arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Attac condamne Noborder
by Ten Friday July 26, 2002 at 10:17 AM

Attac-Srasnourg condamne les scandaleux méfaits commis ces derniers jours par NoBorder.

ATTAC Strasbourg (Association pour une taxation des transactions financières
pour l'aide aux citoyens) regrette que l'utilisation du terme
antimondialisation » pour qualifier le collectif « No Border » crée un
amalgame. Ce terme avait été également utilisé dans le passé pour qualifier
ATTAC. L'association strasbourgeoise tient à préciser qu'elle n'a « aucune
sorte de relation avec le collectif dont [les DNA ont] relaté les scandaleux
méfaits ces derniers jours. » ATTAC condamne avec fermeté toute forme
d'action violente.
© Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, Jeudi 25 Juillet 2002

de quels méfaits s'agit-il ?
by arty Friday July 26, 2002 at 10:49 AM

1. de quels méfaits s'agit-il ?

2. pourquoi ATTAC Strasbourg ne décrit-elle pas les scandaleux méfaits ?

3. ATTAC Strasbourg a-t-elle pris position par rapport aux agressions de la police ? -->

ATTAC als nieuw geweten?
by TUc Friday July 26, 2002 at 01:41 PM

Het moest ervan komen!
Ik hoop dat de sectie Strasbourg een eenzaat is in haar gedrag. Anders voorspel ik voor ATTAC eenzelfde weg die veel voorgaande NGO's hebben afgelegd: gerecupereerd en wurmgeslagen door de machthebbers, verdedigers van een 'gehumaniseerd' neo-liberalisme.
Hier in België lijkt ATTAC me toch van wat steviger hout gemaakt.

Trouwens, ik snap niet goed de strategie achter de demarche van ATTAC-Strasbourg. Wat wil ze hiermee bereiken en denkt ze echt dat haar veroordeling iets uitmaakt?


Haha! Come back when you've got some real news
by Peter Morlion Friday July 26, 2002 at 01:55 PM

I knew it! I knew it all along! It's those damn anarchists! They should've shot 'em all in the war!

attac veroordeelt
by stijn Friday July 26, 2002 at 04:54 PM

Kunnen andere secties van attac deze poging tot verdeling en verenging van een diverse beweging veroordelen. Hier moet kleur bekend worden.

No Border
by Attac activist Friday July 26, 2002 at 07:38 PM

Attac is a diverse movement with people with different political opinions (including some anarchists and libertarian marxists as well Peter ;-)), and also of different styles and generations.

Attac tries to be as decentralised as possible (I hope), so local committees have an important degree of independence. The alternative is a ruthless centralisation with some 'international leaders' saying everything to the press. Ten people in a meeting room might be a local Attac and issue a press statement or something like that but the whole movement in Europe will discuss it and radicals will say "You see it's a reformist NGO!". That's the other side of the coin...

Personally I am not in favour of 'condemning' other parts of the movement. We don't have to howl with the wolves or moralise. I am however in favour of taking distance of certain methods that are tactically counterproductive (such as useless violence), and I know some anarchists for that matter who agree on that... Let people decide on their tactics, but let everybody respect the democracy of a particular action. (I don't know what was decided for this action...)

I am also not in favour of taking a position on certain incidents if you don't have the correct information, or only information from one sided sources. And I also think it's a bad idea to condemn a camp or an organisation as a group for something what some people might have done when the others maybe didn't agree. But what exactly happened? Was there massive police provocation? Were their stupid destructions of the property of small shopkeepers, private houseowners or the big cars of immigrant workers or not? What does Attac-Alsace condemns exactly? Have there been discussions within No Border on this action? And so on and so on. This is always a very delicate matter!

I have a friend who is at the camp and when he gets back I'll ask more detailed information and discuss the matter in my Attac-section. But I think if I personally was in Attac-Alsace I would have voted against. Anyway I can't even see what they were trying to achieve with such a press release. And I'm sure a lot of people in Attac-sections all over the world feel the same way. Of course now it would not be democratic for me to speak in the name of a section.

After Göteborg there was a big debate on the 'violence issue' in Attac International. If you search on the site, you should find some traces of it. It shows that inside Attac there are a range of opinions on this subject.

So everybody please hold your horses because I'm sure there will be an internal debate in Attac on this press statement.

And let's stop generalising too quickly: not everybody in the No Border camp is necessarily an 'anarchist', and the anarchists themselves have a lot of different opinions, including on this issue.

Unity in diversity!

by manu Friday July 26, 2002 at 08:18 PM

vanop het no border kamp een dikke fuck you aan attac straabourg, zij zeggen dat ze niets met ons te maken hebben, dat we geen altermondialisten zijn, welk fuck them, wij distancieren ons van hen>: attac strassbourg is nooit deel geweest van no borderm, en volgens onze laatste bronnen heeft attac nooit het copyright op de term altermondialiste of antimondialiste aangevraagd

manu de toch wel een beetje kwaaie trol

en ja
by guido Saturday July 27, 2002 at 06:02 AM

Toen ik dit bericht gisteren las, dacht ik al dat men Attac ging aanvallen. Als Attac deze uitspraken niet veroordeeld of er afstand van neemt dan zal Attac binnenkort voortdurend achtervolgd worden door deze uitspraken, veroordelingen.
Slecht nieuws gaat snel en mensen veralgemenen vlug.