arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

HOTNEWS: nv Medical Team Farmaceutics presents proudly her newest product
by Sofie Blancke Friday January 17, 2003 at 08:16 AM 0485/ 41 60 91


HOTNEWS: nv Medical ...
foto_globalivax_new_.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

The latest hot topic in preventive medicine

A recent meta-analysis of 15 double-blind controlled randomized clinical trials showed spectacular evidence in favour of this new vaccine. GlobaliVax New Ò was significantly more effective than placebo in all trials. These results are relevant for males and females of all ages and races. We strongly advise the systematic use of this new drug, in general practice as in an in-patient setting. Please consult your physician.

Branders M., Struyf SS., Goossens F., "Revolutionary Results in Vaccine Technology". International Journal on Globalisation and Health, Vol 66, number 3, p 389-464, 2003

Nog eens testen (sorry)
by A F Friday January 17, 2003 at 12:17 PM

Nog eens testen (sor...
globalitisch.gif, image/gif, 400x400

Da figureke zou hier moeten bewegen. Uiteindelijk. Misschien toch wel.

What is the "spectacular news" ?
by what? Friday January 17, 2003 at 04:37 PM

Sorry I don't understand what you are talking about. Why don't you give more explanation ? A new vaccine ? Against what ? Sorry but this article seems to be a fucking advertising. Why is publishing such a piece of shit on this site.

just have a look at the website, my dear!
by comment Friday January 17, 2003 at 07:35 PM

Citing the consumers info:
"Effect: Globalivax® New protects you against the desire for war, media lies, fear for other cultures, Zionism, paranoia for terrorists, visual hallucinations about the axis of evil, God-bless-America-itis and other Bu$shit."
Just have a look my dear!

just go to the web-site, my dear
by comment Friday January 17, 2003 at 07:41 PM

There you can read some details on this new stuff like:

Effect: Globalivax® New protects you against the desire for war, media lies, fear for other cultures, Zionism, paranoia for terrorists, visual hallucinations about the axis of evil, God-bless-America-itis and other Bu$shit.