arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Resist US Plan of Mass-murder in Iraq !
by WPRM Benelux- NPPF Tuesday January 14, 2003 at 01:27 PM

Justice-loving people throughout the world are today outraged by the arrogant swagger of the power holders in the United States. As ever increasing numbers of people are coming to oppose and protest against the slaughter plan of innocent people in Iraq, George W. Bush and his cronies have lately been attempting to fool the very gullible and the ignoramus by stating that war with Iraq is only a "possibility" and "not an inevitability."

This, even as the world watches the US (and its sole all-the-way backer, Britain) daily mount their massive and awesome killing machines and intensify their war preparations in the Gulf States and in Turkey!

The people of Iraq, our brothers and sisters in that land, have endured untold suffering. More than a hundred thousand were killed during the aerial bombardment by US and its allies in the 1991 Gulf War. Since then they have died from starvation, malnutrition, and from diseases, even easily preventable ones, as a result of US dictated United Nations sanctions. About half a million babies and infants were murdered by these sanctions alone. The US has on several occasions blocked attempts by other nations to have those vicious killer-sanctions lifted. Hence the deaths continue. What sin could these babies, children and the elderly have committed to deserve such horrendous deaths?

Moreover, the United States unleashed its deadly weapons of mass- destruction, such as uranium-containing bombs on both civilians and soldiers in Iraq. Surely, these and the saturation bombing alone the US carried out in Yugoslavia in 1999 and in Afghanistan in 2001 are war-crimes of unparalleled magnitude in recent memory. In the 1960s and 1970s the US armed-forces perpetrated heinous crimes against the Vietnamese people and the other Indo-chinese people. And they still stink in the nostrils of decent people everywhere, but eventually the US had to run from the battlefields with its tail between its legs like a beaten dog. Do the rulers in Washington remember any of these?

This coming war will not be simply part two of the Gulf War. Its designs are a great deal grander. Its not just about grabbing Iraqi oil, important as this is for US imperialism. Its about which imperialist powers will get a share of the loot and which will not, and on whose terms. This war is about world domination – George W does not even try to hide his greed nor his fond dream of global domination under his Bushy tail. Thus he reminds the world as never done before that imperialism means war.

Regardless of the findings of the UN inspectors for "weapons of mass-destruction," the US is intent on visiting Iraq with death and destruction yet again. The excuse for this would be "regime change." While the people of the world, as well as the Iraqi people, look forward to great changes in the world, what right has the greatest mass-murderers world has ever seen to change the regime in Iraq or elsewhere? What comes to everyone's mind is the task that cry out to be done – and urgently - is regime and system - change in the United States themselves! Great – and revolutionary - changes – are indeed taking place before our very eyes. In South Asia, the people of Nepal have risen up like a mighty hurricane, determind to overthrow the old and oppressive system and remake social relations on new foundations. Today, the lessons of China, Vietnam and Indo-china, the lessons of people's war to defeat imperialism are taught us by the people of Nepal. Here, the US seeks to prop up a decrepit and decadent regime (a monarchy) by arming it to its teeth.

World People's Resistance Movement (Benelux) :
Nepalese People's Progressive Forum : 13 January 03