arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

The American War Rally Dinner comparable to Nazi-ism
by elliot Tuesday October 15, 2002 at 07:27 PM

I, by accident, attended a private, war rally dinner for the rich in Northern Wisconsin. It was sick.

I was visiting an outdoor school in Northern Wisconsin. We knew a local chef that invited us to a local buffet being held for the prominent community members (aka citizens with money and power) of this small town, 3 Lakes Wisconsin.

Upon arriving we noticed that this dinners guests were mostly rich, WWII generation elderly folk. Once seated, we noticed that the local police, fire dept., politicians and everyone else with a badge was HOSTING and PAYING for this occasion via TAX DOLLARS.

The dinner was surrounded by WTC bombing pictures. A fireman involved with the WTC atrocity spoke to the group about his WTC stories of tragedy.

Afterwards, the police chief began a series of chants. People were pressured into chanting, "thank you" to the firemen, and "god bless America". We heard the national anthem 2 times back-to-back, the second time nobody was allowed to sing - the organizers told us so. After more pro-US chanting I realized this was very strange.

But soon after I clued in that this was a chant dinner for war. Tell the "important" money holding REPUBLICAN citizens that you need their support to invade by treating them to a cheap dinner. Well, if they are asking for support and money - they can't throw a lavish dinner on tax paid occasion. They are crying poor.

Well, that night we did everything except chant Hitler slogans and it was rather perverse.

I am the son of a Vietnam draft dodger who grew up in Canada. US history readily forgets that Canada burned down the White House in 1814. Before, it was a brown house. We also burned down half of Washington DC. Not because we were savage or trying to conquest usamerica. The opposite. The US had invaded Canada many times previous (as early as 1790) and the US tried to take Canada's main military defense base in Quebec. If that base was taken, then Canada was yours. But we easily defeated the frozen October US ground troops. They didn't factor in, as they walked up the St. Lawrence river, that Canada is unusually cold. So half the troops quit and went back (because it was so cold) and the morally defeated troops were no match.

So, during these solemn times, remember that the White House was target again. WTC toppled by not the White House. But if the plane had hit it, the White House would have been removed for the 2nd time. And they acts of terrorism are a response and retaliation to US terrorism of the 70's, 80's, 90's and present. Just like in 1814. I mean, if Canadians invaded anyone can be driven to invade. Beware Programs of VIETNOW