arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Mid-East madness & end game posit
by R.M. SACHERE Monday April 08, 2002 at 07:35 PM

A candid view of the folly of nations and people gives a vision to put the madness of fivedecades of violence into the dustbin of history.



Difficult even with a will and an open mind, impossible surely
for some extreme ideologies, try to consider some admittedly
limited observations, analysis, and suggestions here below that
likely could lead to a comprehensive "end game" and follow
through to create a strong enduring basis for peace, friendship,
and security between the Israeli and Palestinian people and most
of the Arab States, as well as the world community of nations.

The reality of the exercise of power and interaction of nation
states, suggests elite group interest, ego and personal spirit,
motivates action in a complex of individual initiatives, with
representations of motives, beliefs, history, tradition, economic
and social theory, so called "values", authority, and a plethora
of slogans, myths, demonology, calls to patriotism , racial or
national identity, and other "spin", offered to different venues
to solicit acceptance, or co-op dissent

The public in general (the "street") throughout much of history
has been seduced, intimidated or otherwise convinced to accept a
compliant supporting role to the machinations and interest of the
controlling elite - royalty, aristocracy, baronial class,
oligarch, junta, theological elite, military- industrial cabal,
financial elite, and political class (however they achieve and
maintain power).

Rarely does the humanistic spirit of a Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson
Mandela survive attainment of power, though most "leaders" in
the power structure, try to project a vision of overall societal
value and "good" as they pursue their individual or elite agenda.

Now in "the information age" the beliefs, vision, understanding,
and support of "the street" (and reaction or "blowback"), as
well as interaction of other elite venues on the world stage
creates a challenge for governments usually addressed by limited
disclosure, secrecy, censorship, half truths, dissembling
rhetoric, deceit, spin, controls of the media, etc.

In this environment it's likely difficult for any leader to be
fully knowledgeable to discern reality of history, events, and
the "play of the game" , and it becomes difficult for "leaders"
to reverse course, or to know how each venue reacts to action or
spin directed to or for benefit of some other constituency.

It appears that many "leaders" come to believe the myths and spin
they create and close their minds to the realities of the world,
the changing beliefs and experiences of the people, and nations,
and reactions likely or possible to policies proposed or

As we elect to critique the policies, concepts, ideologies, the
public, and private aims, strategy and motives, knowledge, wisdom
or folly of any particular venues, a conflict of personal bias,
historical perspective and priorities of values enters the game.

With this "short" introduction now let's consider the following.


The concept that “right” comes from the muzzle of a gun (words
attributed to Mao), now in a complex interdependent technological
and communications age, we may retain and rephrase that concept
to say – “Right” belongs to the power elite that controls the
political, economic, military, and through other agencies as well
directly or by censorship persuasion or corruption (monetary or
ideological) controls the press, congresses, committees, courts,
police, and other agencies only theoretically dedicated to serve
and or inform the people, TCMITS (the common man in the street)-
as recently denoted “The Street”.


The American revolution (circa 1775-1783)and French (circa July
14, 1789 – the fall of the Bastille) were inspired to over come
autocratic rule, and by a spirit articulated in classical works
of Thomas Paine, (“Common Sense”, “The Rights of Man”, see also
“Age of Reason”) John Locke (“Two Treatises of Government”), and
immortalized for TCMITS and the USA as crafted by Thomas
Jefferson and extracted below from :

The Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths o be self evident: That all men are created
equal… endowed…with certain inalienable rights;…life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness…governments …deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form
of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right
of the people to alter or abolish it…when a long train of abuse
and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a
design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their
right, it is their duty, to throw off such government,,,”


Democracy is a word and concept much used and abused, intended to
describe the ideal of an informed constituency (TCMITS the people
“The Street”) , assuming a free press, a marketplace for ideas,
dissent, discourse, critique, where the people can from time to
time express there consent or change their government elite.

Democracy does not mandate wisdom, theological, legal, economic,
historical or social justice, right or wrong, it only suggests
consent of those participating in the process.


Man seeking to understand his being and complex interaction with
the cosmos, with nature, other people and societies has found
theology and other ideology claimed to mandate societal behavior
as both an inspiration (for some) and a curse.

At the peak of Muslim rule in the West the Caliphate of Cordova
in Spain (circa 961-1002) shared a reputation with Constantinople
and Baghdad as one of the three centers of world culture with the
Muslims, Christians and Jews in friendly collaboration – active
in science, literary pursuit, agriculture, manufacture, business
and maritime trade.

The Christian re-conquest of Spain underway in the eleventh
century was one element of wars and machinations of the Papacy
and European nobility, for power and control of society, leading
to the Spanish Inquisition in the sixteenth century. It’s noted
(Will Durant in “The Reformation”) that censorship of literature
and suppression of heresy were unavoidable duties of the Church,
founded by the son of God, and so divine, her opponents therefore
must be agents of the Satan, and against the devil’s perpetual
war a religious obligation to an insulted God was required..

In the twentieth century Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, democratically
Elected leader, deemed a despot by critics, has created a secular
State from a British entrepot colony (“From Third World to First…
1965 – 2000”), eliminating corruption, creating an environment
for trade, high tech jobs, housing and world class infrastructure
for all the citizens, and forbidding religious spokesman to
participate in the political process.


