arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Ca s'est passé dans "la plus grande démocratie du monde"
by chapopointu Sunday March 09, 2003 at 07:25 AM

1.Arrêté pour un T-shirt en faveur de la Paix 2.Interrogés et torturés à mort

1. Arrêté pour un T-shirt en faveur de la Paix
Un homme d'une soixantaine d'année a été arrêté aux Etat-Unis car il portait un T-Shirt en faveur de la Paix dans un centre commerciale.
Un homme d'une soixantaine d'année a été arrêté aux Etat-Unis car il portait un T-Shirt en faveur de la Paix dans un centre commerciale.
Stephen Dowms et son fils était dans un magasin du centre commercial Cross Gate de la ville de Guiderland, état de New York. Lorsque deux gardes de la sécurité leurs ont demandé d'enlever les T-shirt qu'ils portaient. Sur ces T-shirts était inscris "Give Peace a Chance" et "Let inspection Works". Son fils a enlevé son T-shirt, mais Stephen Downs lui a refusé. La sécurité a alors appelé la police qui a arrété et menotté Stephen Downs pour violation de propriété privée.
Stephen downs a plaidé non-coupable, mais devra se présenter devant le juge le 17 Mars et risque jusqu'a un an de prison.
sources :
2. Torturés à mort
America tortures prisoners to death (Independent)
by pointer Saturday March 08, 2003 at 03:13 AM
American military officials acknowledged yesterday that two prisoners captured in Afghanistan in December had been killed while under interrogation at Bagram air base north of Kabul - reviving concerns that the US is resorting to torture in its treatment of Taliban fighters and suspected al-Qa'ida operatives.
A spokesman for the air base confirmed that the official cause of death of the two men was "homicide", contradicting earlier accounts that one had died of a heart attack and the other from a pulmonary embolism.

nog een voorbeeldje
by anarki Sunday March 09, 2003 at 01:52 PM

Bretton Barber, a high school student in Dearborn, Michigan, was sent home from school for refusing to remove an International Terrorist t-shirt he bought from my site. The ACLU got involved, the New York Times, Der Spiegel, and the Guardian all ran stories, and it was topic-of-the-day for, well, a little more than day! So things suddenly got a bit busy here in Kersplebedeb-land!
It is great that Barber saw fit to take a stand, not only against Bush but also against the censorship of high school students. It took guts, and is an example that just one person's individual decision to say "no!" to those we're supposed to obey can have unpredictable consequences.
To put things in perspective, though, i think we all know that high schools (and not only American ones!) routinely discipline students for expressing political opinions beyond what Principal Skinner wannabes consider to be the pale. Not to mention plain old run-of-the-mill racism,
sexism, and homophobia so thick you could cut it with a knife. And of course all of this happens in an educational system where they like to pretend that "class" only means mathematics or gym, whereas in fact class determines who is set up to pass and who is set up to fail, who is cool and who is not, who drops out and who is pushed out. And in whose interest the entire mis-education charade is being run!
So while Barber's act was a good one, and can serve as an example, the reasons behind the corporate media frenzy are less pure. The brouhaha about my little t-shirt is less about a sudden out-of-the-ordinary instance of high school being oppressive, than it is about everyone looking for a tangible example of the Bush administration's assault on civil liberties. As if thousands of people in preventive detention, Arab-American communities under siege, hundreds of PPs and POWs, and oppressed people around the world need to hear that you're not allowed wearing a shirt to high school to know that the crap about "land of the free" is just a bit of false advertising. But i guess t-shirts play better on CNN!
So on that note, i invite you all to visit my website, check out the new stuff and the old, let me know what you think, and keep fighting the powers that be.
Take care all,

keep up the good work
by jane austin Monday March 10, 2003 at 04:27 AM

here in australia, we use to have independent news papers, but they all went broke, now rupert murdok and kerry pakers, 2 extreme right wing billionaire have a monopoly, we only get one side of any stories, if I was religious I would said thank god for the internet... sincerly jane..