arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

U.S. Plan for Iraq Is Said to Include Attack on 3 Sides
by nyt(posted by guido) Friday July 05, 2002 at 10:13 AM

The document envisions tens of thousands of marines and soldiers probably invading from Kuwait. Hundreds of warplanes based in as many as eight countries, possibly including Turkey and Qatar, would unleash a huge air assault against thousands of targets, including airfields, roadways and fiber-optics communications sites.

Special operations forces or covert C.I.A. operatives would strike at depots or laboratories storing or manufacturing Iraq's suspected weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to launch them.

None of the countries identified in the document as possible staging areas have been formally consulted about playing such a role, officials said, underscoring the preliminary nature of the planning. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld visited American bases in Kuwait and Qatar and the Fifth Fleet in Bahrain on his most recent trip to the Persian Gulf region in June.

The existence of the document that outlined significant aspects of a "concept" for a war against Iraq as it stood about two months ago indicates an advanced state of planning in the military even though President Bush continues to state in public and to his allies that he has no fine-grain war plan on his desk for the invasion of Iraq.

Yet the concept for such a plan is now highly evolved and is apparently working its way through military channels. Once a consensus is reached on the concept, the steps toward assembling a final war plan and, most importantly, the element of timing for ground deployments and commencement of an air war, represent the final sequencing that Mr. Bush will have to decide.

Mr. Bush has received at least two briefings from Gen. Tommy R. Franks, the head of the Central Command, on the broad outlines, or "concept of operations," for a possible attack against Iraq. The most recent briefing was on June 19, according to the White House.

"Right now, we're at the stage of conceptual thinking and brainstorming," a senior defense official said. "We're pretty far along."

The highly classified document, entitled "CentCom Courses of Action," was prepared by planners at the Central Command in Tampa, Fla., according to the person familiar with the document.

Officials say it has already undergone revisions, but is a snapshot of an important, but preliminary stage, in a comprehensive process that translates broad ideas into the detailed, step-by-step blueprint for combat operations that the Pentagon defines as a "war plan."

Still, the document, compiled in a long set of briefing slides, offers a rare glimpse into the inner sanctum of the war planners assigned to think about options for defeating Iraq.

"It is the responsibility of the Department of Defense to develop contingency plans and, from time to time, to update them," Victoria Clarke, the Pentagon spokeswoman, said today. "In fact, we have recently issued new general planning guidance, and that generates activity at the staff level."

Officials said neither Mr. Rumsfeld, nor the Joint Chiefs of Staff or General Franks had been briefed on this specific document as yet.

The source familiar with the document described its contents to The New York Times on the condition of anonymity, expressing frustration that the planning reflected at least in this set of briefing slides was insufficiently creative, and failed to incorporate fully the advances in tactics and technology that the military has made since the Persian Gulf war in 1991.

Why is this news?
by Warmonger Friday July 05, 2002 at 03:57 PM

So, the US military is developing a new plan to invade Iraq. What's new about that? I bet at the Pentagon they have rooms full of binders with plans to invade any country on earth, just to be prepared. It's their job!

by guido Friday July 05, 2002 at 09:59 PM

One day after the 11-9 attacks their were rumours that the American government would attack Iraq. The government denied always and said she would look for other options although the military option was not excluded.
A month ago, the CIA was given the mission to kill Sadam, to destabilize Iraq and work with the opposition in Iraq.

I just did put this article here in the hope that people would see that they are really going to attack Iraq.
I live in Belgium and here their were 2 or 3 manifestations against the war in Afghanistan. I'm afraid that even when the attacks on Iraq start people will not manifestate against this war. In that time, most of the the people will think it's logic that America attacks Iraq.

the plan is simple
by JD Friday July 05, 2002 at 10:26 PM

First, the US makes the Dutch in charge of peacekeeping in Iran.
Next, the US allows european leftists to bankrupt the economy the way they did eastern europe. We bus them in.
Lastly we have the state of Iran defended by the EU fighting force without a doubt the most feared weapon of myth in the world.

It's very...very...simple. Give Iran to the europeans and let left wing corruption destroy it...Heh heh, the europeans are good for something after all.