arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Anti-Semitism in the guise of intellectualism
by c'est tres interressent Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 4:34 PM

The writer is the secretary general of the World Jewish Congress

The decline in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Europe and elsewhere in recent months is deceiving. In light of international criticism, particularly by the U.S., some European governments undertook aggressive enforcement measures that for the meantime are preventing violent outbreaks against Jews. But the statistics are misleading and hide anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic trends that have taken up a central position among intellectuals and academics worldwide. Instead of burning synagogues and violent harassment of Jewish children or rabbis, a campaign of incitement is underway under cover of intellectualism.

Intellectuals and civil rights activists try to explain that the attacks on Jews and terror against Israel are, in fact, Israel's fault. Their analysis combines delegitimization of the state of Israel with traditional anti-Semitic motifs and stereotypes. According to any objective criteria, this is a new wave of anti-Semitism, unprecedented since the end of World War II, and so far it is difficult to find any sense of responsibility for it among statesmen and intellectuals.

The aggregate effect of violence against Jews, expressions of hatred - including cries of "Death to the Jews" on the streets and campuses of Europe and elsewhere in the world - alongside thundering silence or convoluted explanations that blame Israel for the events, characterize what is now being called "the new anti-Semitism."

Harvard University President Lawrence Summers recently raised a cry about the moral decline of intellectuals. A former Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton administration, Summers defined himself in the graduation speech at the university as an inactive Jew who had never encountered anti-Semitism in his life. In the past, he explained, he rejected attempts to label criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic. But now, he said, anti-Semitism is no longer the monopoly of the lowest ranks of right-wing extremists, but is taking root among enlightened intellectuals whose anti-Israeli attitudes are characterized by anti-Semitic activity. Summers said he found such anti-Semitism in the growing movement for an economic and academic boycott of Israel, in the deliberate indifference to the fund-raising for anti-Israeli terrorist groups on campuses, and in the left-wing demonstrations that condemn Israel and compare Ariel Sharon to Hitler.

In Paris, a few months ago, Jewish intellectual Alain Finkielkraut claimed that overt French anti-Semitism is now found in the extreme left and not in the extreme right wing represented by le Pen and his supporters on the right. Recent election campaigns in France, Germany and Denmark included anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic rhetoric to appeal to the dark racism of the masses.

An analysis of the anti-Semitic events shows there is a symbiosis between the acts of violent hooligans and the atmosphere in intellectual circles and the media. The United Nation's anti-Semitic fiesta against racism in Durban, South Africa last year was the writing on the wall, from which nobody drew a lesson. Respectable media like the Guardian, the BBC and Le Monde quote intellectuals who challenge the right of Israel to exist. The European press, like civil rights groups and the UN's refugee agency, UNWRA, have yet to apologize or re-examine the blood libel they disseminated about the IDF's operation in Jenin, which resulted in an outbreak of anti-Semitic incidents.

This is the atmosphere now nurturing the public debate in Europe. Under the guidance of Syria, a state that supports terror and currently serves as president of the UN Security Council, Europe is now ready to ignore the definition of responsibility for the murderous terror and to condemn only Israel. And at the UN's Human Rights Commission in Geneva, with member states including "enlightened" countries like Syria, Libya and Sudan, decisions that provide the rationale for killing Jewish Israelis, are being made.

The new anti-Semitism eclipses reason and morality, obfuscating concepts. The unholy alliance between European leftists whose ranks include academics and intellectuals, and fundamentalists and Islamic terror, endangers Israel and the Jews, and threatens the moral strength of Western culture.

Mensonge !
by arty Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 5:01 PM

Cette phrase est un mensonge :

"Intellectuals and civil rights activists try to explain that the attacks on Jews and terror against Israel are, in fact, Israel's fault".

Les activistes dans leur très grande majorité ne reprochent rien aux Juives/fs, et quand ils parlent d'Israël, c'est du GOUVERNEMENT israélien qu'il est question. Aucun gouvernement n'EST la population !

