arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

[Overview] Iraq : News
by lize, Annick, Lien Wednesday March 26, 2003 at 08:30 PM

Overview : daily updated news on Irak

[Nederlands] (updated 3/4) | [Français] (updated 4/4) | [English] (updated 4/4)

Info alternatives sur l'Irak/ alternatieve info over Irak
by Guido

[NL] Nieuws over Irak

Dagboek van twee Belgische dokters in Irak (updated 3/4)


Brandalarm geslagen in 3 McDonald$ by wereldburger
Klokkenluidersalarmen in Antwerpse McDonalds by klokkenluiders
Pentagon geeft slachtoffers de schuld by Pol De Vos
Vrouwenrechten in Afghanistan en Irak: met Amerikaans geweld er niet op vooruit by jpe
CIA geeft het op om Iraakse leiders om te kopen by Dirk adriaensens
Syrië reageert op Amerikaanse dreigementen en hoe! by christophe callewaert
Schande: de VS zullen GAS gebruiken !!! by Dirk adriaensens
Bewijs: raket afgevuurd op marktplaats is afkomstig van VS. by Glen Rangwala
Haagse rechter verwerpt eis inwoners Irak by Hans Hupkes
De raket op de Shu'ala markt getraceerd by Glen Rangwala
Dyab Abou Jahjah: "Het Irakese verzet geeft de mensen een goed gevoel." by han Soete
Mohammed Hassan: "In Irak staan de VS voor een haast onoplosbaar probleem" by David Pestieau

De stem van een gewone Irakees: Ghazwan Al Mukhtar in Baghdad by Dirk adriaensens
120.000 nieuwe Amerikaanse invasietroepen naar de Golf. Ook langs Antwerpen? by christophe callewaert
VS vinden Iraaks verzet "onmenselijk" en "brutaal" by christophe callewaert
Yankees in Iraq by Geert
Iran, volgende? Neen, ze zijn al bezig... by Guido

Evidente vraag, toch? / Waarom, gdvdmme, zit Basra zonder water? by raf
Saddam, Saddam, ons leven voor Saddam by han Soete

De ‘redding' van Irak by Jan Van Riet


UNICEF: 400.000 kinderen in levensgevaar in Basra
by Dirk adriaensens
Mist over Basra: "I think we have an uprising."
by christophe callewaert
Hoe precies zijn de precisiebommen? Vergeet de geschiedenis niet!
by Sophie DF

lees meer >[ nieuws over de oorlog ]

[FR] Nouvelles sur Irak

Journal des deux médecins belges en Irak (updated 3/4)

Irak : Depeches AFP, AP,Belga by fico
Tapis de bombe et bulldozers by barbarie remuneree
Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha
Lettre ouverte aux étudiantes et aux étudiants de Tolbiac by do
Ni Bush, Ni Sharon, ni justice by Sylvain Blum
Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha
Europe/Irak: Le consensus médical by John Brown

Bouclier humain belge: arreter le revitaillements de bombes et soldats by jan

Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha
Boucliers Humains: témoignage du 31-03-03 by jan
Les États-Unis intensifient la guerre de l'information by Duende

Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha
Des autres nouvelles du front... by aden
Mohammed Hassan: «Les USA face à un problème quasi-insoluble en Irak» by David Pestieau

Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha
Les États-Unis ont déjà perdu la guerre by Dissident-media
Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha
"Cette guerre est la plus monstrueuse des idées" by Yvos 3
une image tract en attendant meilleure mise en page et des adresses à innonder by chapopointu
Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha
Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes by Kickaha

Bloodiest day of war:500 civilians among 650 Iraqis killed - Traduction de Rajeev Sharma (Tribune News Service) by chapopointu
Pour la coalition il n'y a plus de règles de la guerre. Kofi Annan s'inquiète. by chapopointu
Une loi pour eux ... by George Monbiot
Irak : Les premiers contrats pour la reconstruction signés by Pascal

[EN] News on Irak

Iraq as a Trial Run by Noam Chomsky(posted by Guido)

US Dropping 'Daisy Cutters' on Iraq/using clusterbombs by Guido

Genocidal war: Lessons for the future by James Petras(posted by Guido)
Unmasking Colin Powell by Chris Floyd
Women oppose attack on Irak by WICEJ

'Humanitarian Daily Rations' or bombs ? by janboeykens
The second Empire (Michael Hardt) by ptj
Hospital bombed in Rutbah, Irak by Jan

