arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

TrainSTOPping in Belgium, this weekend.
by Guido Saturday March 01, 2003 at 01:54 PM

This weekend, peace-activists are planning to bring peace on the rail where trains with American military material pass.

TrainSTOPping in Bel...
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This weekend, peace-activists are planning to bring peace on the rail where trains with American military material pass.

The local government forbid people to be in a distance from less than 50 meters of the railway. Who comes nearer, will be arrested immediatlty

Two weeks ago, 11 activists were arrested beacuse they locked themselves to a train with American military material. They have to come for court on 11 march. Two of them are still in jail. The reason "there's no reason".

Thursday, they were brought over from a prison in Antwerp to a prison in Ghent. On friday, 50 poeple did hold a noise-demo outside the prison, they demanded the immediatly release of the two locked up activists.

Greenpeace blocked a American Boat in the port of Antwerp. All the activists involved and not from Europe where deported to their homeland.

Peace activists block US military transport.

Expulsion from Belgium and Schengen bans for anti-war protestors

Trainstopping Melsele
by Brecht de meulenaer Saturday March 01, 2003 at 06:02 PM

Zo goed als alle deelnemers zijn gearesteerd de enkele overblijvers protesteren voor de moment (een 20-tal) voor het politie-kantoor van Beveren (op de Grote Markt) Vanwaar de arrestanten naar Gent worden overgebracht. Aan wie dit bericht nog op tijd leest(het is nu 18 uur), kom nog snel af naar de grote Markt in Bevren en protesteer tegen de oorlog en de manier waarop de Belgische politie (en politici) meehelpen aan deze Oorlog door vreedzame actievoerders zo hardhandig aan te pakken!!!!

tot straks ??
