arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Powell's impressionism: flou artistique
by Ben Wednesday February 05, 2003 at 10:00 PM

The one and a half hour brainwashing exercise of Powell today commissioned by Bush was pure impressionism.

This is what announced his chief administrator already in advance: it's like impressionism, if you look close you only see dots, if you look from farther, you see the picture.

Indeed. Powell's powerpoint show exhibited a lot of flou artistique. Although art is far away - as usual where war is on the foreground...
It was rather a perfect Rorschack test: Those who believe see what they want to see, those who disbelieve see something else.

What is the authenticity value of pictures and recorded conversations today in an e-manipulated world after all? Especially in the hands of those who play the role of self declared judge and policeman on beforehand, being not more than an interested party with a second agenda inspired by greed.

And if certain pictures were authentic, then what about the date mentioned on top of the slide showing them?

What tells us these were not taken long before Iraq even invited the inspectors to come back again and see for themselves how they have cleaned the mess, in order to stop the 10 year old boycot action.

by Agua 121 Thursday February 06, 2003 at 04:31 AM

Vooral de computertekeningen van vrachtwagens die niemand ooit gezien heeft vond ik spectaculair! Maar eerder dan bewijs noem ik dit projectie van de angst waarmee die mensen na 9/11 zitten. Begrijpelijk natuurlijk, maar er zijn betere manieren om die angst het hoofd te bieden. Met macho-gedrag voorkomt men vooral dat men tot bewustzijn kan komen en éérst in eigen boezem te kijken. Wie dàt oprecht doet, en zichzelf en eigen dromen zodanig aan de veranderde omstandigheden aanpast om de eigen druk op de omgeving te verlichten kan er geen blijvende vijanden aan overhouden. Als ze het alleen maar eens zouden proberen... Maar ja, wie ben ik hé?