arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

by Wednesday May 29, 2002 at 09:18 PM

In the days after the war George Bush said in a television address: "Our quarrel was not with you, the people of Iraq, but rather with your leadership, and especially with Saddam Hussein." Bill Clinton stated just before Operation Desert Fox that: "If you continue to oppress your people, then you must be made to pay the price." This 'price' took the form of the systematic and continued destruction of Iraq's civilian infrastructure. Under the sanctions regime any spare parts required to rebuild it are often blocked by the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee

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In the days after the war George Bush said in a television address: "Our quarrel was not with you, the people of Iraq, but rather with your leadership, and especially with Saddam Hussein."

Bill Clinton stated just before Operation Desert Fox that: "If you continue to oppress your people, then you must be made to pay the price."

This 'price' took the form of the systematic and continued destruction of Iraq's civilian infrastructure. Under the sanctions regime any spare parts required to rebuild it are often blocked by the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee. Dilapidated sewage and water purification systems have trapped the vast majority of Iraq's population in a cycle of disease that was simply unheard of before sanctions were imposed. The situation has provoked two UN Humanitarian Aid Co-ordinators, and the head of the World Food Programme in Iraq, to resign in protest. Even the Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan, has directly accused the United States of hampering the so-called 'Oil-For-Food Programme':
    "....upon which millions of people depend for their survival."

Even against the backdrop of the well documented human rights abuses of the Ba'ath Party regime, in 1989 UNICEF reported  that the greatest nutritional disorder in Iraq was obesity. After nine years of sanctions UNICEF now reports that 30% of Iraqi children are chronically malnourished. An average income prior to the war was $800 a month. Hyper inflation has reduced this to $8 a month. Doctors earn the equivalent of the price of an egg each day. The vast majority of  Iraqi assets are frozen world-wide. The food ration, depite being described by UN agencies as equitable and efficiently distributed, lasts at best 20 days out of every month. Iraq has been totally isolated by the US and UK. The claim that this is fostering the correct conditions for an uprising in Iraq is ridiculous at best, and a total lie at worst. Ordinary citizens are engaged in a daily struggle just to survive.

The UK spends £4.5 million every month to keep troops in the Gulf. There have been approximatley 22,000 air sorties over Iraq since the cessation of 'Operation Desert Fox'. This represents two thirds of the total air sorties over Yugoslavia in 70 days of all-out war. Since the US imposed 'No-Fly' zones in 1991, without any enabling or supporting UN Resolution, there have been 280,000 US and UK aerial sorties into Iraqi airspace. Iraqi estimates, which have been partially confirmed by an independent UN survey, suggest that some 300 Iraqis have been killed and another 800 injured since Desert Fox. Iraq says that at least two-thirds of those killed have been civilians. Pilots fly above 20,000 feet, well beyond the reach of any possible Iraqi counter measures. Relaxed 'Rules of Engagement' allow pilots to bomb unspecified targets in response to any Iraqi 'threat', which includes the Iraqis seeing them on radar. To counter such 'threats' pilots often bomb totally different sites, usually hours later, and often the next day. Iraq is bombed on average three times a week.

It should be stressed that none of the pictures below are of Saddam Hussein. He is not paying the 'price'. Those who are primarily paying the price are children under five, 50% of whom were not even born when Hussein invaded Kuwait.

"Aerosol DU (Depleted Uranium) exposures to soldiers on the battlefield could be significant with potential radiological and toxicological effects. [...] Under combat conditions, the most exposed individuals are probably ground troops that re-enter a battlefield following the exchange of armour-piercing munitions. [...] We are simply highlighting the potential for levels of DU exposure to military personnel during combat that would be unacceptable during peacetime operations. [...DU is..]... a low level alpha radiation emitter which is linked to cancer when exposures are internal, [and] chemical toxicity causing kidney damage. [...] Short term effects of high doses can result in death, while long term effects of low doses have been linked to cancer. [...] Our conclusion regarding the health and environmental acceptability of DU penetrators assume both controlled use and the presence of excellent health physics management practices. Combat conditions will lead to the uncontrolled release of DU. [...] The conditions of the battlefield, and the long term health risks to natives and combat veterans may become issues in the acceptability of the continued use of DU kinetic penetrators for military applications."

