arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Rectificatif : Sharon: "Nous sommes des judéos-nazis" (interview 1982)
by Guillou Friday April 19, 2002 at 01:50 PM

Apres des jours de recherche pour trouver une quelconque preuve que le general interviewe par Amos Oz etait bien Sharon (meme une eventuelle cicatrice sur le cou de Sharon sur les photos disponibles sur internet) voila ce que j'ai trouve.

Suite à l'article publie sur (interview d'un general israelien par Amos Oz) j'ai essaye de trouver une quelconque preuve que ce general etait bien Sharon. Quand vous publiez sur indymedia, merci de verifier vos sources. Le plus grave de cette histoire est que la personne qui a publie l'article sur indymedia a signe Amos Oz. Voila ce que j'ai trouve (a l'aide d'indymedia Palestine),1299,DRMN_86_1089802,00.html

Jensen, Redacteur de, avait publie l'interview atribue a Sharon. Quelques jour plus tard il faisait son mea culpa n'ayant pas verifie les sources. Voila la phrase la plus importante de cet article : Oz never revealed who "Z" was, saying he had promised to protect his identity. He held to that promise when I telephoned him Monday, but confirmed that it was not Sharon. "I have never met or interviewed Sharon," Oz said.

Jensen: Quotes I attributed to Sharon were not his April 16, 2002

This is a mea culpa.

I made a grievous error in not verifying the authenticity of 20-year-old quotes attributed to Ariel Sharon that I used in my Saturday column on the Israeli leader. As it turns out, they were made not by Sharon but another unnamed Israeli soldier who died 11 years ago. The interview in question was conducted by Amos Oz, one of Israel's leading authors and prominent in the Peace Now movement. He had access to many Israeli generals and politicians of that era but identified some of his interview subjects only by letters of the alphabet, leaving it it up to his readers to decide who they were. The interview with "Z" was published in the Israeli newspaper Davar on Dec. 17, 1982 (Davar ceased publication in 1996) and later republished in Oz's collection of interviews titled "In the Land of Israel." I was in both Beirut and Israel that year and remember the uproar it caused. When the interview first appeared after the invasion of Lebanon, "Z" was widely assumed to be Sharon because the interviewee was described as a military man "with a certain history," about 50 years of age, heavyset and a prosperous farmer. All this fit the stocky Sharon, who had a farm, was the right age and certainly had "a history." Sharon had lost his job as defense minister after being held indirectly responsible for a massacre of Palestinian refugees by Israel's Lebanese Phalange allies in Beirut. The military man interviewed by Oz justified the invasion of Lebanon, dismissed the massacre of Palestinians as one of the harsh realities of war -- "how can you call 500 Arabs a massacre?" -- and spoke contemptuously of Israeli pacifists as those with "soft and delicate hands." Oz never revealed who "Z" was, saying he had promised to protect his identity. He held to that promise when I telephoned him Monday, but confirmed that it was not Sharon. "I have never met or interviewed Sharon," Oz said. The Middle East is full of mythology. History is rewritten to promote the viewpoints of Israelis or Palestinians and both sides in the conflict suffer from selective recall when it suits their purpose. My job is to cut through mythology, not add to it. So there it is. Another myth exploded, leaving much egg on my face. My critics will doubtless be delighted, and my supporters disappointed -- but not nearly as disappointed as I am in myself for not going to the source of those quotes in the first place. After 33 years in this business I should know better.

My apologies to all.

pas de sources vérifiables = pas crédible
by arty Friday April 19, 2002 at 03:49 PM

voici des sources crédibles concernant Sharon :