arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

World court & German government violate us constitution !
by Pastor Michael Treis Tuesday November 12, 2002 at 10:03 PM

The World Court & German Government convicted US Citizen in abstencia, federal officials turn him over to German government to spend 8 years in jail for "hate speech."

Yes folks, The Feds have turned over an American to spend 8 years in a German jail for "hate crimes." ( see: 11/11/02, or listen live online or short wave) The supposed, "hate crime" of disputing the holocaust theory of 6 million dead. See:
The trial of Ernst Zundle (see above) experts from MIT & Dupont proved "death camps ‘gas chambers" were added after WWII while the 7 camps were in Russian control. Test results proved NO evidence of Zylcon B or cyanide in these buildings.
Posting of such articles were considered " hate crimes." The thought police of the world court convicted an American and feds turned him over. (see above site).
It is my suggestion as many as are not cowards post similar articles on German sites. It is suggested we all overwhelm them with such articles, demanding they try to take us all. Folks if we do not stand for our God given rights we WILL LOSE THEM. My wife my son & close neighbors have vowed to stand against any officials with as much force as necessary to prevent incarceration of any of us.
We must not continue to allow our rights to be stolen or we will have NONE LEFT! Only cowards won't stand up and fight!
Pastor Michael Treis