arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

De prijs van Firenze : nachtelijke arrestaties Italiaanse antiglobalisten
by lize Friday November 15, 2002 at 05:47 PM

De dictatuur in Italië is nu een feit. Rond middernacht werden in Italië 19 vooraanstaande antiglobalisten gearresteerd op basis van het artikel 270/bis van de nieuwe anti-terroristenwet. De aanklacht luidt : �lidmaatschap van een subversieve organisatie met het doel de wettelijke orde te verstoren�, �het voeren van subversieve propaganda� en �het omverwerpen van de economische orde op een gewelddadige manier�. In gans Italië is grote consternatie ontstaan. Er wordt massaal gemobiliseerd in Firenze, Milaan, Bologna, Napels, Genua en Rome. Verwacht wordt dat het protest van de massaal ontslagen Fiat arbeiders zich zal aansluiten bij het protest tegen deze nieuwe vorm van repressie, die doet denken aan de aanhoudingen in Santiago tijdens Pinochet.

Vannacht is de Italiaanse politie binnengevallen in de huizen van zo'n 20 Italiaanse antiglobalisten in het Zuiden van Italië (Taranto, Napels en Cosenza) die meteen werden gearresteerd en onder verdenking van 'subversiviteit' in de Italiaanse gevangenissen opgesloten.

De aanklacht is gebaseerd op het beruchte artikel 270/bis dat na 11/9 door de Berlusconi regering is gestemd als 'anti-terroristen'wetgeving. Het is duidelijk dat dit lang voorbereide 'repressieslag' is die de Italiaanse regering de beweging na Genua en de vreedzame optocht in Firenze wou toedienen. De repressie gebeurt nu niet meer fysiek, maar via politieke en juridische weg.

Het lijkt er sterk op dat een laatste poging wordt ondernomen om de beweging te criminaliseren door de leiders als 'terroristen' voor te stellen. Het Italiaanse establishment lijkt na de '1 miljoen van Firenze' vooral te vrezen voor een aansluiting bij de beweging van de massaal protesterende ontslagen arbeiders van Fiat.

De aantijgingen tegen (slechts 1 van) de geärresteerden (Francesco Caruso) bestaan uit een 400 bladzijden dik rapport, gebaseerd op het onderscheppen van 40.000 mails sinds Genua vorig jaar. De geärresteerde antiglobalisten zijn woordvoerders van organisaties die deel uitmaakten van de organisatie van het Forum in Firenze, zoals COBAS (basis comité van burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid), het netwerk 'Sud Ribelle' en het netwerk 'No Global', allen organisaties die in het zuiden van italië zijn geworteld.

In de loop van de dag zijn in Italië reeds verscheidene spontane protestacties georganiseerd. In het Zuiden oor de prefectuur en de gevangenissen waar de arrestanten zich bevinden. In het Noorden waren er reeds spontane mobilisaties en sit-ins in Firenze, Genua, Milaan en Bologna. In Rome is opgeroepen voor een grote betoging, morgen zaterdag om 15u.

Op Indymedia Italië is de verontwaardiging en woede van de publicerende activisten enorm. Toch probeert men de gemoederen te bedaren want het is duidelijk dat de regering Berlusconi met deze daad geweld wil uitlokken en de beweging alsnog in de val van de criminalisering wil lokken.

Wordt vervolgd.

En zo klinkt het letterlijk op VRT- teletekst:
by nux vomica Friday November 15, 2002 at 11:19 PM

"In Italië zijn 20 mensen opgepakt die betrokken waren bij het geweld naar aanleiding van de G8-top in Genua. Er werden toen grote vernielingen aangericht, en de politie schoot een man dood. Volgens de politie hebben de arrestanten daarbij een rol gespeeld."


hoe de criminalisering ook dankzij de VRT zijn gangetje gaat...!

weirdo cyberpunkdream of future activism for a better world
by pinky Saturday November 16, 2002 at 03:15 AM

Watch out with the axion-information you spread via emails. Watch out with emailadresses of axion-partners (put collective adresses you send away at least always in bcc). Watch out with gsm-talks. Watch out with telephonenumbers in memory of gsm. Don't trust to much on paper. Visit each other when needed, learn to trust each other face to face, eye to eye. Let your actions be as DIY and public as possible.

The Propaganda Screenplay that is being written by The Powers That Be at this moment, could be something like this:
"Create an atmosphere of terror, and use this as the perfect argument of liquidating critical and human-like people, that are to aware to swallow the hollow dream of a Material Brave New World, beyond their personal control, with total lack of free and creative expression, deep spirituality or feeling for genuine solidarity and love.
Therefore, we should get the more uncritical (or rather kept fearful, spoiled and ignorant) mass to approve of our liquidation-methods. Being people that have mostly lost the power of seeing the world directly through their own eyes, they have incorporated the capacity to think and accept almost every made-up political or economical 'spectacle ' at the lowest level through diverse propaganda-media. We will try to convince people that those , who don't believe in this 21st Century Fairy Tail of Dollars/Egoism and Total Destruction, are Confused Dreamers (that need a good therapy or re-education), or worse, Evil Demons, Rapers, Bombers, Al Quaida's, Palestines, Refugees, Black Blockers, ... all scary archetypeforms of our collective consciousness. Worthy for the stake "
They choose the Image War.

