arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

roburdie the lappersforttree
by nieuwsgier Tuesday October 22, 2002 at 07:46 PM

roburdie the lappersfort-tree in the sunday demo

So my dear souls, for those who were lucky to be part of the sunday lappersfort-demo may have seen a single mobile tree going for
a afternoon walk or more precisely it was bound up a bycicle. A few indignant voices rose up condemning this evil act. So was I , thinking an innocent tree died for a sunday show-up.
But that night i saw a young man riding his cycle and a young ten foot tree to the lappersfort. and
I followed him so that is when I found out the tree was snapped by a bull-doze on monday and this brave french soul carried it to the city centre for the demo .

hurray for the french traveller's brilliant idea!!