arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005) asks you to vote for most dangerous country (US leads)
by Please Re-post ! Tuesday January 14, 2003 at 05:24 AM

VOTE NOW! web link

Time Magazine is running an online poll on the biggest threat to world peace at . But, for some reason, they were foolish enough to include the US in the list of dangerous countries. And guess what: the online polling currently has the United States leading at over 60%.

Please Re-post ! (Thank You) (merci)

USA most dangerous country in the world
by Luc Tuesday January 14, 2003 at 09:48 AM

USA is the only country who has used the atomic weapon killing the most civilians in one strike. Destroying Dresden, dividing and strangling Europe and Korea, Vietnam, Cambodja, almost the whole of South America, imposing harsh life conditions on the Cuban people, invading innocent small nations as Granada, organizing civil wars and injustice in Nicaragua and Columbia, doing everything to starve the Palestinian people and being compliant to the Israƫli war and genocides like Sabbra and Chattila, killing the upper-most civilians through an embargo on the people of Iraq (cfr. numbers by WHO and UNicef).Producing more weapons and weapon-technology than any other country in the history of mankind. Possessing ABC-weapons, and maybe using them but not telling us, proved to be using depleted uranium weapons. indirectly funding all the civil wars in the world like it did in the past with Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia...

by . Wednesday January 15, 2003 at 12:33 AM

North Korea
9.1 %
11.4 %
The United States
79.5 %

Total Votes Cast: 140253