Israel can not accept a vision of the loss of a Jewish majority.

The Palestinians and Arab States can accept nothing less than a
two State resolution of the conflict as outlined in the recent
Arab Summit reflecting the spirit of the relevant UN Resolutions.

The USA, has domestic political interests, also a history of open
and covert collaboration with Israel, that together recommend a
very strong essential supporting role, with others including the
UK, EU, UN, Australia (today offering to send troops), Arab
States, and or others taking the lead role, initiative for the
creation of an International Team dedicated to formulate an
overall comprehensive detailed plan for two viable States with
follow through – economic, social, military – with specialist
team members all on the ground soonest to assure security and
implementation as the plan is submitted to the Palestinian and
Israeli people, ratified by governmental representatives, foreign
treaties agreed to, etc.

The USA, UK, and UN, having all played major roles in creating
and then allowing this “game” to continue to the current crisis,
I believe have an obligation, and surly extreme self interest at
stake to bring assets of every kind to bear, and the State of
Israel and Palestinian community also, to find and quickly begin
with timely implementation of a comprehensive “end game”.

Rhetoric of criticism, demonology, repetition of dissembling
myths of history, highlighting views of blame or failures, evil
motives, insisting on impossible action or vocal exhortation, or
contrition at this time, likely shall be counter-productive.

Albeit difficult in the extreme, in the interest of an enduring
friendship and collaboration between the Israeli and Palestinian
people, I would hope to see the leadership, inspiration and
vision for a “post peace agreement” series of historical
examination, revelation and exposure of actions of major players
in the conflict of peoples and ideology since 1947, and with
emphasis on the years of the occupation beginning in 1967, with
some expression of contrition.

Those who decline to participate invited to choose to depart or
to accept trials to examine evidence that could result in fines
and or incarceration. Given the diametric opposite views of
history, motives, and compulsion, the South African model of
exposure and forgiveness is the pragmatic option!


Clearly the indigenous Palestinian people living in the British
Mandate of Palestine in 1947 have suffered “a long train of
abuses and usurpation, (by the Israeli government and people)
pursuing invariably the same object evincing a design to reduce
them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government…”

I choose to refer to the USA “Declaration Of Independence” rather
than the UN declarations concerning violation of human rights,
and similar crimes against humanity, to wake up my President, the
USA State Department and government spokesman, to the American
Constitution, and American principles and traditions.

In my view President Arafat has devoted his life to the people of
Palestine, and is the leader of a totally honorable and justified
peoples revolution, having the full support of his people, the
neighboring Arab Nations, the international community of nations,
and their association in the UN as well.


The present Israeli government appears to be engaged in a policy
of abuse driven by a Zionist ideology to take land without people
in violation of international law and convention, a policy of
Apartheid and dispossession, targeted murder, all crimes against
humanity, that goes beyond the folly of the Inquisition.

Recently since September of the year 2000 this policy has become
more provocative inciting a reaction of violence including
suicide bombing from the Palestinian people, acts of complete
desperation, since it has become quite evident that the Israeli
government is playing a game of deception, with rhetoric of
negotiations leading to peace, however also demonstrating by word
and deed that they have no intention to agree on justice for the
Palestinian people.

The current Israeli game plan continues to try to intimidate the
Palestinian people to leave (to where I do not know since the
Arab Sates would find their entry quite destabilizing), to accept
enclosure and control in Bantustan enclaves, and to be targeted
and killed en mass as “terrorists” (all Palestinians have been
defined by Israel as terrorists, non-people, insects or worse)

Another game plan suggested is that Israel is determined to
inspire, create or invent an incident to support and justify
another “pre-emptive” war (all in self defense of course) by
Israel against her neighboring Arab States. Expecting a quick
victory by the Israeli formidable armed forces, built with much
USA help, Israel would then deliver the Palestinian people into
these neighboring States as a condition for peace and withdrawal
of the Israeli armed forces.

These strategies surely represent total folly for Israel, for USA
interests and for the people and nations of the Middle-East.


Israel and it’s people choose to learn nothing from history – the
rise and fall of civilization in Spain, the depredations of
colonialism and two world wars, the reaction of the world
community to 1956, 1967, 1982 - the “pre-emptive “ aggressions
by Israel, the provocations of these past 18 months!

When will Israel wake up to reality. The occupation and policy
of Apartheid with increasing military incursions and destruction
by the IDF constitutes Rogue State terrorism, ethnic cleansing,
and the proximate cause of rebellion by the Palestinian people.

Each targeted death or collateral death, or act of abuse, by
Israel drives the family, friends, and now the entire Palestinian
community closer to a sense of despair and sympathy for acts of
violence against all Israeli targets of opportunity

Demonstrations by “The Street” in Montreal, Australia, USA,
Europe, the Pacific Rim, and reaction by almost all of the
leaders of the worlds nations, in support of the substance of the
Arab Summit outline for Middle–East peace and normalization of
relations, should inspire a meaningful and constructive role now
for the USA.