire.

Non, allez sérieusement, c'est si grâve que çà de critiquer le choix d'une photo de RSF sur le site d'indymedia ?

tant qu'Indy ne paye pas RSF...
by louis Sunday April 27, 2003 at 05:50 PM

RSF c'est la réaction en plein!
Mais bon, retourner les armes contre l'adversaire c'est pas trop mal, tant qu'Indy ne paye pas les "droits" à RSF.

Free-press Demagogy
by raf Sunday April 27, 2003 at 08:19 PM

Posted by Raf as a comment on
'm quite shocked that you put Frenck media-star Christine Ockrent's "photo" as a picture with your Journalism Under Siege-article.

Not only is Ockrent leading lady of the French bourgeois media-elite. She is also a boardmember with the International Crisis Group, an "Atlantic" - this is: close to NATO - think tank that defends the duty of political, economic and military intervention, as it did in the Balkan and is doing in Central Africa.

About your links to the Reporter Sans Frontieres-website:
RSF is largely subsidised by the European Union (as you know,
strongly in favour of privatisation, free market and the like), Francois Pinault (boss of the French media-stores-giant FNAC) and by the French arms-manufacturer Lagardère.
In recent months, RSF has proven again - this time in Venezuela mainly - that it does not defend freedom of the press but "freedom of the bourgeois or pro-Western press in countries with a socialist tendency". RSF has also been a strong supporter of Yugoslavian "rock-radio" B92 which was and is subsidised by (among others) George Soros' Open Society Foundation.

Please check your sources. Indymedia is discrediting itself by following Ockrent's and RSF's demagogy.

out RSF...
by ... Sunday April 27, 2003 at 09:12 PM

Ca y est, Indymé a enterré Ockrent !
L'erreur est corrigée et j'espère, moi aussi, qu'à l'avenir RSF restera au placard !