arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Betoging in New York verboden !
by lize Thursday February 13, 2003 at 01:28 AM

Maandag heeft een rechter de geplande betoging in New York bij wet verboden. Enkel een sit in voor het gebouw van de VN - met maximaal 10.000 deelnemers - is toegelaten.

De regering Bush wil ten alle prijze vermijden dat beelden van honderdduizenden maifestanten in de symboolstad New York de wereld rondgaan. Hij stuurde enkele advocaten van het ministerie van justitie naar New York om de rechter te overtuigen van het 'grote gevaar voor de publieke veiligheid' in het geval van een massabijeenkomst voor symbolische gebouwen als de VN. Officieel luidt het excuus dat de politie niet bij machte zou zijn eventuele gewelddadige protestacties de baas te kunnen. Op de betoging in New York werden minstens 500.000 mensen verwacht. Uit het debat op Indymedia New York kan men aflezen dat de activisten niet bereid zijn zich bij deze beslissing neer te leggen en ze sowieso massaal de straat zullen optrekken. Volgens sommige commentaren zal het betogingsverbod juist nog meer mensen overtuigen om hun ongenoegen over de oorlogspolitiek van Bush te uiten.

lees meer : [IMC new york capital] [IMC new york city]

Forbidden but not stopped!
by P.I. Hublou Friday February 14, 2003 at 07:51 PM

From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 9:04 PM
Subject: [ANSWER]: Denounce government ban on Feb. 15 Peace March in NYC!

> A.N.S.W.E.R. denounces Federal Judge Barbara Jones's
> refusal to grant a march permit for the huge February 15
> peace march in New York City as a dangerous and
> politically-motivated assault on the movement's most basic
> right to freedom of speech and assembly.
> The New York City Police claim that they won't allow the
> march on Feb. 15 in New York because of security concerns.
> For months the police have been routinely invoking
> "security concerns" as a reason to deny march permits for
> political demonstrations, large and small, but not for
> other assemblies and huge parades that don't have a
> political point of view in opposition to government
> policies. The right to join together with thousands of
> other individuals in common cause and march on our streets
> is a unique and powerful form of political expression no
> less important than speech, and it is fully protected by
> the Constitution. We demand that the courts reject the
> "security" pretext used to deny the march permit for Feb.
> 15, and to deny other marches.
> The real reason that New York City Mayor Bloomberg, the
> police and the courts are trying to ban the anti-war march
> is because Feb. 15 is going to be a powerful international
> day of protest against the war on Iraq and the United
> States government. The security concerns they really have
> are not a threat of "terrorism" but the threat posed to
> Bush's political agenda. Fearful of the political impact
> of the march the government is trying to suppress the
> event.
> The peace movement, along with everyone who is threatened
> by this outrageous violation of the rights of protestors,
> must fight the march ban. A.N.S.W.E.R. joins with all
> other groups in fighting for and exercising our right to
> march in New York on Feb. 15, and in any other city where
> the antiwar movement chooses to take to the streets in
> order to stop the war.
> For all of those who are planning to join the many feeder
> marches to the rally, we encourage everyone to stay strong
> and defy the city and federal government's attempts to
> discourage participation. The most important thing is that
> people come out in large numbers to show the country and
> the world that the people of the United States are
> mobilizing in opposition to a war of aggression.
> The court system, working in cahoots with the police and
> the Bush administration, is attempting to discourage
> people's efforts to exercise their First Amendment Right
> on February 15. The best way, again, to oppose this is to
> come to the demonstration.
> The New York City demonstration on Saturday, February 15
> will assemble on 1st Ave. starting at 49th St. and going
> north. The permitted rally will begin at 12 noon.
> ---------------------------------------
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-544-3389
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545

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