But we have also a proposal for a totally different 21st Century StoryBoard:

A society without new ideas and the freedom to constantly experiment with new forms and great ideas, bottom-up; is a dead society, ruled and served by dead souls, denying the mystery and beauty of true Life, guarded by feelings of Love, Respect, Beauty and Justice. The flame of True Life and Free Spirit has to be guarded for our children, and the children of our children.
We shouldn't let ourselves be provoced in future actions. We have to seriously think about ways of justified protest-forms NOT to be ending in riots or just 'bad vibe'-news. Good protestforms think globally, act locally, and should constantly focus on the eternal and overwhelming power of justified and dignified resistance, and that only this way, is the way to true global peace (out- en inside ourselves) Evil (oppression, blind egoism, structured hate, provoced fear , authoritarianism) is always based on power, lies and division. Love, solidarity, justice comes from the heart (or call it belly, soul, Spirit, chaccra's, G'd, Allah,... Life), and connects a majority of good people together in a force that, undivided, can never be divided. Connected together, it will smash all injustice, and maybe make our loveliest fantasy-dreams come true. Peace. Freedom. True Anarchy...

What we need are strong, and feeling people, who do their best to awake themselves and as much people around them as possible, in their own microcosmos, as via free-thinking and cooperative cells, and via the media. The Images we want to spread are actually no images, they are real Manifestations of Life, and Hope, and true connection with our inner feelings and anxieties (our inborn feelings for love and injustice) and connection with the other poor lost souls.
We are no martyrs, we are smart Robin Hoods, little elfs, a bunch of cheerful boys and girls in a search for Peace, and a good laugh. We make fun with Their images, try to connect people with Living Resistance, the Resistance that wants to breathe, wants to eat, and share, and love and dream and doing exactly what they feel they want to do, as long as they respect the other living species. And most of all: they Think and Feel and Dream with a Free Spirit .
As for our future axions, they should always be handled in a way that could possible charm and sensibilize public opinion (in that order). That means we should be totally aware of the destructive effect of giving Frightening Images and Bad Vibes to the ignorant and sleepy. You won't get them out of their narcose by making them scared. The Powers are already using these tactics to them. Our axions should be examples of our Dignity, Beauty, Attractiveness and Life Force. Make the ignorant curious, mystified, searching, finding. Show them what's wrong, show them how they also can resist this global bad dream. Never get provoced, try to figure out answers to stop any kind of possible escalation of hate, agressiveness, criminalisation of opposition (e.g. big groups can be easily driven scared and mad; masks and weapons and fire and destruction will, in this era of corporate mass media, easily make the great masses approve of state repression). Understanding hierarchical systems, and the lack of possibility of personal responsiveness by a majority of policemen or soldiers, or other servants of the System, will create situations where a lot of the former repression-executers no longer can follow the old hollow images to envoke their agression. In confrontation with a strong and deep-felt non-violent resistance, they realize they are confronted with people, who look them right between the eyes, and that could be their own neighbour, or friend, or daughter. And they will drop their weapons, and awaken. We really have to show our respect to the ignorant servants of Babylon, and give them the opportunity to change side, from lie over to truthfullness, from death to life, from illusion to reality, from fear to joy, from survival to pleasure, from the dark nightmares to our dreamy world.
Solidarity IS a working Force, and the system will try anything to prevent us from realizing that we are sharing more or less the same visions of Happiness. Solidarity is in direct contradiction with this whole system of egoism and all-destructive materialism and imperialism. Solidarity without frontiers, that connect all the loving souls of this planet together. Kein mensch ist illegal. We will fight the system, not the people. And we can get stronger and conquer. Together..... The future is now. And 'now' is the happiest time of our life....

That was what I dreamed tonight.

But then I awoke, produced a little grunt when I felt the last ticklings of my quickly disappearing weird dreamvisions, grab my clothes, and got to work. Damned paranoid activists and their mediasites. I think tonight, I'll just stick for my television, a few hours of cheap amusement to chase away these strange dreams. Or maybe I'd better take some Prozac.

Italiaanse pers?
by Dorien Saturday November 16, 2002 at 03:04 PM

Heeft iemand een idee hoe de Italiaanse pers het afschilderd in hun kranten, nieuws,... ? Ik heb wel een groot vermoeden, maar aangezien m'n Italiaans niet echt alles is, vraag de hulp aan de tolken hier.