arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Overview anti-war protests in London
by christophe callewaert Sunday September 29, 2002 at 06:41 PM

Overview anti-war protests in London

City of London Security email about the demonstration
Uit een interne e-mail van de Londense veiligheidsdiensten blijkt dat zij er van uitgingen dat de betoging nauwelijks veertigduizend mensen op de been zou brengen.

Selon un mail interne, les services de sécurité n'attendaient pas plus de 40.000 personnes.


Up to 400,000 say Don't Attack Iraq
Volgens de organisatoren kwamen uiteindelijk meer dan 400.000 boze Britten op straat.

Selon les organisateurs plus de 400.000 manifestants étaient dans les rues de Londres ce samedi 28 septembre.


BBC journalists under pressure not to report anti-war activity
De National Union of Journalists liet ondertussen in een persbericht weten dat verschillende journalisten van onder meer de BBC door hun oversten onder druk werden gezet om geen aandacht te besteden aan de anti-oorlogsprotesten.

L'Union National des journalistes a fait entendre dans un communiqué de presse que des journalistes du BBC ont reçu des pressions de leur direction afin de les empêcher de porter beaucoup d'attention à la manifestation.


Enkele getuigenissen van Britse betogers:

Quelques témoignages de manifestants:

Stop the War demonstration: Quotes of the day

Interviews op de betoging tegen de oorlog in London


Bekijk de foto's van de betoging:

Regardez les photos de la manif:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


Berichten over de betoging die op de werden gepost:

Articles sur la manif à Londres postés sur

Entre 300.000 et 450.000 personnes a Londres pour crier "Stop the war"

Weekend van de eerste Europese anti-oorlogsbetogingen

250.000 betogers tegen de oorlog in Londen

by xxx Sunday September 29, 2002 at 07:13 PM

blair_puppet1.jpg, image/jpeg, 160x113


Al-Jazeera : 1.000.000 betogers
by Dirk Adriaensens Sunday September 29, 2002 at 09:21 PM

hier is een commentaar van een Britse kennis:
Al Jazeera said one million - even allowing for every one playing games, it was more than even 400,000 - Hyde Park was virtually full and from Trafalgar Square up Piccadilly (about 2 miles) the last wave was still walking to the
Park at about twenty after five. Bad hair day for that little shit Blair.
I think this was a real wake up call, especially from the UK. VERY slow to demonstrate in a big way.

I was with a group of people in stockbroker shirts and $400 shoes - not yr usual lost, absolutely furious. One woman told me that she was an activist, but all her family had thought she was mad until this crisis: 'My 93 yr old
mother demanded to come, my under twelve grandchildren, my brothers, sisters, cousins ......"

No one believes a word Blah and Shrub are saying. Can we swing it do u think???
Natuurlijk kunnen we de waanzin stoppen. Het moet !!! voor dagelijkse info-updates over Irak.

fotos from london
by hred Monday September 30, 2002 at 06:01 PM

pictures from london are here too:

half a million
by johan Wednesday October 02, 2002 at 05:34 PM

Why not just say 400000 or better, 250000. Which seems to be the best estimate. Saying half a million is just lying, they weren't there!

by christophe Wednesday October 02, 2002 at 06:31 PM

Dear Johan,

Where did you find the phrase "half a million"?

In the articles in this overview we give at once the estimation of the BBC as the estimation of the organisers.

Sounds quite fair to me.