arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Ver.Staten eist vertrek Irakezen in 60+ landen.
by Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars Thursday March 13, 2003 at 05:49 PM

Vraag : Is van de Nederlandse regering door de VS ook geëist, dat men hier in het land aanwezige staatsburgers en diplomaten van Irak - en andere landen - zonder enige vorm van proces tot "Persona non Grata" verklaart ?

Deze vraag is gesteld aan bijna alle nederlandse Kamerleden en de regering, terwijl deze feiten ook in de NL-media bekend zijn, maar (nog) niet wordt gebruikt.

Vraag : Is van de Nederlandse regering door de VS ook geëist, dat men hier in het land aanwezige staatsburgers en diplomaten van Irak - en andere landen - zonder enige vorm van proces tot "Persona non Grata" verklaart ? Zonder wetten en conventies te respecteren ?

Dat mag toch niet ?

Of zijn we allemaal vogelvrij verklaard ?

NOTE : This article is also send - both as a courtesy and an official request - to the government and the members of Parliament in The Netherlands.


The United States govt. forces 60+ Nations to Expel Iraqi diplomats !

FPF- AMSTERDAM - Many European and other sovereign heads of state are stupefied by the command by the United States, trying to force more than 60 other countries to also expel Iraqi diplomats. US State Department spokesman Philip Reeker confirmed the expulsion request.

"No laws nor conventions are valid anymore", one Dutch foreign observer pointed out " the very second the United States - without a proper UN-mandate - attacks Iraq, it confirms that we are all globally outlawed.

Including the american population".

Without any form of process, nor proof, many Iraqi diplomats and -citizens in other countries have already been declared "Persona non Grata", accused by the US of being spies etc. and expelled. There is no evidence however, and in some countries like France, Germany, England, Sweden, Belgium, The Netherlands a.s.o. officials are ashamed to even talk about this arm twisting.

No proof whatsoever for the accusations is given, but US secret service- and diplomatic officials just say "those Iraqi citizens are undercover agents possibly poised to attack American interests overseas". Yesterday, the US State Department said it also had ordered two U.N.-based Iraqi diplomats to leave the country. Within 72 hours.

In global diplomatic circles there is awe and chock concerning this blunt attack on the international Corps Diplomatique, a move by the US which is considered rude and very ill-mannered. Everybody understands it is part of the US warfare, but also knows that the wrath of the US State Dept. can hit anybody anytime and anywhere, since no law is valid anymore.

Many diplomats had been approached by U.S. officials and asked to defect. Last month, the U.S. government expelled an Iraqi journalist who covered the United Nations for the official Iraqi News Agency, saying he was "a danger" to the security of the United States.

Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands