arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Le 11 septembre chilien, selon la RTBF
by red kitten Wednesday September 11, 2002 at 01:53 PM

Le fait que le site internet de la RTBF mentionne le fait que le 11 septembre on célèbre aussi le coup d'état de Pinochet au Chili ... mais une erreur de taille s'est glissée dans le texte =>

En effet, on peut y lire =>

" A la tête d'une junte militaire, Salvador Allende va imposer une répression féroce. Des milliers de Chiliens sont arrêtés, torturés, déportés, exécutés. Un des faits les plus marquants fut l'enfermement , le jour du coup d'Etat de 500 étudiants de l'Université dans le stade national de Santiago, transformé en camp de détention. "

Heu, oui ... Confondre Allende et Pinochet, bravo! Il se pourrait même que ce soit un lapsus.

Update 14:45 => Les webmasters de ont fini par corriger ...

The 'amazing' blindness of the bourgois media
by Silent Factory Wednesday September 11, 2002 at 10:59 PM

The 'amazing' blindness of the bourgois media

The 7 PM news I saw on the Flemish television didn't mention the coup in Chili at all. Neither did a radio show that lasted the whole afternoon.

For nearly an hour I endured the TV-news about the "WTC-9/11-disaster". Nothing about an event where much more people where killed, tortured, where babies where taken from mothers to be raised in the houses of junta members while their parents were killed or "disappeared". Nothing about an event that set back a whole population's rights.

Below is what I wrote about the event on 9/11.

Silent Factory

NB: What about the zionist murders in the Palestinian
refugee camps Shabra and Shatila? While they get
as much attention as... Chili 9/11/1973 ?

Genocide amongst our Palestine brothers and sisters
in refugee camps Sabra and Shtila camps on
16-17 September 1982.


On September 11, 1973 a CIA-led coup replaced the popular government of Chili.

The populist slogan 'El pueblo unido, jamas sera venicido' ('A united people will never be defeated' was never enfoced by the social-democrat government that refused to listen to the wise words, shouted in the streets by thousands: 'El pueblo armada jamas sera venicido', 'An armed people will never be defeated'. The arms stayed in the hands of the servants of the bourgoisie, at the expense of the ordinary people.

Thousands were imprisoned, tortured, murdered.
Babies were taken away from their parents to be brought up in the homes of officers. Also those parents "disappeared" most often.

Years later, on behalf of people who had not stopped opposing the military rule, general Pinochet was arrested in the UK. The judge, however, did not prosecute him "as he was to old". Pinochet was never convicted and neither were his American companions, for all the murders they committed. This seems how bourgeois democracy works.

50.000 persons murdered
400.000 imprisonned
1.000.000 political refugees

The USA: A Safe Haven for Torturers

US exporting prisoners to torture elsewhere
