arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Anti-USA-betoging / Tendentieuze montage VTM
by raf Saturday March 22, 2003 at 09:09 PM

Het VTM-journaal van 19u van vandaag zaterdag 22/3 had een fraai staaltje van stemmingmakerij via de montage. Het zat in het verslag van de anti-USA-betoging in Brussel.

Eerst werden wat uitspraken van gematige personaliteiten getoond (Eddy Boutmans, Ludo De Brabander..). Daarna ging het over incidenten voor de Amerikaanse ambassade. Vervolgens kwam AEL-voorzitter Dyab Abu Jahjah aan het woord, zeggende dat hij en de zijnen niet aanstuurden op incidenten maar dat de bombardementen van de VS op Irak nu alle aandacht moeten krijgen. Dat laatste herhaalde hij zelfs twee keer.

Als dit geen media-manipulatie is. Dyab wordt op aan de incidenten gelinkt, in plaats van aan de personaliteiten. De incidenten worden hem als het ware in de schoenen geschoven. De AEL is nochtans via het platfom StopUSA mede-organisator van de betoging. Waarom hem dan niet op voet van gelijkheid naast de andere stemmen gezet?

Andermaal werd getoond dat er onenigheid was over de aanwezigheid van Dyab. Zou de VTM-verslaggever niet beter eens aan de co-organisator - het platform GeenOorlog - vragen welk probleem hij met Dyab heeft? In plaats van te helpen te sfeer tegen de AEL-voorzitter op te fokken?!

american pittbulls : sleeping or awake
by willy Saturday March 22, 2003 at 10:24 PM

american pittbulls couldn't avoid that a few guys with the kind of knives you'll find in the house of even the biggest pacifist destroyed the WTC. Even in a world without weapons of massdistruction, except your own,(you seem to be an american) filled with naive Belgians, you will not be save.
By the way, the Vlaams Blok doesn't need the help of Jah Jah for landslide victories, they prooved so before, and nowadays the rainbow coalition is their biggest allie.
Five euro is the price of a train ticket. Rather stupid to pay schoolkids to go to a Anti war rally, if it's true, because everywhere else they keep on demonstrating without being payed for it. You don't seem to like the ABVV, (or labour unions in general ?) do you, Stijn ?
What the American companies are concerned : nobody forced them to invest in Belgium not now, not before and not in the future. If they did, do, and will do it's because they can make a good lot of money in the 'Circus of Europe'.

Belgian Government=Vlaams Blok
by Guido Saturday March 22, 2003 at 10:37 PM

If the Belgian Government, now and in the past, gave to the people they imported here to give capitalists profits by their work what they deserved, we would not have a Dyab, because their would be no reason for him open his mouth about the bad treatment of the brown people in Belgium.

And if the Belgian Government, now and in the past, would have , in the time they imported the brown people, seen for a way to learn to Belgian people that this brown people were not animals, the Vlaams Blok would not be what it is now. But instead, they let the industrials of that time, exploit the imported people. They had to work, learning would cost money and was a waste of time, for capitalists.

"Belgium is behaving very naive throughout this whole ordeal."

Beleaving that Belgium is naive, is believing what's in mainstream-press. From October till now, the Belgium Government allowed transports of trains with American military equipment.

People who protest this, have the right to shut up.

Correctie Potverdorie
by raf Sunday March 23, 2003 at 09:40 AM

Zoals JPE raak gezien heeft, zat de tendentieuze montage niet in het VTM-stuk maar in het VRT-stuk. Excuus aan wie zich onterecht aangevallen voelt. Dat komt van het zappen. Lees de Mediawatch van 22/3.