arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

U bent uitgenodigd door de Amerikaanse Ambassade!
by Guido Friday March 28, 2003 at 11:03 AM

"It is my pleasure to invite you to our next Forum meeting. Post-Saddam Iraq: Challenges and Opportunities" Deze uitnodiging kregen leden van NGO's in hun mailbox. U bent uitgenodigd om op 2 april de ingang te komen blokkeren van American Center, waar dit forum doorgaat.

De oorlog tegen Irak is illegaal maar dat belet sommige Amerikanen niet om in Brussel een forum te organiseren met een wenig aan de verbeelding overlatende titel:

"Post-Saddam Iraq: Challenges and Opportunities"

En daarvoor hebben ze mensen van NGO's uitgenodigd, via email.(zie onderaan)

Gewone mensen zijn weer eens NIET uitgenodigd, dus is iedereen bij deze van harte uitgenodigd om de ingang van het American Center te komen blokkeren op woensdag 2 april om 12u30.

Voor meer info, zie de uitnodiging die verstuurd werd vanuit de Amerikaanse Ambassade, men legt u uit welke metro je moet nemen, waar je kan parkeren,... :)


Monday, March 24, 2003 4:31 PM Subject: Invitation to our Forum on Iraq

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, It is my pleasure to invite you to our next Forum meeting.

Our guest speaker this time will be Mr. Bakhtiar Amin, Executive Director of the International Alliance for Justice. The IAJ is a network of 275 nongovernmental organizations in 120 countries on five continents working to support human rights around the world. Mr. Amin is an Iraqi, born in Kirkuk, who has testified frequently before European and other parliamentary bodies as an expert on Iraq. He was involved in the European Parliament's May 2002 indictment of Saddam Hussein for human rights violations. At the April 2 forum Mr. Amin will address the topic

Post-Saddam Iraq: Challenges and Opportunities

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the American Center.

I hope you will be able to join us on April 2.


Carolyn R. Johnson Deputy Counselor for Public Affairs

*** The Forum Series is organized by the Public Affairs Office of the United States Embassy in Brussels, and is open to Belgians who take an active interest in issues concerning the United States and Europe. It provides an open, off-the-record discussion forum and features Belgian and American guest speakers on a large variety of subjects. Admission to The Forum Series is by invitation only, and free of charge. Meetings take place on a regular basis and are usually attended by 20 to 30 professionals from various backgrounds. They are held at lunchtime, at The American Center, located at Avenue des Arts 46 Kunstlaan 1000 Brussels (third floor). Our building is at the corner of rue Belliardstraat.

A sandwich buffet and refreshments are offered during the meetings.

The closest Metro stop is Troon / Trône. Public parking is available at Parking Art-Loi / Kunst-Wet or at the Naamsepoort – Porte de Namur.

Please let us know before April 1 if you are able to attend, by phone (02-508.2276) by email ( or by faxing this letter to 02-512.7046

Symphonie du nouveau monde
by Cécily Friday March 28, 2003 at 05:54 PM

Ce matin j'ai entendu le fameux morceau enthousiaste de la symphonie du nouveau monde de Dvorjak. C'était à Matin première. Un grand moment!
C'était pour accompagner l'intervieuw d'un patron belge qui ces dernières années a fait diplomate délégué auprès des Américains. Désolée, je n'ai pas retenu son nom. En tout cas, maintenant, il revient en Belgique nous expliquer qu'on a bien tort en Europe de ne pas envoyer des militaires en Irak aux côtés des Anglo-américains. En effet, après la guerre, on va louper de juteux contrats de reconstruction pré-financés par le FMI, et donc on va rester dans une croissance nulle tandis que les Américains vont redémarrer.
Mais ce n'est pas de sa faute, à Dvorjak, si les patrons-diplomates l'aiment bien aussi.