arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

En het beste spandoek in San Francisco was...
by christophe Monday March 17, 2003 at 01:31 PM

Zaterdag betoogden in San Francisco 80.000 Amerikanen tegen de oorlog in Irak. Hun boodschap was heel ondubbelzinnig. Bewijs daarvan dit fantastische spandoek.

En het beste spandoe...
1_shoot_officers.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x620


de rest uit SanFranciso...
by Guido Monday March 17, 2003 at 01:37 PM

Te bekijken op

"At least 80,000 were on the streets of San Francisco today against a U.S. assault on Iraq. The march started at Civic Center and went to Jefferson Park for a rally. Around 2pm, a breakaway march of 2,000 people went towards Mission & 9th when the police began to surround people. The march broke into separate segments, with SFPD declaring people on the sidewalk as an "illegal assembly." With aggressive arrest sweeps which picked up non-protesters, tourists and shoppers, 175 people were arrested. Almost all have been cited and released as of 12am."