The war and premeditated genocide: what is at stake? by James Petras(posted by Guido)
Proof: missile fired at market place comes from US by Glen Rangwala
Less civil rights because of war by amnesty international

Peter Arnett Iraq TV interview scandal (video) by (i)NN
CNN confirms use of Napalm by Coalition Forces

Bombing the Phone System, Another Little Degradation by Robert fisk (posted by Guido)
Iraqi TV by Steve
Ghazwan: UK/USA, It Means to Me: United to Kill US All by Dirk adriaensens
Our days in Bagdad by Asian Peace Mission (posted by jan buelinckx)
Internationals in Baghdad describe resistance by John Catalinotto
EP resolution rejected on 27 March 2003 (text) by AmigaPhil
We are all Iraqis now by Hani Shukrallah

The Battle of Basra and other stories at Frontlines
by Frontlines Newspaper

Iraq - Daily Russian Intelligence Reports by Kickaha
Report From Baghdad - Independent sources - Multilanguage by imc Italia


Outrage in Baghdad posted by Dirk adriaensens
Russia vs US ? by Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars

feat pic
by lize Thursday March 27, 2003 at 11:08 AM

feat pic...
manmetkindiomviz.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x145

feat pic

Irak - Rapport Renseignements Russes
by Libertad Sunday March 30, 2003 at 12:18 AM

Les rapports des renseignements russes sont vraiment intéressants, c'est une information vraiment alternative à tout ce que l'on peut entendre et c'est étayé. Je les ai reproduit sur l'En Dehors :
Ce serait bien de continuer à mettre la traduction en français.

Failing technology
by P.I. Hublou Monday March 31, 2003 at 02:02 AM

video: AVI at 4.2 mebibytes

Men can make very sofisticated technology. Build huge buildings, "go to the stars" or assemble high-tech weaponry.

"Sand in the machinery" makes us think about about sabotage. Coincidence and technical failure might happen...

Video attached:
Sofisticated US canon blowing itself up in the Iraqi dessert
Compressed video 4.324Kb (4,32MB) 1 min. 29 sec.

Accompagnying music (not included):
Cat Stevens (now: Yusuf Islam)"Where do the children play"

Linked video: Naked protesters in Columbia. (1,9MB/19")

Some more video's about the war against Iraq:


"Where do the children play"

Well I think it's fine, building jumbo planes.
Or taking a ride on a cosmic train.
Switch on summer from a slot machine.
Get what you want to if you want, 'cause you can get anything.

I know we've come a long way,
We're changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play?

Well you roll on roads over fresh green grass.
For your lorryloads pumping petrol gas.
And you make them long, and you make them tough.
But they just go on and on, and it seems you can't get off.

Oh, I know we've come a long way,
We're changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play?

When you crack the sky, scrapers fill the air.
Will you keep on building higher
'til there's no more room up there?
Will you make us laugh, will you make us cry?
Will you tell us when to live, will you tell us when to die?

I know we've come a long way,
We're changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play?

Syria nominated on zionist hitlist
by P.I. Hublou Monday March 31, 2003 at 07:56 PM

video: AVI at 2.5 mebibytes

Although not mentioned amongst the "Axes of Evil" (N.Korea, Iraq and Iran) it is public knowledge Syria is on the hitlist of the US-zionists. Attacking Syria would bring the zionist dream of a "Great Israel" closer.

Is someone still advocating the USA isn't working for the zionists?

2.536kb (2,53MB)of compressed video, broadcasted on the French-speaking Belgian channel RTBF, as part of the evening newsfeed, March 31, 2003.
Comments are in French. Colin Powell's speech is dubbed.

More info:

Colin Powel's speech on German TV
by P.I. Hublou Tuesday April 01, 2003 at 09:34 PM

video: AVI at 5.0 mebibytes

On the German television broadcaster ZDF the speech of Colin Powel, mentioning Iran and Syria as potential new targets, is also shown. It is not mentioned the speech was held on a meeting of a Zionist lobby organization.

Colin Powell at AIPAC (Zionist lobby) meeting: Syria on hitlist:

5.168Kb (5,1MB) 1' 28" compressed video

Interview with Al-Jazeera journalist (French)
by P.I. Hublou Tuesday April 01, 2003 at 10:14 PM

video: AVI at 12.6 mebibytes

31 March 2003

Interview with a journalist of Al Jazeera on the RTBF, the French speaking national television in Belgium.
Discussed is are the statements of Colin Powell at a zionist meeting saying Iran and Syria are next on the hitlist.

