arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

BOMspoting: All present in Ghent
by P.I. Hublou Saturday October 05, 2002 at 12:40 PM

Massive presence in Ghent of demonstrators to head for the military base of Kleine Brochel. There they will peacefully protest the presence of weapons of mass destruction the USA has based there.

BOMspoting: All pres...
untitledzquaz3.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375

Today, 5 October 2002, a "Bomspotting" action is in full swing at the military base of Kleine Brogel, Belgium.

Participants will trespass peacefully on this military base, used to store illegal US nuclear weapons, and occupy the base.
If the government is not prepared to remove the nuclear weapons, and comply with international law, after this nonviolent direct action, plans are to begin a series of effective disarmament actions which will make the use of nuclear weapons impossible: BomSTOPping.

Due to a chronic shortage of parking lots I had not been able to obtain in time a ticket for one of the busses that were hired to drive from Ghent to Kleine Brochel. When calling this morning the action center, hosted at the Ghent Ecological Center (GEC), I was invited to come to the local meeting place by car. This as all tickets had been sold out and extra transport could come in handy.

The turnout was overwhelming: the whole broad sidewalk was filled with people eager to participate. Languages spoken were Dutch, French and, I guess, Italian. Some buttons in a Scandinavian were seen.

With some effort I was able to reach the front door of the GEC-building. Inside a last-minute briefing was held. Too bad people outside were not able to attend. The packed crowd inside was informed the Lord Mayor of the small town of Kleine Brochel had chosen the site of the military: the democratic right to protest was altered by threatening with arrest everyone who walked in public with more a 4 together. If protesters wouldn't abandon their action after announcing that each group of 4 had to be at least 50 meters (!) of any other pocket of resistance. -- Thank you America: you really have a good influence of democracy in the world !

The news about the oppressive machinery gearing up didn't affect those in who had gathered so massively. Days ago an army flipo announced the peace demonstrators would have to face 'at first a non armed defence line'. The base was said to be prepared against any popular and massive presence of protesters. In parliament questions were asked whether or not instructions were given to possibly shoot on the peaceful demonstrators.
Also the demonstrators were prepared. The whole organization of the meeting and departure went smoothly and well coordinated. Many participants had followed class on how to control their feelings when aggression was exercised on them. This BOMstopping event will be peaceful; from the demonstrator's side.

I heard there were at least 3 busses leaving from Ghent. I saw 4 large busses, each left one after the other carrying 50 resolute demonstrators. Some had left before by train. So at the very least 150 demonstrators left Ghent this morning heading for their target: the military base of Kleine Brochel. On their peaceful mission they will get to know each others better. A need to bring forward an other, better and thus more peaceful world. Inshallah.

Everyone managed to join the action crew, by train,
bus or car. Driving an hour an a half at least
on my own would have been spoiled fuel. It appears
I had the task to give a first report of a continuing
action. We will prevail !

Ibrahim Hublou


feature pic
by m Saturday October 05, 2002 at 12:45 PM

feature pic...
bomsp.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x150
