arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Inedit: Sharon family!
by salim Monday April 01, 2002 at 01:21 AM

Même si c'est un photomontage, la réalité n'est vraiment pas très loin! Free Palestina Now!

Inedit: Sharon famil...
busharon_family.jpg, image/jpeg, 620x766

by red kitten Monday April 01, 2002 at 12:15 PM

...Est-ce bien nécessaire de comparé la politique US. ou Israelienne au nazisme? Leurs crimes ne sont-ils pas sufisant en soi?
Et tant qu'a comparer avec le nazisme, autant le faire en profondeur, parce que tout le monde n'a pas la même idée de ce qu'est le nazisme...

racism ?
by Bart Monday April 01, 2002 at 02:08 PM

1. it's really tasteless
2. I think it's racist
3. read a history book, most of them will tell you hitler was actually AGAINST the jews

by salim Monday April 01, 2002 at 02:18 PM

Excusme-moi "redkitten", je ne comprend pas ou tu veux en venir? ton "BOF" m'a l'air encore plus "BOF" que mon phot-montage!
Est-ce que tu veux dire que tatouer 450 palestiniens sur le bras d'un N° d'identification et les caser dans une cour pendant 20 heures avec les yeux bandés, c'est pas du nazisme? sous prétexte que ça se déroule en mars 2002? Que l'idée que l'on a du nazimse ce n'est "que" les chambres à gaz? et que couper l'eau pendant des semaines, fusiller des gosses pour le fun, humilier des grand-pères en les mettent à poil devant ses enfants, ce n'est que du racisme primaires?
non, vraiment, je crois que compliquer mon messages avec une théorie de 200 pages pour expliquer les comparaisons qu'il y auraient avec le nazisme, bush et sharon, c'est faire le jeux des médias et des gouvernements, dont le seul but est de masquer la réalité, aussi terrible soit-elle! Pour terminer, je veux faire un "copy" d'un message que j'ai reçus d'un palestinien après la publication de ce photmontage sur indy palestine, il me dit, comme toi, que j'ai fait une erreur, mais il part d'un autre point de vue: "cher amis, une erreur c'est glissée sur ton photo montage, l'enfant c'est Hitler, et les parents c'est bush et sharon, car c'est eux qui applique ce que leur fils n'a pas eu le temps de faire"!
c'est peut être trop simpliste?

You are naive!
by JALLIL (India) Monday April 01, 2002 at 02:40 PM

You think that sharon defends the Jewish? If it is necessary to watch in one book of history, you should be going to look at that that he/it happens in palestina! It is bizarre, you don't believe in the media and you believe in the books of history! I think that it is you that simplify history, attention it is dangerous! bravo to the one that made this drawing, it is more that realist!

ci manca silvio!!! (il manque silvio!!!)
by pappa Monday April 01, 2002 at 02:49 PM

manca il terzo genito silvio berlusconi!!! ahh forse lui fa parte della famiglia Mussolini....

Il manque le troisième enfants: Silvio Berlusconi!!! ahh peut être qu'il fait parti de la famille de Mussolini...

More about it
by red kitten Monday April 01, 2002 at 04:12 PM

-1- Why is it so needed to compare Israeli Government to Nazis? Comparing people to Nazis doesn't means much: Staline, Mao, Fidel Castro, Khadafi, Saddam Hussen, Milosevic, myself, etc, etc, have been compared to Hitler aswell, by different persons (from extreme right to "extrem left") and for opposite reasons.

-2- War propaganda models: personalize the enemy: give him a face, then say that person is evil. I don't want to use that old trick, that's just something used to hide the real facts and reasons of a war. By telling "Look he's the bad one" you're insulting the intelligence of people.

-3- Are we agains't Israeli governement (and not only Sharon or whoever, please!) because they're like nazis? No we're against them because they have a specific behaviour, specific agenda, etc... against Pälestinians people. Let's show out what are those things (USA's base in the Middle East, etc...)...

-4- What is Nazism? It's not about svastikas, antisemitism, gaz chambers and tatooed arms. Those are just signs. Nazisms is one formal way to realize fascism. And fascism is the open dictatorship of the capitalism. If you explain that, then i agree to compare Israeli state to fascism. They're fascist because their system is based on exploitation, and because they use openly the violence and the oppression to realise their purpose...

-5- We won't convice anyone with such montage. Only those already pro-palestinian will enjoy it, not even all of them. Better proove the economical and strategical oals of Israel, USA and EU.
-6- For the rest don't take it hard, the montage is good and funny, but sorry, politically quite unappropriate and inaccurate. By publishing that kind of things there'll be endless debates, that won't help the cause, believe me.

Fight for Palestina, but against capitalism!

a great photo
by sunst666 Monday April 01, 2002 at 05:22 PM

the photo is great ,,
for the people who just stare at CNN all the day , and just follow blindly what bush say , this the thruth !!!
this ain't antisemitic message , this is a freedom message ,,,

by Netz Monday April 01, 2002 at 07:33 PM

I just have to repeat something that someone else said:

1. it's really tasteless
2. I think it's racist
3. read a history book, most of them will tell you hitler was actually AGAINST the jews

Number 3 is correct! Hitler was truly against the jews, he murdered 6.000.000 of them (unfortunately). He was anti-american too. Because his party was called, before it got the name Nazi or National Sozialismos, The German Labour Party. He was a socialist, and socialism is against every value to the American people.


Nazism isn't antisemitism!
by red kitten Monday April 01, 2002 at 10:25 PM

Antisemitism isn't the main object of nazism neither fascism!

If the official history is focusing on the 6.000.000 of Jews killed by Nazis (but is quite silent on the 22.000.000 of Sovietics) it's because it's a terrible fact, ok, but also because it's a good way to hide the real roots of fascism.

Hitler and the Nazis choosed Jews AND Gipsies AND Slavian (?) AND Communists AND Socialists AND Democrats AND Homosexuals AND HAncicapped personns AND so called "a-scocials" etc...

But it could have been that he wouldn't have choosen the Jews, it has nothing to do with the essence of Fascism or Nazism. They could have choosen Black people Arabic or left handed. They just needed some scapegoat. You can make a scape goat out of any existing or non existing group of human beings...

If you understand that, it's not so irrelevant to compare Hitler to Sharon nor Bush, because it's not about anti-semitism but about the real roots of fascism: capitalism, colonialism, nationalism, etc...

3 children
by Agua121 Monday April 01, 2002 at 10:34 PM

Let's face it: these are three children of mother earth,
who never learned what means 'grown up, adultry or wisdom'.

by by
by Milocevic Tuesday April 02, 2002 at 09:47 AM

Je suis sidéré! il y a une lutte aujourd'hui, on trouve des moyens d'éducation simple et éfficace pour expliquer qui représente le fascisme aujourd'hui et on a des pseudo engagés qu'y veulent étudier l'histoire du siècle passé! réstez y et laisser nous combattre, quand vous aurez finis, on sera déjà dans le fascismo-capitalismo-colonialismo-blahblahblah... que vous dénoncez! C'est fous quand même, u ntype comme Haider, lorsqu'a gagné les élections en Autriche, pôurtant il n'a pas commis 1/10 de ce que busharon à réalisé, et sur ces même pages d'Indymédia on le montrais devant des camps et une petite moustache...
Arrêtez de protéger les actes de Sharon et la lutte ira beaucoup plus loin!