'The Arab (Muslim) world has been united as result of the US/UK led war.'

Video-interview is in French only. No subtitles.
> 12.000Kb (12,5MB) (3' 43")

Baath needs Muslims to fight "Jihaad"
by P.I. Hublou Wednesday April 02, 2003 at 03:24 AM

(article 1)

video: AVI at 2.6 mebibytes

Baath needs Muslims to fight "Jihaad"

While the "official" communist party of Iraq opposes the Baath-regime and is harshly prosecutted by it, that same Baath regime is widely nominated as just one more leftish regime. A regime that has, at least once, close ties with what is today reduced to Russia as as well with France and the USA.

That same regime calls on all Muslims today (April 1, 2003) to fight jihad in defence of Iraq.

Every Muslim knows fighting (the smaller) jihad can only be done for Islam and never for a regime or a state. A state that was created to devide the Muslims.
Quite some Muslim leaders have called upon Muslims to fight invaders of Muslim territories. Also in recent days. It's known that some so called Muslim leaders have only been brought to their position not by the Muslim community but by regimes using those figures to manipulate the masses for their own (often anti-islamic) politics.

Today a in many ways doubtful regime calls upon Muslims to fight those who attack Iraq. The "friends" of those who gave a bad impression to Islam have gone, are even amongst the attackers, and now Muslims are supposed to rush in to give their blood for what? Don't let it be for the wrong reason! Way to many have died already for reasons that were not worth to fight for.

1./ Baath-military spokesman calling Muslims to fight "jihad". (2,62MB, 45 sec.)

2./ Complete covering on CNN (April 2, 2003).
This includes the fragment mentioned above.
13,4MB (3 min. 50 sec.)

Guidance from Al-Qur'an:
"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves......"
(Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Imram [No. 3], verse 103, translated by Dr. Al-Hilali and Dr. Khan)

Muhammad (saw) said:
"He is not one of us who calls for Asabiyya
(nationalism, tribalism, or partisanship), or who fights for Asabiyya, or who dies for Asabiyya."

Injustice wherever, is a threat anywhere !
"First they came for the communists. I didn't say anything. I wasn't a communist.
Next they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me."
- Pastor Martin Niemoller regarding the creeping Nazi reign. -


How muslims should deal with corrupt leaders (No video)

Fiday Kutba Imaam Bagdad

Ruling of Al-Azhar Grand Imam on defending Iraq against US

Kutba in Jordania
Imaam in Aman (Jordania)giving kutba + demonstration and state oppression
7.842kb (7,84MB) 2 min. 16 sec.

Sports in Bagdad (mimetype: video/x-msvideo )
Sports in (not really yet) besieged Bagdad. Support for Saddam.
2.792kb (2,79MB) 48 sec.

Report from Um Kasser
A hospital in Um Kasser (Iraq) after the UK/US invaders attacked the city: wounded were not treated well. No support for Saddam.
5.322kb (5,32MB) 1 min. 34 sec.

Demonstrations in the muslim world
2.932kb (2,93MB) 41 sec.

Interview with Al-Jazeera journalist (French)

Muslims united for peace in Iraq
by P.I. Hublou Saturday April 05, 2003 at 08:59 PM

video: AVI at 8.5 mebibytes

Muslims united for peace in Iraq

Newsbroadcast on Belgian (Flemish) national television, April 5, 2003.

Interview with Muslims in areas out of control of Saddam's Baath regime. Undocumented repression revealed. No hostillity between "shia Muslims", "Sunni Muslims" or any other group regullarly living in the area, except for Saddam's (Baath-)tribe.

8,7MB (8.706Kb) compressed video. 2 min. 30 sec.
Comments in Dutch. Interview in Arabic with Dutch subtitles.

Some previous postings on the subject:

Demonstrations in the Muslim world
2.932kb (2,93MB) 41 sec.

How Muslims should deal with corrupt leaders (No video)

Baath needs Muslims to fight "Jihaad"


Fear for Baath-party runs deep
by P.I. Hublou Sunday April 06, 2003 at 12:11 PM

video: AVI at 5.5 mebibytes

People in areas no longer under control of Baath-party still fear the return of Saddam & Co.
An interviewed person says not to want Baath back. He wants democracy and doesn't mind who is in charge. Foreigners are opposed.

Comments are in Dutch. Interviews in Arabic with subtitles in Dutch.

Compressed video: 5,6MB (5642Kb) 1 min. 35 sec.

Baath needs Muslims to fight "Jihaad"