Ainsi les attentats palestiniens contre des civilEs israélienNEs non occupantEs est condamnable, et est une stratégie d'autant plus imbécile qu'elle retourne l'opinion publique contre la cause palestinienne (c'est d'ailleurs ce qui amène certains à affirmer que le meurtre d'innocents est nécessairement le fait des manipulations du terrorisme d'Etat). Par contre, reprocher aux palestinienNEs d'assassiner des militaires et colons israéliens revient à reprocher aux résistantEs françaisES d'avoir assassiné des occupants allemands durant la seconde guerre mondiale, ce qui est absurde (même si l'on est touTEs d'accord qu'il est regrettable de n'avoir plus que le meurtre pour défendre ses droits légitimes).

J'ignore si le secrétaire du Congrès Juif Mondial fait l'amalgame entre juifs, israéliens et gouvernement israélien par incompétence ou par hypocrisie. Mais dans un cas comme dans l'autre le CJM ferait bien de changer de secrétaire générale s'il souhaite conserver un minimum de crédibilité dans le monde.

Le dossier d' sur la question isréalo-palestinienne -->

PS : je suppose que le texte ci-dessus n'est pas un faux, ce qui n'est pas certain puisqu'aucun lien ne permet de le vérifier.

by Castro Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 5:16 PM

so this means that war crimes committed by a jew are less criminal than the ones committed by a non-jew? In that way jews themselves treat "the jews" as being a homogenic group of people, which is the core of the definition of racism. By this kind of reasoning the jews themselves are nurturing the anti-jew feelings. If a woman collects "6 million" autographs against israeli occupation she gets accused of being anti-semite! This is way out of bounds! In this way of thinking any debate becomes obsolete and jews themselves make any debate impossible and therefore deny the differences that exist between jewish individuals, the difference between a humanistic and tolerant jew and the terrorist, fundamentalist zionists. In this kind of discours jews themselves make anti-semitism legitimate!
Nobody even dares to talk about "the integration" of the jews, the existence of the jewish maffia, their dirty role in abusing refugees, strenghtening capitalism, demonising muslims, drug traffic and last but not least diamond business and the wars it feeds. So HOW anti-semitic are we then? What if we start talking about these issues? Will we be fascists then or just being honest when it comes to judging the acts of people, no matter their "identity", and claiming equal rights AND duties for all people? Are the jews the Upper Race, do they have more rights when it comes to violating other people? I heard sombody say that in the 1930's already ...

Les médias, les intellectuels...
by R.B. Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 6:16 PM

Vous considérez que tire sur un hôpital c'est pas bien ? Intellectuel ou journaliste, vous êtes antisémite ! Vous êtes juif et vous avez honte de ce qui se passe en israël et en Palestine contre les palestiniens ? Haine de soi
Vous considérez que réserver l'achat de terres, en Israël, aux seuls juifs c'est du racisme ? Vous avez la haine des Juifs (mais imaginez un pays qui interdirait aux juifs l'achat de terres...!!!!)
Bref, israël s'est engagé dans une guerre de mort de destructions de tuerie de violations des droits de l'homme de violation de sa propre morale (qui a parait-il apporté la "morale" au monde...) mais vous êtes sommés de trouver tout ça normal : forcément, il s'agit d'Israël devenu l'icône intouchable de l'occident

C'était pas des intellectuels...
by R.B. Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 6:34 PM

de la nuit dernière à Kanyounès
par l'armée israélienne d'occupation

1- Abdel Fattah Al-Salhout,40 ans

2- Rahima Salama, 50 ans (Elle s'est fait assassiné avec sang froid chez elle quand l'armée y a fait irruption pour assassiner son fils qui avait pris la fuite juste avant son arrivée. Pour se vanger, l'officier israélien lui a tiré une balle dans la tête à bout portant)

3- Haïtham Abul Naja, 27 ans

4- Ossama Abdin, 23 ans

5- Jamal Mharib, 18 ans

6- Ihab Khlaf, 22 ans

7- Ahmad Al-Astal, 17 ans

8- Mohammad Al-Astal, 15 ans

9- Ayman Sakr, 23 ans

10- Abdallah Sabbah, 16 ans

11- Farès Al-Zakzouk, 17 ans

12- Mohammad Sadek, 20 ans

13- Mohammad Challoula, 23 ans

Et la liste risque de s'allourdir avec les plus de 80 blessés dont plusieurs cas graves.

la barbe, les intellectuels...
by R.B. Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 6:38 PM

aux armes mitoyen...

On l'avait un peu oublié, le mur. La clôture, comme ils disent. Elle vient de faire son apparition en force à Beit Sahour, près de Betléhem. Cent-vingt (120) maisons ont reçu un avis de destruction imminente parce qu'elles sont sur le tracé de la clôture.

Des maisons palestiniennes, évidemment. Faut pas rigoler.

Dans le monde civilisé, un mur mitoyen, on le construit à la limite des deux propriétés. Ici, rien de tout ça. On ne s'embarrasse pas concepts idiots.

Un peu de dynamite, un peu de béton, et l'amitié entre les peuples vaincra !

Citer cet article 

by klaas Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 7:51 PM

what is your source? can you offer an official link for this speach. Not that I doubt it (no, not at all). But for future references, more information about this speach is needed, please.

Manufacturing Anti-Semites
by thinkpink Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 9:11 PM

The greatest source of Anti-Semitism today, is the state of Israël in it's current state !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gush Shalom (Israeli peace movement) Uri Avnery - 28.9.02 -----------Manufacturing Anti-Semites
"The Diaspora, so we learned in our youth, creates anti-Semitism. Everywhere the Jews are a minority, and a minority inevitably attracts the hatred of the majority. Only when the Jews gather in the Land of their Forefathers and constitute the majority there, will anti-Semitism disappear throughout the world. Thus spoke Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism.

Nowadays this myth, too, is giving up its blessed soul. The very opposite is happening: the State of Israel is causing the resurrection of anti-Semitism all over the world, threatening Jews everywhere.

The Sharon government is a giant laboratory for the growing of the anti-Semitism virus. It exports it to the whole world. Anti-Semitic organizations, which for many years vegetated on the margins of society, rejected and despised, are suddenly growing and flowering. Anti-Semitism, which has hidden itself in shame since World War II, is now riding on a great wave of opposition to Sharon's policy of oppression.

Sharon's propaganda agents are pouring oil on the flames. Accusing all critics of his policy of being anti-Semites, they brand large communities with this mark. Many good people, who feel no hatred at all towards the Jews, but who detest the persecution of the Palestinians, are now called anti-Semites. Thus the sting is taken out of this word, giving it something approaching respectability.

The practical upshot: not only does Israel not protect the Jews from anti-Semitism, but quite on the contrary - Israel manufactures and exports the anti-Semitism that threatens Jews around the world."

beginning of the article...
by Christophe R. Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 9:53 AM

U forgot the beginning of the article :

"The first Israeli victim of Saddam Hussein is a Zionist myth on which we were brought up.

It stated that Israel is a haven for all the Jews in the world. In all the other countries, Jews live in perpetual fear that a cruel persecutor will arise, as happened in Germany. Israel is the safe haven, to which Jews can escape in times of danger. Indeed, this was the purpose of the Founding Fathers when they established the state.

Now Saddam comes along and proves the opposite. All over the world, Jews live in safety, and only in one place on the planet are they threatened by annihilation: Israel. Here the national parks are prepared for mass-graves, here (pathetic) measures against biological and chemical weapons are prepared. Many people are already planning to escape to the communities in the Diaspora. End of a myth." ...

It doesn't seem Ury Avnery is choqued by the fact that the leader of a country, Saddam Hussein, is planning to launch missils (maybe with chemical or biological charges) on Israel, aiming to kill the more israeli civilians it's possible... just as Saddam did in the earlies 80th, launching chemical bombs on kurdish villages, slaughtering thousand of kurdish civilians...
No. This fact doesn't seem to chock Mr Avnery, what is imoportant for him is to make his demonstration against sionism, making stupid links between what wrote a writer, more than one century ago, and the behavior and political choices of an actual israeli politician, Sharon. The "prophecy is accomplished" ! Sionism is bad from the beginning, sionism create antisemitism (does it mean sionism also created the nazi's final solution ???), sionism is racism, ...
Come on Mr Avnery ! Your demonstration is unlogical, stupid and dishonnest... it makes me feel like reading a soviet pamphlet...

one of the many urls to article
by one of the many urls to article Monday, Feb. 03, 2003 at 9:14 AM