arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Palestine: Arrestations lors de la manifestation à Anvers (VIDEO)
by Pavel Thursday April 04, 2002 at 01:10 AM

Anvers, 3 avril 2002, manifestation de quelques 2.000 personnes en solidarité avec le peuple palestinien. Vidéo-témoignage d'arrestations ...

video: windows media at 9.6 mebibytes

Brutal y arbitraria detención
by Oscar Thursday April 04, 2002 at 02:01 AM

Esto sucedió durante la manifestación de apoyo al pueblo palestino, que sufre una de las masacres más brutales y genocidas de los últimos años.
De 2000 a 3000 personas se reunieron ayer 3 de abril en la céntrica Avda. Meir en Antwerpen, desde antes de la 17,00 hrs se comenzó a ver el flamear de banderas palestinas y el porte de pancartas denunciando la criminal actitud de los israelitas en Oriente Medio. Pasadas las 17,00 hrs se dió comienzo a lo que inicialmente sería una marcha denunciante y pacífica; esta no había recorrido escasos metros cuando fué interceptada por un fuerte contingente policial que les impidió moverse hacia ningún lado, ya que por la parte posterior de la marcha también se instaló otro fuerte piquete policial impidiendo así su desplazamiento. A medida que transcurría el tiempo la policía comenzo a provocar a los manifestante que en su mayoría era jóvenes, luego de esto y al recibir un refuerzo considerable procedieron a cargar acompañados de un carro lanza-agua y pistoletazon de bombas lacrimógenas con el resultante de la dispersión momentanea de los manifestante. Estos al verse atacados se reorganizaron un poco distante del lugar inicial de la manifestación y organizaron una serie de escaramuzas y enfrentamientos con el cuerpo represivo policial.Como resultado de estos enfrentamientos, intencionalmente provocados por la policia,quedó como saldo aproximado una treintena de detenidos y varios locales comerciales dañados. Hasta pasadas las 21.00 hras continuaban algunos enfrentamientos que iban declinando en la medida que los manifestantes se retiraban tratando de volver a sus barrios.Hasta pasada la medianoche continuaban fuertes patrullajes y había prohibición del ingreso al centro de Antwerpen para la locomoción pública teniendo la gente que desplazarse a pié en largos tramos para tomar los buses que aún circulaban. Cabe decir que en el Centro de Antwerpen funciona el más grande tráfico y venta de diamantes que manejan y profitan los israelíes.

N.R: Fred, perdón....señor diputado puede traducir este árticulo?

Report Palestina solidarity meeting 4/4/02
by Silent Factory Thursday April 04, 2002 at 02:46 AM

Report Palestina sol...
violent_arrest_of_palestina_sympathizer.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200

After police had abandoned the split of the demonstration because participants refused to disperse, the incident captured on video and picture took place at a major intersection, giving access to the "diamond district", where many Jewish people keep shop.

The arrest happened very fast and without obvious reason. It seems police picked out this man 'as an example'.
A stone was thrown at the police line present there but timing of events is unclear. Only the shield was hit without damage.

The crowd didn't act upon arrest much but kept pressure on the police line. After a short while our brother was released. He was wounded and advised to file suit againt police brutality and for the rascist insults endured.

Later on some vandalisme took place and at least one person we saw being arrested by being pulled into a not familiar but identified police van. The swift arrest happened by police in plain clothes. Maybe the arrested yougster, who put up some resistance, had been monitored closely by an other member of the police in plain clothes.

Shortly before a stone had been thrown to a policeman passing by on a motorcycle. It's unknown whether it was the culprit who got arrested or some other quite young person.

Youngsters, walking on the sidewalk without any intentions but wearing tradional Palestinan headscarfs were stopped for ID-checks several times and summoned to stop wearing the scarfs. Their ID was written down. They also were told the right-wing party "Vlaams Blok" would get after today 20% more votes. Police is not allowed to intimidate or even vent comments as this.

A police chopper was permanently present. When voices of protest grew it came lower to drown out the protest voices.

A water cannon was also present and used once during our presence; "as a warning" it seems.

A police surveillance camera was mounted on a police car that stood in the crowd protesting the police blokkade of the main part of the march. Only an individual cameraman, sympathizing with the Palestinian cause, who was taking pictures was questioned and told taking pictures might be 'bad strategy'. (Pictures were taken from the back of the people and later edited to protect participant's privacy).

Amongst participants of the inital march were all sorts of people: women, youngsters, elderly, locals and former immigrants.

We talked to locals and found some amazing sympathie for the peaceful inital march. The women, who just passed by, had talked to a young women wearing a hidjab (headscarf). The interviewed local reported to have been baffled to hear that where Flanders is urged to be tollerant there didn't seem much tollerance for the idea that both a state for the Jews and Palestina could co-exist in the region.

Not to far from where the march went on Jewish people went on with their lives. No incidents were noticed in the early evening.

Some of the youngsters were quite young and seemed in for vandalism and violence. When showing the pictures taken on digital camera the reporter was warned by Arab-speaking friends some kids contemplated to grab the camera and run.

Quite a few windows of restaurants, a gambling joint and shops were smached.

As we left town the police helicopter was closely observing an other intersection, giving access to a neigbourhood with many inhabitants who have a more recent background of immigrantion.