- Excerpts from the July 1990 Science and Applications International Corporation report: ' Kinetic Energy Penetrator Environment and Health Considerations', as included in Appenix D - US Army Armaments, Munitions and Chemical Command report: 'Kinetic Energy Penetrator Long Term Strategy Study, July 1990'

The US was also well aware of the long-term dangers of DU contamination, and played it down, as the following memo and document make clear:

"There has been and continues to be a concern regarding the impact of DU on the environment. Therefore, if no-one makes a case for the effectiveness of DU on the battlefield, DU rounds may become politically unacceptable and thus be deleted from the arsenal. I believe we should keep this sensitive issue in mind when action reports are written."

- Lt. Col. M.V. Ziehmn, Los Alamos National Laboratory memorandum, March 1st 1991

"Soldiers may be incidentally exposed to DU from dust and smoke on the battlefield. The Army Surgeon General has determined that it is unlikely that these soldiers will receive a significant internal DU exposure. Medical follow-up is not warranted for soldiers who experience incidental exposure from dust or smoke. [...] Since DU weapons are openly available on the world arms market, DU weapons will be used in future conflicts. The number of DU patients on future battlefields probably will be significantly higher because other countries will use systems containing DU. [...] DU is a low-level radioactive waste, and, therefore, must be disposed of in a licensed repository. [...] No international law, treaty, regulation, or custom requires the United States to remediate the Persian Gulf war battlefields."

- Report by the US Army Environmental Policy Institute: 'Health and Consequences of Depleted Uranium use in the US army', June 1995

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Child with almost total deformity of the face; no recognisable features at all, and what appears to be one eye situated in the middle of the forehead.

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Child with hydrocephalus.

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Extreme hydrocephalus; deformity of face, body and ear. The line running down the right hand side of the head would appear to show that potentially two heads were forming.

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Deformity of ear; possible deformation of lower body.

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Born without eyes.

I can offer no explanation as to the translucent quality of the skin other than it is possibly a result of flash photography at close range.

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Huge hole in child's back, which is, I believe, an extreme form of Spina Bifida.

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Possibly taken shortly after birth, this picture appears to show ambiguous genitalia, sometimes referred to as 'Non-Viable Children'.

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This child is completely covered in a white susbstance of unknown properties. Obvious deformation of face and eyes. Flash photography at close range obscures detail.

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Two children with similar deformities of the face.

Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as 'Zyklopie.'

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Front view of same child. Severe deformities of mouth and eyes. The welts appear to indicate open wounds, or unformed skin tissue.

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Severe body deformity, with head formed at 90 degree angle to upper torso.

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Severe hydrocephalus; again, almost as though two heads were being formed.

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Flash at close range obscures detail, but this appears to show malformation of the mouth and one eye missing, with the eye socket deformed.

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It isn't clear what has happened to this child, and I have no explanation for the dark nature and condition of the skin.

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This picture would appear to show another 'Non Viable' child, possible male, with penis and scrotum merged.

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Horrendous deformity of entire body and head. Note lack of eyes and malformation of the hands and feet.

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Child with unknown defomity of the mouth, possibly a large tumour grown during foetal stage.

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Malformation of hands, with almost total merging of all digits.

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Severe malformation of face.

Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as 'Zyklopie.'

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Severe deformity of arms.

This child was born to a US Gulf veteran.

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Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and defects of cerebral nerves.

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Child with previously unknown renal disease, first diagnosed in Iraq by Dr. Gunther. The speculation is that the child had played with DU ammunition casings.

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Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and defects of cerebral nerves.


Inside Iraq: In Basra, effects of Gulf War linger, and U.S. is blamed


Inside Iraq

Inside Iraq: Gulf War left water supply compromisedsageriraq05282002.jpg (11777 bytes)

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Death for Oil An Interview With Dennis Halliday, Ex-UN Assistant Secretary-General Heading The UN Humanitarian Mission In Iraq




??? zionism????
by asimov Wednesday May 29, 2002 at 10:24 PM

qu'est ce que le sionisme a avoir avec ca???